Shop (IN-GAME) Custom Town Flags, Villager Artwork & Mayor Portraits [CLOSED]

EDIT: Sorry, couldn't figure out how to delete this (I'm on mobile) but seriously DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THIS ORDER!!! :) I'm very happy you guys are so successful and busy with your art (as you should be- its seriously lovely!!) Let me know if it ever opens again and Ill redo my order :)

Best of luck and have a seriously fantastic day/night! XD

Hi again! I hope you remember me from before! You and your friend did such a fabulous job with King Bob's portrait that Id like to commission another for his fabulous queen :)

Mayor name: Vivian
Picture of Mayor: Anime or Chibi style?: I think the last one was anime and this is to match, but I trust your judgement :)
Specifications (Facial expressions, poses, background colour etc): Maybe a blue background to contrast with King Bob's orangey one?
Timezone: PST
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This shop is closed for now, we may open again in the future and we thank everyone who has previously placed an order.