• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

In preperation...

Working overtime.
I have this feeling I'm going to get really sick on release day.

I'm just making up for hours that I'm going to lose.

I'll probably need to take like, a whole week off.
Doctor's orders.
I swear.

On a more serious note though, I bought the new Mystery Dungeon game. It's quite watered down, but I'm enjoying it.
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The lady and I have been re-watching old favorite shows, right now we have been blasting through Cheers! Otherwise I've been playing Monster Hunter 3DS and The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons/Ages! Been working and I occasionally pop on here to try to make friends so I have a decent list of pals to trade and visit with in New Leaf.

Otherwise the wait has been a bit of a drag, so I just chill here and surf the web while listening to various animal crossing tunes on youtube! The forums seem a bit more like home when I have town music playing in the background!
I've mostly just been working and playing Monster Hunter 3U.
I also started playing Sims 2 again, because I needed some type of "simulation" game without playing Animal Crossing. :p
To get warmed up for the game, I threw an Animal Crossing New Leaf Kick-Off party for my two grown daughters and myself. (And my son joined us on Skype.) I got a bunch of stuff from the dollar store and we had a blast. We had contests to win medals: One was to pin the fruit on the tree blind-folded while the other attendees hit you with glow stick axes. Another was to compete in a fishing tourney (all plastic) only using your left hand. Another contest involved two people throwing plastic bugs at the third person who tried to catch them with a net. We had to do all of this while wearing ridiculous glasses. And there were margaritas involved, which upped the fun factor significantly!

You sound like a totally fun Mom!
University does a good job taking up most of my time. But in actual preparation for New Leaf, I've written up my own mini-guide I guess you could say. Also been saving lots of QR codes like most people here.
I am playing Style Savvy, Harvest Moon A New Beginning and Professor Layton and Miracle Mask, Swapenoting with my new friends from here and planning dinners. Boy will the boys be bummed when the dinner quality goes downhill after I get my game:D.
I've been playing lots of Sims, since I know I'll be playing it much less once New Leaf comes out and I wanted to get a few more things accomplished with my families.

I'm also planning on doing a ton of house cleaning the day before, so I don't have to worry about it again for a few weeks and can focus free time on playing. And, it will keep me occupied instead of just sitting on tumblr all day refreshing tags and looking at the clock.

I also had a sudden idea for a new town name last night, and I fell asleep considering if changing it to the new name was worth it. I had been planning on CocoBean for SO. LONG. But I like Inkstone so much more now... aughhhh.
I've been playing Ocarina of Time for 3ds, Fire Emblem Awakening, and The Sims 3. :) I'll be paying off my pre-order of the ACXL and a physical copy this week.. so I'm not buying anything new for awhile. -broke-
At first, I just sucked it up and tried to wait it out with NOTHING, but that didn't work. So I...

-Got myself back into WW (I actually put it down a month and a half after, and then picked up and then put it down again xD)
-Joined TBT
-Bought my first 3DS and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
-Bought Population Growing on eBay
-Swapnoteeeeeeeeeeeeeee (this thing is awesome)
-TRIED to get back into City Folk (but failed)
-Watched LinAndKo and WiiFolderJosh videos
-Got a tumblr

That's just about it, I think.
I've been playing the old Animal Crossings and watching LinandKo and other ACNF videos.. I think I should probably stop though because it's making my hype go down! :( Maybe I'll go out and buy mario kart! :O YES. I WILL.
I'm spending this last week reading court transcripts from the Nuremberb Trials. It may not sound like fun to most but my attention is completely drawn away from NL which is making this week less painful.
I just bought the Zelda Oracle games when I was adding my fund to the eshop for the game today. I'll mostly be busy with schoolwork and projects with a bit of Zelda in the mix until Sunday.
I bought a Japanese 3DS LL but no game yet. I've tried playing my other 3DS games like Tales of the Abyss and FE:A but I just got a bit bored. Otherwise, I've been roaming around Tumblr and forums gathering as many friends as possible ^^ I've never had this many people add me or want to add me on a gaming device before so this is really exciting! Sorry if I went slightly off topic xD
I bought a PS3 and some great games for it, so I have been playing those games. Also, I have been playing ACCF every day; started another new town recently.
I've been playing Oracle of Ages/Seasons. I had hoped to unlock all the kart parts in Mario Kart 7, but I suppose I will just have to wait until I've progressed far enough in New Leaf to be confident that that I could put it down for a day or two.
I dropped everything Animal Crossing and played Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and especially Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times which I will continue to play. I'll keep that in the main slot of my 3DS while ACNL is downloaded.