In terms of diversity, how would you say my villagers are? I've gotten some harsh criticism...


Apr 3, 2020
So I posted my villager list on another forum and some people were criticizing me harshly saying my villager set up is basically "absolute s***" and that I should start from scratch basically... and I'm not willing to do that as I've already progressed so much. As someone who isn't really well versed in AC, I didn't realize having a proper personality type/animal type ratio is ideal and almost necessary as, in the other forum, many people were stating I'm locked out of a tremendous amount of content/dialogue due to my limited personalities (they kept calling me foolish and an idiot... not everyone has played AC before)... I tried asking this question there, but no one really answered - who would you recommend I swap out to replace for other personalities? I can't decide because I love them all.. Thanks in advance guys!

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Id say just be with your fav villagers. If you want them keep them. Unless there is someone you dont mind parting with. But only part with them if you like the one you replaced them with. I don’t think theres a big downside to not having other personality types anyway.
Geez, those forums sound terrible!

I don't know personalities by heart, but you should choose the villagers you like. If you have, like, a majority of lazy villagers then you'll get a majority of lazy items. So what if you like them? You should enjoy the game, and not play it to maximize things that don't even matter to you.
I mean if you like them, keep them! don't let others tell you how to play the game, if you want a town full of only snooty villagers then go for it - villagers aren't everything.

If you're worried about diversity, I personally like to keep one of each personality on my island! that way it keeps things fresh and certain personalities don't feel repetitive. From your villagers, it seems you're missing a cranky, jock, and an uchi! Maybe play around with any villagers you like from those personalities, I find that some can grow on you over time even if you don't immediately like them (this happened to me with Pashmina in NL! I wasn't too fond of her at first, but then she grew to be one of my favorites!)

and like I said if you're truly happy with your current villagers then keep them! you shouldn't have to have villagers you don't like!
First of all- you have lovely villagers, and this is YOUR game for you to play how you want!
If you want to have all 10 be the same personality that 's your choice and it's not wrong in any way! This game is not a competition and some people forget that.

That said- there are 8 different personalities in the game, so if diversity of dialogue in villagers is something you care about then it may be worth looking in to.
For example, you have 3 smug, 3 lazy, and 2 snooty villagers.
I personally love your lineup!!

I think if you enjoy the villagers in your town it shouldn't matter what other people think. I plan on having 8 wolves out of the 10 villager spots and sure there won't be a lot of diversity, but who cares! It's my island and I love the wolves so that's what I'm gonna do! Heck what anyone else thinks.
They will all ask to leave sooner or later. Well most of them are the popular ones, it's almost a "basic b* villagers list" if you wanna put it in a not that nice way hahah but if you like them and enjoy your game that's what matters! Who cares what other people think, just have fun and enjoy talking with animals you like:)
Dunno why you care what others think of your villagers, it's your town.
But yeah you'd ideally want one of each personality type, there's 8 in total.

If you want the personalities then just wait for someone to move out.
You don't have an uchi, cranky, or jock. But it's up to you if you want to get one or not.
I will say all of your villagers are super popular, so they aren't diverse in that sense. I see these villagers allll the time on people's islands.

But it's your island and entirely up to you who lives there. Don't take what other people say too seriously, just play how you want
Don't listen to any negativity about your villagers. It is all about how much YOU like them. I think you have a great bunch. Lots of popular animals. Sure, maybe you could have more variety in villager personalities, but at the end of the day it is you who gets to look and talk to them. I think you are lucky to have them! :lemon:
do what u want who cares what other people say about YOUR villagers
Wow. Those people are *******s. Half of my villagers are going to be peppy / snooty. I just pick the ones I like. You should, too.
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Wow. Those people are *******s. Half of my villagers are going to be peppy / snooty. I just pick the ones I like. You should, too.
oops accidentally swore sorry!
Just keep 'em. You have some very popular villagers there so there may be some jealousy involved in their criticism. I usually end up with too many lazy and normal villagers but that's what I like. I'll often go without a snooty or peppy.
as others have said, it's your game and your choice and that's perfectly ok. That being said, I think you should consider if you really want to have that many repeated personalities. Take into account they pull dialogue from the same pool, so you probably read more or less the same things very often and that can turn sour very quickly. Maybe dialogue doesn't interest you that much so that wouldn't be a problem.

Play however you want!
I mean... okay, so, if you want advice then here. Looking at your villagers: Stitches, Bob, and Lucky are lazy; Coco is normal; Marshal, Raymond, and Julian are smug; Audie is peppy; and Ankha & Judy are snooty. Ideally, the game tries to get you to have at least one of each villager personality type, of which there are 8: lazy, smug, cranky, jock, normal, peppy, uchi, and snooty. You're lacking a cranky, jock, uchi so if--and only if--you wanted to have one of each type, you'd need to replace 3 of your duplicate personality villagers with different ones.

But here's the thing: you don't have to take that advice, at all! If you love each of these villagers so much that you want to keep them all and never let them go, that's completely fine, this is not a competitive game and you shouldn't listen to what other people say about your villagers. In New Leaf certain public works projects could only be unlocked by having a certain personality type in your town so technically you'd miss out if you wanted one that was, for example, unlocked by having a jock and you didn't have one, but NH doesn't seem to have anything like that so there's really no downside! Do whatever you want to do and if someday you do wanna replace some of your villagers then feel free, but don't feel like you have to.
Do you need that many Smugs and Lazys?

I guess you could swap one of those for 1 Jock and 1 Cranky to spice things up.

There are a lot of great Jocks like Bam, Kid Cat, Poncho, Teddy, Snake, Genji, etc.

And Cranky has also some great Wolves, Butch, Bruce, Rolf, Hopper, Static, Roscoe, etc.

Otherwise just use whichever villagers you want. As long as you don’t get bored by repetitive Dialogue, it’s fine.
Looks like a good lineup to me.Since we can only have one island per Switch and ten villagers per island, go with the villagers you like best and don't let what anybody else says bother you.