In terms of diversity, how would you say my villagers are? I've gotten some harsh criticism...

If you love those villagers, then doggone it, keep the lot of them!

But allow me to shed some light on the topic, since you've mentioned that this is the first AC you've played. Hopefully some valuable information about the forums in general as well.

There are eight personalities! (Lazy, Jock, Smug, Cranky, Normal, Peppy, Uchi, Snooty) Four for boys and four for girls. If you scroll down on those links, you should find a list of all the villagers with that personality!

What I liked to do was go through each personality type and pick out my faves, putting them in order of preference for that type. For chat optimization, you'll want one of each, so that you don't have much repetition when talking to your villagers. They have different dialogue depending on personality, so why not shake it up a bit? If you get ten total, then you can have two of two personalities or 3 of one while still having every other personality type as well. ^^

Now, I see you have some extremely popular villagers in your line up: Raymond, Audie, Marshal, Stitches, and Bob. If one were to ping you and you decide, "ey, why not, I'll let em go..." maybe you want someone new, etc- Then make sure to post on this forum when they're in boxes! Raymond, for example, is going for 450-650 Nook Miles Tickets, plus millions of bells on top of that. Audie, I've seen up to 100. Marshal, Stitches, and Bob are all long time faves, but perhaps won't fetch you as big of a payout considering they can be brought in with an amiibo. You can start an auction, say when you want it to end, have a starting bid, a bid increment increase limit, a 10 minute snipe on the last bid, etc. I highly suggest looking into other auctions for example to get a good idea.

You'll make someone else very happy and well, you'll make a nice sum for yourself.
So I posted my villager list on another forum and some people were criticizing me harshly saying my villager set up is basically "absolute s***" and that I should start from scratch basically... and I'm not willing to do that as I've already progressed so much. As someone who isn't really well versed in AC, I didn't realize having a proper personality type/animal type ratio is ideal and almost necessary as, in the other forum, many people were stating I'm locked out of a tremendous amount of content/dialogue due to my limited personalities (they kept calling me foolish and an idiot... not everyone has played AC before)... I tried asking this question there, but no one really answered - who would you recommend I swap out to replace for other personalities? I can't decide because I love them all.. Thanks in advance guys!
Was this other forum 4chan, perchance?

Coco - Normal
Stitches - Lazy
Lucky - Lazy
Marshal - Smug
Bob - Lazy
Audie - Peppy
Julian - Smug
Raymond - Smug
Ankha - Snooty
Judy - Snooty

So you have...
Uchi: 0
Normal: 1 (Coco)
Peppy: 1 (Audie)
Snooty: 2 (Ankha, Judy)

Jock: 0
Lazy: 3 (Stitches, Lucky, Bob)
Smug: 3 (Marshal, Julian, Raymond)
Cranky: 0

You're missing 3 personalities. You have 5 redundancies. You can keep 2 duplicate personalities while booting out the other 3.

If I were you, I'd boot Judy (redundant plus you have 2 cubs) , Bob (redundant + you have 3 cats), and Raymond (redundant + you have 3 cats). Of course, that all depends on which villagers you're aiming for to fill in your Uchi, Jock, and Cranky slots! There's nothing wrong with having multiples of the same species, but sometimes it's nice for variety to try to avoid that.
idk why anyone would say your villagers are bad considering you have mainly the most popular villagers in the game
People are truly pathetic if they're harshly criticizing you over having the villagers that you like in your OWN game.
I'm sorry that they were acting horrible to you over something that doesn't affect them at all.

Though, I would recommend having at least one of each personality so that the dialogue doesn't get stale too fast. I know it's hard kicking out favs, but it will probably be more enjoyable for you in the long run.
you have like 3 of my dreamies and the rest of them are villagers that people desire a LOT the other guys on that forum r just bitter and jealous LOL
like people have said already it might be better to get 8 of each personality type, even your least favourite personalities (if you have any) will have dialogue thatll seperate them from others. they might even give you different diy projects depending on their personality but i dont know for sure. lazies tend to give me cardboard furniture.
If these are the villagers you like, who cares. People are most likely being spiteful because all of your villagers are considered "top tier" or highly desired and some people get really hateful/jealous about that. If you enjoy your villagers and they make you happy, that's what matters and is what Animal Crossing is all about. I have multiple villagers with the same personality and I don't have 2 of the personality types in my village because I don't like them. Don't let other people ruin your fun or make you feel like you need to start over.
"Foolish" and "idiot" are strong words to use about villagers, that forum sounds insane lol. Like others have said just keep the villagers you love, and there's zero need to reset. Even if you decided you want more personality types your villagers would move on their own eventually so resetting is completely unnecessary. You have a lot of cuties too!
Sounds like they are jealous, you have amazing villagers and you even have my dreamy Ankha who is the best cat ever!
You shouldn't really care what other people think. It's not their island, it's yours. If other people want to give you hell over it, then the problem lies with them, not you.
imagine being so hateful in animal crossing. there’s no such thing as a s*** villager lineup, you can have whatever villagers you want. you love them all and that’s all that matters
You literally have 90% of all the currently popular villagers in the game so I have no idea why anyone would say that.
You literally have 90% of all the currently popular villagers in the game so I have no idea why anyone would say that.

Probably to say something like, "Here, give me that one and I'll give you Rocket, she's a sisterly." XD
Guuuuuuuuurrrrrl you do you and don't let anyone control who you should have on your island. I feel like they were dragging you because you got all the top tier 1 villagers and are salty that they still haven't found anyone yet using the gatcha Nook Mile Tickets.

But if you are interested in having some variety, just know that you're lacking an uchi, a jock, and a cranky villager. But other than that, the choice is really all up to you.
You literally have 90% of all the currently popular villagers in the game so I have no idea why anyone would say that.

Because some people are tired of all those copy-paste lists which have the same Villagers as their favorites somehow. Also most are jealous not to have Marshal or Raymond somehow, so it’s easy for them to talk trash about those lists and villagers.
how in the world would someone say that to you over some villagers like what?! thats so rude lol
and you basically have the top 3 most popular villagers im so jealous!
if anything i wish id have your villager list :(

youre fine! stay with villagers you like~
theres no need to listen to those hotheads
Every single one of those villagers are in the top tiers of popularity. Likely the reason those people are getting on your case about your roster is because they're jealous. Best to ignore them. Your island, your villagers. On the standpoint of diversity in personalities, it's up to the individual player. I like to have one of each personality so that I don't get bored of the villager dialogue as quick. Bob, Stitches and Lucky are all going to have the same dialogue to each other, as well as Raymond, Marshal and Julian. It's your choice whether or not you keep them, and no one else's.
Wtf?? If you like them then keep them, whoever told you that are just horrid. Don't let comments like that get to you, it's your game! Play it how you want and have who you want on your island.

I'd also like to point out the fact they clearly only said that because all your villagers are at/near the top of the tier list. They were just hating.
Those villagers are amazing! Don't let anyone decide if you should keep them or not!
If you are happy with your lineup, keep them ^^ Who cares if you don't have all personalities? Only you should decide to care for it or not ~
Nothing wrong with having more than or less of one type. Those people are, excuse my French, idiots. My town is filled with peppy types and I am very happy I do not need to hear about "muscles" 24/7. I swear jocks should get a revamp or removed, they're so dam annoying!