[interest check] potentially selling 48 throwback tickets


free palestine
Mar 1, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Friendly Ghost Plush
Yellow Crescent Moon
Space Whale Plush
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Star Fragment
Frost Easter Egg
Blue Star Fragment
Chao Easter Egg
Star Glow Wand
100% (244) +
just seeing if anyone would be interested in buying with pure tbt and/or flight rising, there isn't really any collectibles that i want : )

edit might also accept art! drop your threads/carrds/whatever examples below
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ooh i’ve not actually spent my fr treasure on anything for a while so it’s been building up so i’ll put my interest out - would probably mostly be interested in a 48 star fragment if you ended up doing another event but there are other collectibles i like if not

can never remember how much frags go for recently but currently have about 5mil treasure i think that i can offer depending on tickets :)
ooh i’ve not actually spent my fr treasure on anything for a while so it’s been building up so i’ll put my interest out - would probably mostly be interested in a 48 star fragment if you ended up doing another event but there are other collectibles i like if not

can never remember how much frags go for recently but currently have about 5mil treasure i think that i can offer depending on tickets :)
i think they're like 1.5-2k but regardless i'll def keep you in mind!
ooh i’ve not actually spent my fr treasure on anything for a while so it’s been building up so i’ll put my interest out - would probably mostly be interested in a 48 star fragment if you ended up doing another event but there are other collectibles i like if not

can never remember how much frags go for recently but currently have about 5mil treasure i think that i can offer depending on tickets :)
i only got 47 😔 but if there's other stuff you're interested in lmk!
i only got 47 😔 but if there's other stuff you're interested in lmk!

i think we have 1 throwback ticket left to redeem from the confetti thread when the link is posted, though if not i’d be interested in any of the cheaper fragments or maybe the bluebird :)
i think we have 1 throwback ticket left to redeem from the confetti thread when the link is posted, though if not i’d be interested in any of the cheaper fragments or maybe the bluebird :)
oh hey you're right i totally forgot about that 💀 yay 48
I'm interested in the 48 tickets if I can afford them! But I know you have other offers.
Might as well lump my instead in a mom’s plush in here too haha. I’d offer a mix of fr/tbt. I can try to exchange my gems for treasure too, if you’d prefer more treasure than tbt.
oh hey you're right i totally forgot about that 💀 yay 48

yeah i am grateful for the highlights or i’d probably miss the redeem codes lol

i will keep with the 5 mil treasure offer for 48 tickets, think the recent sales for the more expensive frags have been about 4-5k but i also could’ve missed a few but know there are other offers so no problem if you’d rather a tbt sale :)
Omg yes potentially! Once my entries are accepted I’ll only be 9 away from my goal, I’ll potentially need less depending on how I do in the quiz. I’ll only need some 😊