Is Animal Crossing better for the handheld or console?

What is Animal Crossing better for?

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It's hard to choose because although I enjoyed the game for Gamecube and Wii (I think I'm one of the only people who liked the cliffs that separated parts of the town), I think the series lends itself better to handhelds because it's easier to connect with other players and the portability is nice. You don't have to worry about, for example, going on a trip and leaving your town behind. I think if a series does well on a handheld device they should really keep it there. It would be strange if a Pokemon game (one in the "main" series, not a spinoff) came out for the Wii U.
The good thing is when AC for the Wii U comes out is that you can make multiple users and have multiple towns... at least that is how it seems with all the users having different game data on the same disc.
I've never played any of the console versions before but I think the game would be much better suited to handhelds. If you're trying to stop villagers moving out or keep your town perfect, you need to be able to play almost every day, which is a lot easier on a handheld than a console. It takes less time to start the game up and you can play when you're not at home. For this reason, I'd be very hesitant to buy a console version of Animal Crossing.
Console. You can more easily record your gameplay, you can switch from your game to darn near anything else in a heartbeat, you can play online with more processing power (meaning eventually we might be able to play with more than four people!) and you can also have better sound and graphics quality with a fancy dancy home stereo speaker system. The gameplay is typically the same between handhelds and consoles for Animal Crossing, but having all those benefits far beats being portable.
For me It's the same both ways. I liked CF and NL. I also think it would be really cool for an AC on the Wii U they could do so much stuff with the hardware!
I personally like the Animal Crossing series on handhelds rather than consoles. It's easier to play daily when you can take it wherever you go and do your chores/goals for that day. Plus it helps kill time when you're out and it's fun to street pass people and check out their houses. :)
I'd have to go with handhelds. :) its fun being able to bring the game wherever I go. I can play while in the car or while waiting and when I forget to do something, I can easily do it since I have the ds with me. Its kind of like a hassle for me if I have to connect it to the tv and stuff. :eek:
I prefer it handheld so I can play it on the go. It's a great game for long car rides. :D
Handheld is way more fun! But Gamecube is quite a good game.
I definitely love it on the handheld. I think that is why I have been so much more into New Leaf than other AC games (didn't have a DS until New Leaf was out, so I've never played WW).
I have to say handheld, any other way even the old Gamecube version just didn't cut it for me, as far as interest goes I like a game that I can haul with me anywhere I go. As with the other ones; who wants to lug around a Wii or Gamecube for that matter? In any case, I prefer the handheld; a majority of the games I have been playing are all handheld games xD
There are certain games I think just work way better with handhelds and one of those games is Animal Crossing. I bought City Folk when it came out and touched it, what, twice maybe? And never got on it again.
I'm not really interested in playing AC on consoles. I know that means more features but it's just not practical for me. I only play for a few minutes at a time so it's quicker on the 3DS. I also play it when I'm bored or when I know I'll have to sit and wait somewhere, so having to stay in front of the TV or at least at home would make me play less.
I liked City Folk better than Wild World, and I thought it was because of the console. But now that I'm addicted to New Leaf, I can't imagine using a console. Perhaps there were just features I preferred in City Folk, and it wasn't because of the console at all....
I like it better for consoles. I like my big HD screen with the GamePad. I am longing for a Wii U Animal Crossing and have been ever since I bought it in June 2013. I'm sorry, but I might be spoiled by my iPhone 6+ but Nintendo's handhelds screen resolutions just plainly suck. I like retina (high definition) screens and I sold my 2DS because the screen resolution sucked.
I prefer most games series that start on consoles to stay on consoles. With Animal Crossing (and Paper Mario, etc.), I prefer them to be on console. I do enjoy the ease of portability on the go with handheld versions, but I believe that the quality of the game can be greatly improved when on consoles. I can take them either way, but I prefer consoles, so my vote goes there.