Is Animal Crossing better for the handheld or console?

What is Animal Crossing better for?

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I like it on hand held. I also like to be able to play it on trips/when waiting/in the car. Can't do that if I need a TV and I'm not at home. :(

The other thing is with a Wii u is you can only go so many feet from it without losing connection. So you couldn't even go in the other room. :c (OMG what if you went to far away and lost all your progress for that time you were playing??? :OOO )

But the sad thing is, it looks like to me the next Animal Crossing (If there's going to be one :p ) is going to be on Wii U. It's the only other wii u system really out right now and they've never done 2 AC games on one system. Soooooooooooooo.....
I am very conflicted on this whole topic .-.

On one hand, having it on a handheld is very convenient, especially if you often go places where you can't exactly bring an entire console. BUT, having it on a television is also a nice change from staring at a tiny screen. They both have their downsides, one being inconvenient and the other having a very small screen. But, this doesn't mean that one is better than the other.

Overall, I think Animal Crossing will be the same no matter what platform it's on. It's just a matter of personal preference :D

*I personally liked City Folk more than any other game, but only because there was a credit card ;3*
Handheld, definitely.
1) They seem to make more money for Nintendo.
2) I want to play it on the go, not when I'm at home and no one else is using it.
3) It's overall more convenient on the DS.
Handhelds, because then I can take it with me and play it when I'm on long trips and such.
I'm in between and here's why:

I ultimately enjoy the handheld AC's more, but Gamecube holds a lot of nostalgia for me. City Folk was awful. I didn't even have the patience to complete it and never went online with friends except for maybe the first week of it's release. However, I feel that an Animal Crossing on the Wii U will actually be one of the best in the series yet. The HD graphics and bigger memory space for new additions is promising. Hopefully it's not just a clone of New Leaf, but a much better and improved version that'll convince fans to finally put money towards getting the console. However, it's a much more personal experience on handheld, so I'm not sure. Wild World and New Leaf were so fantastically done.
Handheld definitely. It's just like the way I feel about a consoled Pokemon, there's less control of movement etc. I really prefer handheld anything, with the exception of a few things.
hand held because like what others have said it;s portable and you can take it where ever you want..
making it really handy during a long car ride ((if you have a 3ds car chargers that is))
I'd definitely say handheld. It's portable, making long car rides less boring and overall, I think Animal Crossing just fits handheld systems better than consoles.
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console makes my town feel more homely, like that it's grounded in one place
Definitely handheld! That way your town can always be with you! and I personally think of Animal Crossing as a very relaxing game, so when it's on a handheld, you can do just that! you can sit or lie down anywhere and play! whereas on a console, you can only sit in front of a TV! don't get me wrong, it's still fun on a console, but I find it's easier to want to stop playing than on a handheld!
Hand-held by far. I really don't want to buy a console just to play this game but I would. Also the controllers for the Wii U or whatever they're on now aren't really that appealing to me. Of course I'd learn it to play AC or we could just avoid that scenario lol.
Handheld, I like to play AC when I'm falling asleep or early in the morning. With a console I'd have to go down to the living room every time I want to play, and for a game like animal crossing where I usually just end up playing in a bunch of short sessions everyday it really doesn't work out.
I suppose it's the payoff for the better quality and bigger screen of consoles, though. And I'll definitely be buying animal crossing for the wii u when (if?) it comes out. c:​
I like Handheld xD Though I also like it on a big screen, what I could do is connect the 3DS screen on to a huge tv xD!!! and play by looking at the tv screen xD!!!
I've never played it for console, but I feel like it's more a handheld game. For console games I prefer ones that I can just sit and get deep into battles/strategy, and will probably need to look things up from time to time. Console games for me are more the "I'm going to sit and play this for 8 hours" kind of game. Handhelds are more like AC & Pokemon where it's turn based or I don't have to pay really close attention all the time and where I can take a break and do other things in between. They're more the "a couple minutes here/there" kind of game.
Every animal crossing on the DS's is really good, I hope they make New Leaf 2 instead of a WiiU one