Sheep Villager
Feel free to call me Sheep
I've found myself in a bit of a slump recently. I really want to decorate my island but I also absolutely dread the fact my game is only going to get choppier and laggier once I do get around to decorating. Due to this my island is in a constant half-finished purgatory state. I'll start working on an area and then just drop the project because I'm starting to notice minor frame rate issues. It doesn't help I'm quite the clutter lover when it comes to decorating so I find it very difficult to go for a minimalist approach.
I really wish this wasn't an issue in the first place... maybe if they release an upgraded version of the Switch it won't be this bad. I'd almost consider upgrading my Switch just to get some feeling of freedom from the frame rate dread.
Is anyone else struggling with being so scared of frame rate drops they can't play the game? If so, how do you cope?
I really wish this wasn't an issue in the first place... maybe if they release an upgraded version of the Switch it won't be this bad. I'd almost consider upgrading my Switch just to get some feeling of freedom from the frame rate dread.
Is anyone else struggling with being so scared of frame rate drops they can't play the game? If so, how do you cope?