Is anyone else scared of frame rate drops?

Sheep Villager

Feel free to call me Sheep
Apr 7, 2020
Caustic Crystal
Citrine Crystal
Yellow Candy
Yellow Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Yellow Pansy
Yellow Pansy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Pansy
Yellow Pansy
I've found myself in a bit of a slump recently. I really want to decorate my island but I also absolutely dread the fact my game is only going to get choppier and laggier once I do get around to decorating. Due to this my island is in a constant half-finished purgatory state. I'll start working on an area and then just drop the project because I'm starting to notice minor frame rate issues. It doesn't help I'm quite the clutter lover when it comes to decorating so I find it very difficult to go for a minimalist approach.

I really wish this wasn't an issue in the first place... maybe if they release an upgraded version of the Switch it won't be this bad. I'd almost consider upgrading my Switch just to get some feeling of freedom from the frame rate dread.

Is anyone else struggling with being so scared of frame rate drops they can't play the game? If so, how do you cope?
I have had to redesign part of my island a few times because of frame rate drops.
As pretty as an island can be when not moving, if walking around the island feels horrible, the island is horrible.

I miss my landfill but to be honest, I think working around the frame rate drops has actually made my island better as I've had to refine the same area again and again.
I find it odd that even on not very decorated islands, the frame rate drops. It does bother me but I also try to remember I only have a switch lite which I do plan on replacing in the future with a Switch. I'm just hoping that the frame rate drops aren't as bad with an actual Switch.
Things I have noticed that effect the frame rate are, lots of cliffs, waterfalls, custom designs, and items that move with the wind like bamboo grass.
It bothers me but I've decided to take it as a trade off because I like my decorated island with quite a lot of trees.
Eh, I've just gotten used to it now. It's not like that moving-through-molasses slow motion or anything, just slight frame rate drop in a couple of places. It really wound me up at first, but either it's gotten better at some point or I just don't notice it anymore. 🤷‍♀️
I fret it in dreams where it happens worse than possible on your own island, but on my own island, I never go too far in decorating or terraforming waterfalls to cause frame drops.
It bothered me so much on my island that I had to redo about half of it. It was making me miserable walking around and having the frame rate drop! I experienced it a lot on cluttered dream islands, which I totally understood because there were so many items out. But I hate clutter, and my island was never like that and the frame rate still dropped!

So I’ve just had to start decorating those parts again and putting even less out.
I have had to redesign part of my island a few times because of frame rate drops.
As pretty as an island can be when not moving, if walking around the island feels horrible, the island is horrible.

I miss my landfill but to be honest, I think working around the frame rate drops has actually made my island better as I've had to refine the same area again and again.

I definitely envy your positive outlook on having to work with the drops! Maybe I'll have to try to let go of some of my clutter or at least optimize it to be more refined.

I find it odd that even on not very decorated islands, the frame rate drops. It does bother me but I also try to remember I only have a switch lite which I do plan on replacing in the future with a Switch. I'm just hoping that the frame rate drops aren't as bad with an actual Switch.
Things I have noticed that effect the frame rate are, lots of cliffs, waterfalls, custom designs, and items that move with the wind like bamboo grass.

I've actually held off on using custom designs purely because I've heard they cause lag. I would love to use some but I just can't bring myself to do so.

It bothered me so much on my island that I had to redo about half of it. It was making me miserable walking around and having the frame rate drop! I experienced it a lot on cluttered dream islands, which I totally understood because there were so many items out. But I hate clutter, and my island was never like that and the frame rate still dropped!

So I’ve just had to start decorating those parts again and putting even less out.

This is exactly what I fear would happen if I started to properly decorate more. I feel I would be put off from playing if I made something really neat and then had to tear it all down because of frame rate drops.​

This is exactly what I fear would happen if I started to properly decorate more. I feel I would be put off from playing if I made something really neat and then had to tear it all down because of frame rate drops.​

If you do, maybe you can place it in an area that there isn't other things at. Away from other decor, waterfalls, and buildings
Honestly I have lots of trouble decorating now because of this. They continually are releasing new content and I want to use new items and stuff from events around my island but I don't want it to be unplayable. I made a big new area on my island in the last few weeks and the frame rate dropping almost makes it not worth it. I don't want to invest my time in something that makes my island not functional, you know? Especially when in my mind there's not that much stuff scattered around that should be causing this. I seem to be doomed no matter what I set out. There's just one part of my island that will be laggy no matter what's there. So frustrating!
The frame drop on my island is manageable. Honestly you can barely feel it and most won’t even notice it on a walk around. I only feel a slight weirdness around nooks cranny, but that’s the place I walk to the most. I don’t know why it’s only this area though, I feel like I have other areas that are more developed.

I’ve worked on removing unnecessary flowers and items to try be reduce it. I’m not a clutter or headset though, but I do have many trees. Also I don’t have many waterfalls or crazy terraforming.
Not really, it's annoying but whatever, I've decorated so much that when I place items now it doesn't even show the animation, the items I place just appears.
My island only has enough items to get the 5 star rating. I’m not fond of too many items being outside. My island has no issues with frame-rate or items just appearing suddenly. I’ve visited islands like that and idk how they deal with it.
My island is fully decorated even the beaches so I do get minor drops in some areas. It’s not so bad like in some islands that have pop in every step you take. I’d rather have the island that I want and deal with slowdown in some areas than limiting my island’s look.
I dread going to dreams because of the frame rate drops. I'm not super concerned about my own islands since I'm not aiming for the super cluttered look. The only time I had really bad drops was when I had hundreds of flowers all together when I was still breeding them and it was super windy on my island.
I'm thinking about re-doing my island completely into a forest theme, and am worried about massive frame drops with item decorations and mass trees. To be fair though, I've only experience frame drops on other islands only a handful of times, and those generally had an insane amount of decoration to them.
My island doesn't have lots of decoration or outdoor furniture, though it does have enough to reach 5 stars, and I haven't used any custom tiles around my game so fortunately I haven't suffered a big drop in my frame rate. I've been redecorating different parts of the island on and off for the last couple of weeks and have put a few more items down but it hasn't made any difference to the frame rate.

I have visited a few dream addresses though where the islands are really beautifully decorated but the game lagged so much in some areas which is a real shame when people probably spent such a long time decorating the islands, so I'm often wary of overdecorating so that I avoid the drop in frame rate as it makes playing the game a lot less enjoyable for me when it happens.