The forum is pretty nice overall. The worst it ever got was on March 19th, 2015 when the old What's Bothering You thread exploded into a large argument that destroyed it permanently. The spring of 2015 was a bad time for TBT anyway.
If you saw the drama back then, you'll be surprised that I remember dates that well.
From what I have seen so far, pretty much everyone is nice, supportive, and overall, friendly here.
There are probably some rude, malevolent or scammers on this site, but that isn't something that is rare. Pretty much any forum site has people like that.
when it comes to acnl gameplay such as item trading, then this is one of the best communities on the internet! Everyone is kind, polite, and usually generous.
...political discussions in the basement however..............
Yeah, I should have mentioned when I made my very positive post that I've never ventured into the basement or Brewster's Cafe... that may change my opinion