Is it Against TBT rules to...

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El Psy Congroo
May 29, 2014
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Mother's Day Carnation
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
October Birthstone (Opal)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Not sure if it says in the rules but is it against the rules to giveaway duped items or sets? Of course not all crazy like but once in awhile? I know its wrong to sell them but giving them away is diff.
Giveaway as in you actually hold an event for it. (Not super huge or anything) im just wondering how these shops restock with these items so fast xD and yea
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The answer is no. If someone somehow gets proof that you duped them, you're going to be in trouble. Likely though, you won't be caught. It's still not encouraged though.

(mods plz don kill me)
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imo it's just kind of unfair to give away duped items haha, I can't do it or my conscience will shrivel up
Prohibited Transactions:
Do not post about buying or selling the following:
Forum or Animal Crossing bells for real money or gift cards representative of real money.
Duplicated or hacked items in Animal Crossing
Any other item in conflict with our rules and guidelines
this is the rules
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imo it's just kind of unfair to give away duped items haha, I can't do it or my conscience will shrivel up

Really? Can you explain why you think its unfair? (Being totally curious! Not trying to seem rude or idk lol)

- - - Post Merge - - -

this is the rules

But your not really selling it! Your giving it away for free *^* so i dunno?
Really? Can you explain why you think its unfair? (Being totally curious! Not trying to seem rude or idk lol)
you can dupe lots of rare thing like the 7-11 set you bought for 5 mil. dupe it 10 times and you would earn 50 mil if you sold them at 5 mil each
Yes if thats the case i can totally see that its unfair but im talking just about giving them away for free! ^ ^
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I would never accept a duped item because it takes all of the fun out of the game if you simply CHEAT your way to have everything you wanted. I don't even really understand the point of playing if you're just going to take all the effort out of it and clone everything you've ever wanted from a friend. What do you have left to do in the game then? It's so unrewarding to take that approach and that is why it is frowned upon - If you work hard to accomplish something in the game (or elsewhere in life), it'll feel so much better when you manage to complete a room with the exact furniture you always wanted, etc.

Also, even if you would give away something for free, that doesn't mean the person you're giving it to wouldn't later on sell it..
I would never accept a duped item because it takes all of the fun out of the game if you simply CHEAT your way to have everything you wanted. I don't even really understand the point of playing if you're just going to take all the effort out of it and clone everything you've ever wanted from a friend. What do you have left to do in the game then? It's so unrewarding to take that approach and that is why it is frowned upon - If you work hard to accomplish something in the game (or elsewhere in life), it'll feel so much better when you manage to complete a room with the exact furniture you always wanted, etc.

Also, even if you would give away something for free, that doesn't mean the person you're giving it to wouldn't later on sell it..

Ah yes true, every word. I gave away my campus set to someone and found out that they sold it :c made me really sad lol. Mmk i understand now but im still curious as how do some shops always have some nonreorderable dlc item -3- . (Though i can guess how)
people work hard to get stuff. before a lost my 3-ds(i'm looking for it everywhere) i wanted a all gold town. If i duped them i would have it done in a week at most. but i spend tbt and bells on buying gold roses. duping takes the fun out of the game.
Ah yes true, every word. I gave away my campus set to someone and found out that they sold it :c made me really sad lol. Mmk i understand now but im still curious as how do some shops always have some nonreorderable dlc item -3- . (Though i can guess how)

Either they have a second copy to TT with (or have one copy but tt) to get unorderables, or trade A LOT or dupe/have powersaves 0:
To be fair, the rule specifically states that you can't sell duped items. Duping is frowned upon, but giving them away doesn't really hurt anyone. It's not my call though.
From now on if i give any of my sets away im going to make in real hard to enter or smt. Or see that you've really wanted this set.
I would personally advise against it. I mean, even if you're just giving it away there is a chance that the person you give it away to will in turn sell it and thereby are now selling duped items with or without their knowledge and suddenly you've added more duped items into the pool of venders on this site. So I wouldn't if I were you to help keep yourself and other people honorable.
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