Is it Against TBT rules to...

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There are always 2 standard responses to these threads:

1. No, the rules say if you know they are duped you should not do it.

2. There is no tag that proves they are duped, so do what you like, use/sell them as if they were "legitimate" as there is no negative consequence except guilt.
As it's been answered already, we really would rather you didn't dupe items on our site.

I'd like to contradict some of the above posts though. We have received LOTS of screenshots before showing proof that people were duping items so don't think that you can't get caught. Also if you're caught selling duped items for TBT Bells, you will have ALL of your bells removed from your account, including the ones in your ABD and you will also receive and automatic two week ban.

So it's up to you what you do but I'd listen to the rules as closely as possible.
As it's been answered already, we really would rather you didn't dupe items on our site.

I'd like to contradict some of the above posts though. We have received LOTS of screenshots before showing proof that people were duping items so don't think that you can't get caught. Also if you're caught selling duped items for TBT Bells, you will have ALL of your bells removed from your account, including the ones in your ABD and you will also receive and automatic two week ban.

So it's up to you what you do but I'd listen to the rules as closely as possible.

Thanks for answering clearly xD also i wasn't aware that we had an ABD on tbt? Or am i mistaking it for something else?
The ABD for this website can be found under the Shop tab and then you'll find the link to it on the left hand side. You can put your bells in there.
I personally don't care if you dupe for yourself, by yourself, on your own. The minute you start offering dupes for sale though, you're messing with other peoples games. It's not fair, it's rude, and you could break someones game with duped items. Everyone works for what they have here, and duping stuff creates problems with the economy, cheats where other people have done stuff fairly, and generally breaks everything. I don't see why you would even do it. You're not helping anyone.
I personally don't care if you dupe for yourself, by yourself, on your own. The minute you start offering dupes for sale though, you're messing with other peoples games. It's not fair, it's rude, and you could break someones game with duped items. Everyone works for what they have here, and duping stuff creates problems with the economy, cheats where other people have done stuff fairly, and generally breaks everything. I don't see why you would even do it. You're not helping anyone.

But that's a matter of opinion. It really all depends on the person's values. Some people feel that by duping, it's a win-win. Nobody gets left out, and nobody knows. Others, like the majority of BTF, see it as a taboo. I personally don't mind if an item were duped or not. If I can't obtain it elsewhere, then why should it matter the origins?

Anyways, yes, it is morally wrong (and the rules...) to sell or giveaway duped items. If you get caught, you suffer the consequences.

I personally feel that the only way it should be considered okay is if you want to give the duped items for free to someone that has no other way to earn the said items. (Eg. New to AC, Corrupt Data, etc. )
But that's a matter of opinion. It really all depends on the person's values. Some people feel that by duping, it's a win-win. Nobody gets left out, and nobody knows. Others, like the majority of BTF, see it as a taboo. I personally don't mind if an item were duped or not. If I can't obtain it elsewhere, then why should it matter the origins?

Anyways, yes, it is morally wrong (and the rules...) to sell or giveaway duped items. If you get caught, you suffer the consequences.

I personally feel that the only way it should be considered okay is if you want to give the duped items for free to someone that has no other way to earn the said items. (Eg. New to AC, Corrupt Data, etc. )

Doesn't matter either way. Against the rules here. We don't talk about it either.
I was pretty sure its fine (I wouldn't know as I've never been able to dupe something) but as you can see its generally frowned upon I'm sure there was a rule that you should report duped items so yeah its probably very illegal.
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