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Is the 3DS XL a must for playing Animal Crossing?

Which 3DS should I buy?

  • You should buy a normal 3DS

    Votes: 25 43.9%
  • You should totally buy a 3DS XL

    Votes: 32 56.1%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Small Mailbox
Hi everybody,

I'm a student and not surprisingly I'm kinda strapped for cash...
But now with AC:NL coming up I really want to buy a 3DS, a second hand 3DS.
I've been searching around and I can state that I'll be able to buy a normal 3DS for only €80-€90 and that a 3DS XL will cost me about €130-€140.
Now my question to all of you is: Is the 3DS XL worth its extra money (when it comes to Animal Crossing)? Can anyone who has seen both devices in action tell me how big of a difference it is? (I have never held a 3DS (XL) in my hands.)
I won't be using the 3D-effect on a daily basis, I know that works better with the 3DS XL.

Thank you in advance for thinking with me! :)
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I have both a 3DS and a 3DSXL, but only play AC on my 3DS (as my xl is NA and other Japanese)... I have no problem with the 3DS, if anything I like it more as I was able to strap a battery pack life extender to the back of it and can play about 5-9 hours without needing a charge with wifi on. I don't think they have the battery pack life extenders for the XL yet...

As to the 3D effect: I can't see 3D because of an eye problem (my eyes don't team or work together, otherwise I have a very, very dominant eye and the other eye is just along for the ride. I think most people discover this when they go to see a 3D movie and can't see any difference from a normal movie.) Anyway: so to that I can lend you no assistance.

What I recommend would be to just get what you can afford: you can always upgrade later and do a system transfer to move your town over to the new system.
You don't feel like you are more emerged with the content whilst playing on a 3DS XL? I could imagine that would be the case.
It is just my opinion: I feel like I am more into the game when I don't have to keep on finding a wall outlet to charge the game.

But that is just me. I love my 3DS XL, don't get me wrong: it is great for games like Art academy. But it doesn't travel as well secondary to size and battery life (compared to the normal 3DS with the updated battery pack.)

It sounds like you may really just want the XL: if that is the case: get what you want!

I was a cash strapped student not so long ago and I remember what it was like. Often I wasn't able to get a game on launch day as I didn't yet have the money. So: if you want the XL, save up and enjoy the game that much more when you have it as you know that you've earned it!
If I had plenty of money I would certainly go with the XL, you noticed that correctly ;) But unfortunately rational decisions have to be made... If I go with the 3DS I can have the console AND the game for the same price as the 3DS XL would cost me.
I will think about it, thank you for your effort and advice :)
Personally, the regular 3DS works fine, it will be absolutely fine to play AC on. It's also much cheaper.
I've heard that the XL is more comfortable though, so if you have like big hands, then you might want that.
XL is too big for my hands! And who can fit it in their pocket :(
3DS is fine! ^___^

And I prefer the resolution on the 3DS.
I really can't imagine ACNL on a smaller screen. That may be because I fell in love with the 3D trailer when I watched it on my XL or from the fact that I don't own a regular 3DS. I have used them though and I still prefer the XL.
I've only got my Aqua Blue 3DS, which I'm 100% content with playing. Honestly I don't see the need to get an XL myself unless my 3DS breaks on me. I'd say you should choose what's best for you in your price range. A bigger screen is neat and all but I would never go beyond my monetary comfort zone to purchase one.

I also don't see what the hoopla is over the bigger screen. When I play games on handhelds my senses zone out and it's like I'm playing a game on a big screen TV anyways. :p
I have a 3DS and an XL. I really love the XL. It is so much bigger and I think it's more comfortable and my hands are pretty small. I like the rounded edges. Also the 3D light on the face of the 3DS drives me nuts. I just think the XL is overall better. I do like that the regular 3DS is smaller. Such a shame they couldn't have made the improvements that they made on the XL also on the regular 3DS, like the rounded corners, stylus placement and gawd I hate that 3DS light that is always on. Ah well.
Thank all of you for your reactions! They are most helpfull to me :)
I think I'm going for the 3DS unless I come across a really good 3DS XL deal.
I love the XL. Honestly, I feel as if its more real considering the 3DS is too light for me and too small. But they both work fine and the XL is mainly for an extra, of course. It's only 40 bucks more though.
And there you go having me doubting my choise again! Oh well it's not like the release date is tomorrow, I have plenty of time to set some money aside.
I already have a normal 3ds but I am really starting to want an XL I keep telling myself theres no point in spending the extra money but for the amount of time i will spend on new leaf I am really starting to consider it. Its a tough one lol you arent alone
And I prefer the resolution on the 3DS.

But they have the same resolution? Both share the 800x240 resolution, so there's no difference there whatsoever lol
The only difference between the XL and the regular counterpart is screen size, not resolution
Battery life on the XL is better. The regular 3DS gets 3-5 hours
The 3D on the XL is overall better than the original because of the bigger screen size
The XL Comes with a 4GB stock SD card instead of the regular 3DS' 2GB one

Personally, I prefer my XL because its more comfortable and can easily fit in a purse or backpack. Some people complain that it can't fit in your pocket but I'm a wary person and prefer to keep my stuff out of peeping eyes. I also like not accidentally hitting the power button when mashing buttons or when I just rest my thumb for a second on the console xD

I still love my flame red 3ds, but I kinda love my XL more
I only have the XL, so I can't tell you what's better. From watching the trailer, I can tell ACNL will look astounding on it. If money is such a burden, definitely go for the 3DS. That way you can avoid the possibility of not being able to afford the game once you have the system. If in a couple months you can afford both, go for the XL.
If you can get a good XL deal, then go for it. But I'm just gonna say that this is one sexy DS.

XL by a mile, and not just cause of the size difference. The matte finish, better placed stylus, better battery life, rounded corners, more immersive 3D and 3D slider that clicks on and off are just a few reasons to get it.