is there a villager name u can't pronounce?


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2020
Cherry (Fruit)
Red Cosmos
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Black Famous Mushroom
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Timmy Christmas Doll
for me it's pekoe, like how are u supposed to pronouce that?
i've been saying it 'pe-koh'

i've heard others say 'pi-koh' or 'pe-koh-ey'
so now i'm at a point where idk how to say her name 😅

there's also cyd, like is it said as 'side' or 'sid'
I pronounce Pekoe the same way as you but there do seem to be different ways to say it and Cyd I always pronounce as Sid.

Beardo is one I can never make my mind up on, is it ‘Beard-o’ named after his facial hair or is it ‘Bear-do’ pronounced like bear to match his species?
I pronounce Pekoe the same way as you but there do seem to be different ways to say it and Cyd I always pronounce as Sid.

Beardo is one I can never make my mind up on, is it ‘Beard-o’ named after his facial hair or is it ‘Bear-do’ pronounced like bear to match his species?
i've always called beardo 'beard-o' 😅
Pekoe I just pronounce it as ‘Pe-Koh’ i haven’t heard anyone say her name so i really don’t know.

For me it’s Merengue I don’t know if it’s because I’m Hispanic but when I say it I say it like ‘Me-ren-gue’ but i have heard people say it as ‘Me-ran-gue’.
Pekoe lives on my island, She is asleep right now but when she wakes up, I will ask her the proper pronunciation. If it means anything, I always addressed her as you pronounce it (two syllables) and she's never corrected me. Haha

There are several for me, but I am almost sure that I am saying them correctly.
One example is Tybalt. Is it Tibalt, or Tie-balt, or something else?
I heard someone in a video the other day pronounce "Croque" like "croquet". As in the game croquet. I always assumed it was pronounced like "croak", with him being a frog and all so I found that very interesting. I'm thinking it probably was intended to be croak and maybe they didn't realize? I totally think they should have a pronunciation guide out there for all of their villagers, I bet it would come in handy for non-native english speakers as well as names like Croque are a play on words, you know?
I thought Audie was pronounced Ow-dee

And for the longest time, my friend pronounced Tangy as "tan-gee" instead of "tang-ee", but honestly which one is it??? Tangy like an orange, or tangerine?
this is because english isn't my first language but i thought phoebe was pronounced "fobe" rather than"feebee"...... for a long time

i'll never learn how to say étoile either. etwall. ok queen.
i've always known phoebe but that's just because i watched the show 'friends' as a child lol

as for étoile, i've always just said it how it's spelled while ignoring the é and pretending it's a normal e 😅
like eh-toil
Cousteau - Cos- Stu

Deirdre. - Dee-dra? I don’t know. Please correct me in this one. It bother me the most not to know.

Hippeux- Hippo?
Merengue - sometimes I say her name in Spanish. Me-ren-geh (it’s spelled in Spanish so I pronounce it as such). I know other do not though.

These are the ones I struggle with.
They’re not common names so I’m sure I’m saying them wrong.
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Cousteau - Cos- Stu

Deidre. - Dee-dra? I don’t know. Please correct me in this one. It bother me the most not to know.

Hippeux- Hippo?
Merengue - sometimes I say her name in Spanish.

These are the ones I struggle with.
They’re not common names so I’m sure I’m saying them wrong.
idk about cousteau

but for the others, i say:
deirdre as 'deer-dree'
hippeux as 'hippo'
merengue as 'merr-rang'

i'm probably saying them wrong too tbh😅
Cousteau - Cos- Stu
Deidre. - Dee-dra? I don’t know.
Hippeux- Hippo?
Merengue - sometimes I say her name in Spanish.

These are the ones I struggle with.
They’re not common names so I’m sure I’m saying them wrong.

Hippeux is French-ish respelling of Hippo. I call him Hippo cause I can't quite make the French -eux sound. I think it's suppose to be more like Hip-puh. You can probably find some French words ending in -eux into Google translate to hear what that sound is.