island horror stories

This is more of a situation that irked me more than it being a horror story. I would go island hopping at weird enough times so no one would flip the switch or be there to annoy me when I find rare items. I was at the North American island maybe around 1 AM EST and I found two nice people on the island so we had a nice and goofy chat. That's not really the beginning of the "annoying situation" because there was someone else coming to the island and they were asking for our fc. They kept asking us to repeat slowly??? Like I guess they have no more room to take a snapshot or something. I didn't want to give mine out because well, why should I? I left the island and then wanted to go island hopping again starting at 3 AM EST because I didn't think the same people would always be on the island. Yeah, about that: The same person asking for fc was on the North American island, pestering me about if I remember them or not and I kept telling them I don't. I left the island immediately. >.>
this is super amusing honestly.
i dont think ive ever had a bad island experience. typically i go to the island to chill. like, its the island. ofc people are gonna be running around scaring off your bugs. i usually go there to chill out with people.
um, i guess the closest thing to a "horror" experience was when this guy and i were both trying to catch butterflies, and we spotted a birdwing butterfly and i ran for it and so did he and his character pushed me out of the way and caught the butterfly, then by default, showed off the butterfly while i stood there watching. ah, good times. its not that bad of an experience. it was pretty fun.

i think people whould really not go to the island with a bad attitude. whenever im at the island, if im alone i started filling up all the island space with bells until theres at least 10 million on the ground, then wait from someone to show up and be pleasantly surprised or if someones already there, i buy all the stuff in the gift shop (i have too many medals) and then leave them outside for them. we usually go on a couple tours.

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Well, don't let the stories scare you away. You can't let people bother you like that.

noooo island time is super duper fun!!

i like going on the international island. i take japanese, so sometimes i'll end with a japanese person and theyll tell me they cant speak english very well so we talk in romaji. honestly people on the island are so sweet like i have had the best times with people from the island i love making them happy.

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most of these stories are so funny oh my god
I have only really ever experienced two bad experiences, one kid on the Australian Island was just being a sexist little pig to me and then another time I was on an international island and then someone was standing at the bench where you talk to the turtle to go home and closed their lid so I couldn't talk to her and I was stuck there for hours.... It was really bad....
Guys you can always just flick the wifi switch if youre in a bad situation. Also if you fond a bad person you can press the little button in the bottom left of the screen and tap on their name and you won't see them again
I had went to the North American island just to check out the items (I was just doing a little island hopping) and I walked outside and saw this kid's mayor with an axe sitting on a tree stump. It was night at the island so it kinda made it creepier. But he kept spamming the Mischief emote and so I kinda made my mayor speed up a little ya know (I ran like I was being chased). I had ended up hiding behind a tree and while he was searching for me he kept spamming the same emote. He stopped after a while and then decided he wanted to go on a tour. When I stepped out of my hiding spot he kept using emotes to tell me to go on the tour with him ( The Shy one and the greeting ones) so I went on one with him. After that he dropped a flower outside the little hut thing and used the heart emote then left.

Another was when this kid seemed really nice on the island and when he saw I had that little crown he flipped and told me to give him the crown plus one billion bells... He then preceded to call me a few choice words that I will not repeat and the whole time I kept spamming the laughing button. He threatened to drown me in the water and said that he ruled over me and that I was his "(Insert that three letter word) slave" I told him "Whatever helps you sleep at night" And then I flipped the switch. I swear most of these kids I meet on the island are crazy! Only once have I met someone older than I am (Not very old but about a few years) and they were the best company!
The worst experiences I had were all during the elite fossil hunting tours. The first time, I was with someone from Japan and while I was finding and putting the pieces together that he didn't have, in the houses; he just stood in front of one of the doors and buried a fossil and then took it out again, repeatedly. Even though that was months ago, I still am seething while typing this.

The other time was just a few days ago, I got most of the fossils in the house and I saw that the other girl had a few fossils that would complete the exhibits, so I told her to put them in the display; she didn't respond. Two minutes left to go, I said: Hello? And she said, "Yes" I repeated what I said earlier and she said that she had them. But...she never did anything after that. We ended up running out of time; she didn't understand why I didn't want to go on another tour with her after that one <.<.

Either way, I prefer doing tours on my own. At the same time, I did meet someone that was from Brazil that wanted to friend me but I didn't know how to find my friend's code at the time :/. When I first started doing the tours, I met a lot of nice people; but that was when I still fished on those islands and not just on my own; now I just go there to find certain items and that's it.
This isn't exactly scary, but:

I was on the island, there was this guy with Majora's Mask on. He said "I am Majora. I hate Link" (this was when I had no idea what Zelda was about). I said : "OK" then flipped the switch.
Once there was a boy and a girl, and the girl was really nice but the boy kept
bullying the girl. Then I stood up for the girl and he locked me and her for hours, she was only 6 and it was really disturbing to see her sad like that. I
finally pulled the switch and haven't been to the island again.
Once there was a boy and a girl, and the girl was really nice but the boy kept
bullying the girl. Then I stood up for the girl and he locked me and her for hours, she was only 6 and it was really disturbing to see her sad like that. I
finally pulled the switch and haven't been to the island again.

I highly doubt that she was 6
Some somewhat weird experiences:

I was just hanging out with this kid like normal and he started saying how I was "hot" and "beautiful," and then he asked me to "mary" him. I just left.

One kid kept asking me about my buttcheeks and kept wanting to kiss me... I just went along with it for...some reason... Dang I feel really dumb now

Some kid gave me one and a half million bells for free and no reason and claimed he got it via hacking. I didn't care and took the money. We had a regular conversation, and during a gap in the conversation, there was an error. I will never know if it was done on purpose or not.

Yesterday ran into an odd guy. Told me about how IRL he's cute and a lot of girls love him... Why do I need to know that? He then asked if he was giving me TMI, which he kind of was, but I decided not to be rude and say it was fine. He then asked who I had a crush on in real life... I just said "a guy" and he shut up. He then started to assume I wanted him to leave when another girl came in, and he kept asking her her age, she never answered him, and he kept asking her. She left, and the guy left. Then a girl came on the island. We had a talk about some stuffs, then she asked for my FC and I said I didn't want to give it out.after a few minutes she told me in real life she gets bullied a lot and she wanted to die... Naturally I strictly told her not to think about committing suicide. Then some other girl came in. Although she claimed to be 11 years old, my age, she apparently was young enough to want to play house... She started digging holes around the island to try and make a "house." After a while of that, an error.

Not creepy, but one time I finally found a pink wetsuit on the island and I was so excited. I asked the guy if we could tour to save, and he picked a tour and we sat down, but while it was errored, and I lost the pink wet suit. I was really upset about it and told the next guy I met on the island my sob story, and he said that recently a lot of his stuff and money was stolen by one of his friends who betrayed him. He lost nearly 500k and I felt bad so I gave him 50k. He was very grateful and asked if I could meet him on the island at four. I said I would try, but I couldn't. I eventually got a pink wet suit from a friend though, so don't worry about me ;)

Not really an island experience, but back when I first got wifi and was young and foolish I traded friend codes with people on the island. One girl actually stole a lot from me: five gold roses, a TON of ore, balloon presents that had taken a long time to lay in the right spots, some other flowers, a crown, and other things... I learned my lesson the hard way.

A happier experience was when I met a guy and we started catching palm tree bugs. He asked how much I had in my bank and I said around 100k, because back then that was all I had. He said he had only 2k. But whenever we both saw a rare bug he let me have it. I asked why since he had less in his bank, and he said he actually had about 3mil. No clue why he lied but anyway, he offered me 99k, randomly, and I accepted. He was really nice and we struck up a conversation and went on tours and things.
i remember one time where i can on the lady and this girl started a tour when everybody was trying to leave and she put on qr code that made her look naked and started asking ppl to have sex with her. it got weird quick i just flipped the switch
i remember one time where i can on the lady and this girl started a tour when everybody was trying to leave and she put on qr code that made her look naked and started asking ppl to have sex with her. it got weird quick i just flipped the switch

i remember one time where i can on the lady and this girl started a tour when everybody was trying to leave and she put on qr code that made her look naked and started asking ppl to have sex with her. it got weird quick i just flipped the switch

When people do stuff like that, sometimes I wonder if they even really know what sex is... Let's not talk about it.
Most of people are nice, but there are some jerks once in a while. The people blocking the island and trying to "rob" you, the perverts, the one asking weird and personal questions, insisting money beggars, the ones that like bullying and insulting others without reason..often in their own language that nobody gets anyway (or at least we pretend we don't), etc and the worst, those who seem really nice with whom you swap FC after several mini-games and that come in your town later to steal your flowers, perfect fruits or anything laying around.

Luckily on like +200 persons I just fell on 3 like that, the last one (apparently a girl) started running away as soon as she left the station and I caught her trying to fill her too full pocket with my belongings around my house when I told her not to..then I "lost" my wi-fi connection...what a bummer...Well that's too bad ;)