Yesterday I was so heady with excitement that I'd failed to realize I have to wait one more day to go mystery island hopping.

So I started the day with a visit to Harv's. Leif has set up shop. I bought 6 sugarcane starts. Harriet taught me another new hairstyle! I really like this one, so I'll keep it for a while.
The rain had stopped by the time I got back to Littlestar. We had a rainbow. I had Kapp'n take me to another island and I found another gyroid fragment. Yay!
It's opening day for Brewster and his cafe! It's been so long since we had an opening ceremony for anything. I like opening ceremonies. I also had my first cup of coffee. YUM. Since I can't drink coffee as much as I like in real life (heartburn is a terrible curse) I will instead drink delicious coffee at Brewster's every day.
With caffeine in my veins, I was ready for my job. Yesterday, I furnished 4 vacation homes. Today, I managed 6. It was a lot of fun since the themes were all different. Today's clients were Sprocket, Gloria, Purrl, Tangy, Rolf and Dobie. Tangy, Rolf and Dobie were amiibo'ed in. The other two features I have managed to unlock today are the partition wall and room expansion.
And I unlocked the first facility on the island which is the school! The super
sexy smart Monique is our resident teacher. The things we will learn from her!
We had a little party to celebrate the fact that I'd done a grand total of 10 vacation homes.
Tomorrow is mystery island hopping day! Keeping my fingers crossed for happy surprises!