Island Rating: How much does it matter?

I only really cared about getting to 3 stars because that was when I got terraforming, I didn't even notice I had reached 5 stars until lilies of the valley started popping up everywhere and I was like ??? I've dropped down to 4 stars due to dropping items all over the place occasionally but it doesn't really matter that much to me really, I've seen some five star islands that are completely unplayable for me due to the lag and not being able to run around anywhere because of how cramped it is (gotta get my zooms in, physically incapable of walking anywhere in this game)
I initially wanted to get to five stars just so that I could get the DIY and then maintain the rating for long enough to get a few lily of the valleys. I've stopped caring now and have increasing numbers of weeds and other things around my island but as far as I know I still have a five star rating? lily of the valleys keep spawning but I'm just selling them at this point
honestly, once you’ve reached 3 stars, island rating doesn’t really matter at all! like others have mentioned, you can always obtain things locked behind a 5 star rating from other players (lilies of the valley, golden watering can diy, etc) and so, i say do whatever makes you happy, regardless of what anyone else might think! if you’re happy with your island, then that’s all that matters. :)

personally, for me, while i still don’t care all that much about my island rating, i definitely care about it more than i did in previous games aha; still, i’m not super concerned with trying to maintain my 5 star rating, now that i have the golden watering can diy and a considerable amount of lilies of the valley aha. if i keep my rating up, cool, if it goes down then,, oh well lmao.
I do believe at some point "star expectations" has ben lowered. I admit, I have 5 stars, but I don't care about this, never did.
My island is for me and if someone accidentally will visit my island, I will never know about this person and don't care if one likes my island or not.
Lilly of the Valley is last thing I care about this - I had them, but they are completely useless - I can't breed them, I can't do anything - just reminding me, how useless idea could be implemented in this game.
Golden water can - it's just one positive thing, nothing else.
It doesn't matter. I somehow have a 5-star island. I'm pretty sure it doesn't look like one.

I do like lilies of the valley though. They're cute. :)
I like my island free from clutter. Guess that's how I got it and maintained it for so long. I also like the lilies of the valley. Those flowers are pretty much my native flower now. :p

My island is nothing special though. I just have a lot of flowers and fences which pushed my rating to 5.
My town hovers on the edge of five stars, ocassionally I see Lilly of the valleys spawn but the next day Isabelle says my town is four stars. It doesn't bother me either way, I don't really care how the game thinks my island should look 🤣
I had a 5 star island but now I am making everything more cottage-core and I am planting weeds so I dont think it is 5 stars anymore haha. But I dont think it matters, it matters most how much you like your island, 5 stars or not :D
Honestly I think the only downside of having a low rating is that at the beginning of the game you won’t have K.K Slider come until you work it up to a high rating.
i cared about my rating when i started the game and i worked hard to get up to 5 stars. i tried to maintain 5 stars for while so i could collect some jacob's ladders, but now i don't really care. i really like the way the weeds look so i've let them grow in a bunch of places on the island
You can have an island full of weeds and still get a 5 star rating. I know this because that's how my island is. I purposely planted almost 200 weeds around the island (because it fits the theme) and it didn't prevent me from getting a 5 star rating.

Also, the limit of 200 trees doesn't count bushes. Many have said that bushes would count as trees but that's not true from what I've seen. I have crossed the 200 trees limit once, and Isabelle complained about it. I decided to see if bushes indeed counted towards the limit, and removed like 6 of them. It didn't change a thing, as Isabelle still said I had too many trees. I then planted the bushes back and removed a single hardwood tree, returned to Isabelle and I got my 5 star rating back.
i dont really care about my rating at all. Isabelle can give me a one star for all i care. What i really care is about how my island looks overall and that is something ratings cant influence.
I worked really hard in the beginning to get 5 stars. I managed 3 or 4 Jacob's Ladders, but haven't gotten any more since then. I can't be bothered to keep things picked up. I always have a bunch of stuff on the ground meant to be put away later.
I only care about the 5 star rating so I can spawn my own lily of the valley flowers. Also for the mushrooms, the 5 star rating gives you a higher spawn rate of the rare mushrooms. Other than that, I have no reason to maintain my rating. To me, what's more important is my personal rating of how much I love and enjoy my own island. I'd rather follow that rather than a programmed in rating system.
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It matters to me. I like having set boundries to work within so I enjoy maintaining the 5 star rating, I have hundreds of jacobs ladders by now since I never slipped below 5 stars after achieving it.
I actually don't care about my rating that much. I remembered being curious about my rating once and somehow got 5 stars; my island at the time was half-built so I had a lot of fences and buildings, and the other half was just overgrown with flowers. Got the watering can and never asked for my rating again, but it's not like I need to since I've recently gotten lilies of the valley growing again after cleaning up some areas.
I care enough to get the tree stars. Id like to get 5 stars just to say I did. But honestly I coukd care less. I like more natural open islands I can feel as if I am exploring.
I don't even know how many stars my island has right now. I don't think it's matters in the end.

Even for the people saying they have 5 stars, I don't think there's a way for you to actually check when you are on the island or visiting the dream address.
I maintained a 5-star to get enough Lily of the Valley plants. After I got the amount I wanted, I stopped caring about my star rating.
Honestly, you're not missing out much besides the 5 star flowers and the watering can. But the sucky thing is even the golden tools break so it really makes no difference. You make your island how you want! Don't feel like you have to do much of anything with the rating.