they don't help the other person when you have it.
Items give a random advantage to whoever is closer to the item. if you get a Lynn, I'm screwed. If I get a Lynn, you're screwed. It just randomly gives whoever gets it a boost, which can turn around the entire match, making so that a noob can easily beat a pro, which is just plain wrong.
just for clarification... Here's a list of items I can stand. Although obviously I won't use any of these in a competitive match.
Containers and Crates (duh)
Blast Box, takes strategy and thinking
Dragoon, makes for interesting strategy.
Metal Box, has ups and downs, more of a "give up some stats for other stats" rather than a random upgrade.
Beam Sword
Gooey Bombs
Smart Bombs
Smoke Balls
Soccer Balls
Team Healers
Franklin Badges