time for school and boring a55 lessons.
What does a55 stand for?
time for school and boring a55 lessons.
google it.What does a55 stand for?
google it.
I'll just take a wild guess and say it's has something to do with computers.
think about the context
Ya, it's possible you're taking a tech course in school that involves it.
Either that, or it's some road in Britain.
no where near
It means ass.Not my fault, this is the first time I've heard of them
I was tired of the green that we've had since March. (??? I think it's been green since then)
fall is so much better here and irl
I was tired of the green that we've had since March. (??? I think it's been green since then)
fall is so much better here and irl
don't be so pessimistic about summer jeez
for me the summer background was soothing to my eyes
winter murders them after browsing for a while
fall is just... there
This makes me sad, because fall means school.
School starts tomorrow for me...
Sure! 4 U
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