I think now would be a great time to make some construction changes and do some new things with terraforming since there's nothing going on. Will I do that? Probably not, haha. Aside from that there's not much left to do during this time. I think there's another small update on the horizon so hopefully whatever that brings will inject some excitement back into the game. In the last two weeks or so I find I'm playing much less. It wouldn't take much to bring me back but a 2-3 month deadzone feels too long to me.
I am in the minority I think as I am still enjoying winter. My island looks so pretty. I have taken down the Christmas decorations but with the sparkly trees and ice furniture I think it still looks magical
I really need to get on with adding to the museum and collecting the bugs and fishes that I still have to catch. Need to redo my village as well when I get inspiration so always plenty to do!
I can definitely feel and see the lack of stuff to do during these times. I only log in to gift Raymond a stack of fruit and check for new clothes. Then I close the game afterwards.
I could just ignore the game until the next update, but I promised myself to play it daily despite nothing happening. Also, I actually enjoy this downtime because I get to focus on other stuff.
Honestly, this is the time when I drift away from AC and take a break or do other stuff until Pavé comes around. I focus on my goals and what I need to do or improve in the game. I don't plan to sink as many hours into the game as before, but maybe I will redesign themes or try and complete the many achievements for my other PCs. I'll just check in with my villagers from time to time in order for them not to say.."Oh PC, where were you for the last [number] months!..." That annoys me so much more than the snow and lack of events.
It doesbt bother me. During the slower days I work on collecting resources, paying off my loans, and getting nook miles. I dont feel as pressured to play long periods of time every day which helps avoid the burn out and refreshes me for the busy seasons.
I'm surprised to hear so many people hate it! I'm not too fond of it, but I also don't mind it either.
I like how cozy everything looks covered in snow. Even though the lights have disappeared from the trees, it still feels very festive to me. The light spilling out from the houses, the snow capped roofs, the comfy sweaters...~ah! Just thinking about it makes me feel so warm and cozy inside. ☺
And while I can understand why it feels boring to some, I actually appreciate the snow because it makes it all the better when green grass starts showing up again. We only get snow for 3 months a year, so I try to savor it while it lasts. It's like pure magic when the snow lifts from the ground and you can see how different your town looks without it. It's one of my favorite things in real life and in Animal Crossing, so I have a special fondness for the season because of it.
So true. I've been using this time to redecorate rooms that just looked ok, and I've really been enjoying the dream suite. Yesterday, I spent about 30 minutes in my museum. I hadn't been in the exhibits in a couple of months. It was nice taking my time looking at all the bugs and fish. I took some pictures too. I even read about each art piece and learned quite a lot.
I agree; it's pretty boring. I am time traveling on one island and on the other one, I brought in a bunch of new villagers with Amiibo cards and am just hitting rocks and giving presents each day to earn photos.
while i do enjoy winter, i’m with you on this one. i’ve always hated just how,, unexciting everything is after the holidays, both in-game and irl, and am definitely looking forward to having some new stuff to do at some point aha.
Ha so true, I think now is a really great time for me to get myself together and finally do some more menial tasks like I was able to last spring. Finish all the Celeste recipes, collect art, finish sets. The holidays and preparing my island with seasonal decorations took up too much of my energy lol
Except some of us have not gotten all the snowboy recipes yet, so I'm still working on that.
I like things being a little more quiet. I've finished fish and bugs for my museum, so I don't feel pressure to hunt those. I still have badges to complete for how many I've caught, but I can do a little each day and chip away at them. I'm also tweaking little areas on my island, changing them as the season changes (and I manage to create those perfect snow creeps). No villager birthdays for a bit, so it's a nice time to browse for gifts I can tuck away, rather than scramble the day before.
And, having done up the holiday decorations, I now have changes to do, both inside and out. Honestly, there is enough to keep me occupied until Festivale comes.
Nah. It's pretty and glittery - I actually like winter in ACNH a lot more than in any other AC game - plus, the colorful lights that didn't match my town at all are gone. As for stuff to do, you might just need to get creative. Personally, I've been trying to get all the bug and fish models, and I have critters ready to go for when Flick or C.J. visits, but now I'm gonna start going through and trying to go about it in a more organized fashion, like noting which models I already have and which critters I still need to catch more of.
Besides that, I have more than enough to do IRL if I get bored with ACNH, lol.
I'm not a huge fan of the snow either, very much like how I feel in real life. But now that there's a lull in activity, I'm taking the opportunity to decorate and terraform my island and decorate the interiors of my homes. Sometimes it's nice to have a break too!
honestly i think the snow is why i cant seem to get into terraforming my first island, sleeptime. i flattened most of it and yet now im stuck going "okay now what?" but i dont like to tt and stay in another month because it throws me off so im not going anywhere sooo ehhh