This is the best thing ever
You know what, I've had a rather depressing day and this has cheered me up
THANK YOU sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, shes ADORABLE! I love it!!!!!
Username: KainAronoele
Ref(s): Us -
Personality: Me - shy, silly, short. Him - shy, nerdy, tall![]()
** I fogrot to draw it, but I have a lip piercing on my left side (green hair side)
Notes: Asking for couple art c:
Thank you!![]()
Ref(s): Personality:Laid back, easygoing person who can get agitated easily
Notes:Can the background be just plain white please? Thanks!
Username: Naekoya
Ref(s): couple icon, myself, my bf lol
Notes: Requesting couple art <3 tysm!
Hey guys, thanks for taking my first request! ^^ I'm going to request a second one if that's fine ~
Username: skarmoury
Personality: gets easily flustered, but she's happy-go-lucky!
Notes: If you could draw her sitting on stars or dipping her toes in the galaxy that would be great! Not required or anything though. ^^
Hope anyone will consider, thanks! c: <3
omg this is reeeeally nice of you all c:
Username: Amilee
Personality:Notes: thanks for considering c:Mimi is a girl who has been been pampered her entire life, and as such is rather prissy and spoiled. However, she is actually a very sweet and caring person, who is sensitive to the feelings of others. She is purehearted and honest, sometimes brutally honest, but she never means to truly harm others. She is very childish, and has a rather wild imagination. But she can also speak her mind and hates it when others don't say their opinions.
Gonna submit a new chara for consideration!
Username: Pokemanz
Personality: Stubborn, headstrong, cocky, thinks he's the greatest thing ever, is secretly sensitive deep down but will never let anyone see it
Notes: Can be drawn as cute lil cheeb or in his regular style. He's all big and buff though so I dunno if anyone here is willing to do that lol. I'd prefer if he was drawn in his varsity jacket (school colors are brown and orange with orange being the dominant color) but he can be drawn in his other outfit if you want. He's still pretty new so I'm hoping he can get some luv
This is a wonderful idea, you're all so talented!If anyone has time:
Username: hillaruhsaur
Ref(s):Personality: cheerful, bubbly, happy
Notes: the pattern on the sweater is ducks bc i love birds, also the balloon is not necessary