January 1st, 2016-The One Year Animal Crossing Challange Thread

On good news, I'll be getting Agnes from someone!
She's "unoriginal" but I don't care about that stuff.
I'll like them anyways.
On good news, I'll be getting Agnes from someone!
She's "unoriginal" but I don't care about that stuff.
I'll like them anyways.
I can't remember, is she the uchi pig or the bull?
Oh I haven't seen Agnes before, nice!

Tomorrow I should be getting an Uchi so I'll be plot resetting for Muffy.~ (Or Phoebe I love both equally.)
Oh I haven't seen Agnes before, nice!

Tomorrow I should be getting an Uchi so I'll be plot resetting for Muffy.~ (Or Phoebe I love both equally.)

I need a uchi still but sadly I'm not that fond of any of them :(
Knowing me I'll most likely end up getting Muffy, if I get one at all.
I think Uchi is the only one I'm missing, since my Smug is Julian, Peppy is Chrissy, Jock is Bill, Snooty is Barbara, normal is Bettina, lazy is Lucky(?), and Cranky is Vladimir. I might have mixed Lucky and Vladimir but I'm pretty sure It'll be an Uchi, which I need since I get stung by bees like no other...
I think Uchi is the only one I'm missing, since my Smug is Julian, Peppy is Chrissy, Jock is Bill, Snooty is Barbara, normal is Bettina, lazy is Lucky(?), and Cranky is Vladimir. I might have mixed Lucky and Vladimir but I'm pretty sure It'll be an Uchi, which I need since I get stung by bees like no other...
You can just save and quit. (Does that still work? I read somewhere it doesn't) Or you can shake all the trees before buying medicine.
Colton is gonna be moving in. I got stung by bees, trying to get enough to pay off the home loan, and Vic was the only one who still complimented me, whilst worrying about it. It was adorable. Vic's my favorite. We're gonna be best buds.
With shaking every tree, selling everything I had, except for tools and my zodiac monkey, including the three bees I did catch, I managed to scrape up 15,000 and pay off the 39,800 home loan :D
Progress. Currently working on a town flag and raising approval ^-^
i've been really busy these past few days, so i've had no time to play. sorta defeats the purpose, right? oh well.
anyway, my map is here. i told myself i'd stick with no more than 3 map resets, and i found a nice one on the second!

those are the villagers in Toy so far. out of all of them i've only ever had tangy, so it's nice for a change. i plan on putting all the villagers in the bottom right hand corner. i've not planned out much yet eek
i've also had no time to shop/design/edit my character, but i went with the blushy face. i've never done that one before, but it's so cute!!
if anybody has a shampoodle in one of their towns, mind if i come over? thanks <33
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I went to the Island for the first time tonight. Caught lots of new bugs and fish. Went on a bunch of tours and now have 90 medals. I wanted a wet suit but none were for sale.....boo.

Used the cash I got selling "extra" bugs and fish to pay off my bridge. Really needed it so I don't have to go halfway around town to get to the other side of it.

I went on a couple of Gardening Tours and brought back almost a whole box full of flowers to put around my town so it looks less bare now.
i've been really busy these past few days, so i've had no time to play. sorta defeats the purpose, right? oh well.
anyway, my map is here. i told myself i'd stick with no more than 3 map resets, and i found a nice one on the second!

those are the villagers in Toy so far. out of all of them i've only ever had tangy, so it's nice for a change. i plan on putting all the villagers in the bottom right hand corner. i've not planned out much yet eek
i've also had no time to shop/design/edit my character, but i went with the blushy face. i've never done that one before, but it's so cute!!
if anybody has a shampoodle in one of their towns, mind if i come over? thanks <33

OMG you have Drago! (Can I have him?) Also can someone try the link and let me know if they have full access? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F6RtCXYorgju0TMlJtFjxC1AiT-c9hlZWrChJ5fBiQc/edit?usp=sharing
Ohhh Tortimer is visiting!! I will get the island tomorrow!! Yay!

Canberra has officially moved in now. My house has been upgraded, and I will now start to do my daily chores to put the beautiful ordinance in effect!
My first day with the beautiful ordinance and I already saw three weeds wow, great job my town.

Also in one of my plot resets Vlady fell in a pit.