I know there are people who make like charms and figurines and a lot of people that make paintings/drawings but I was wondering if many people make jewelry on here. I am an amateur and want some inspiration, I've made a few pieces here and there but I am going to be getting into cabbing and cutting my own gems soon, so far all I've done is tumble my gems so it'll be a big step forward for me.
I really like making poly-clay pendants and beads, I need to get back into it, I also like wire-wrapping stones and once I get my book I'm gunna start trying to cab and cut some of my rocks to make pretty things. =D
I make earrings, necklaces and bracelets from polymer clay o .o
They're just not as sought after on here as much as my figurines lol.
If you click my siggy it'll take you to my shop where you can see the jewelry I make ^^