Just a 'lil LGBT appreciation, I guess.

I recently bought a pansexual pride t-shirt (similar to this one) and have had a really hard time bringing myself to wear it in public. I bought it wanting to be more proud of myself and more expressive of my place in the LGBT community but every time I consider wearing it I worry about the opinions of the people I'm with. As subtle as the design is, and as much as I know that anyone outside of the LGBTQIA community probably wouldn't really know what it means, I still can't bring myself to wear it.

I guess I appreciate this thread for giving me a little push of confidence?maybe I'll wear it soon :)
I truly needed this post. Around two weeks ago, I was harassed by a homeless guy. He shouted things like ?get that gender fluid **** away from me? and ?LGBT people are disgusting!? That whole situation made me upset, and it had less to do with the harassment and more to do with the fact that it is 2019 and people are still harassing minorities. Why do we live in a society where people have to be afraid to be themselves because they?re afraid of being harassed? This is ridiculous.
I truly needed this post. Around two weeks ago, I was harassed by a homeless guy. He shouted things like “get that gender fluid **** away from me” and “LGBT people are disgusting!” That whole situation made me upset, and it had less to do with the harassment and more to do with the fact that it is 2019 and people are still harassing minorities. Why do we live in a society where people have to be afraid to be themselves because they’re afraid of being harassed? This is ridiculous.

Sadly there will always be people like this... :/
They are usually not happy with themselves or
just don't want that things are changing.
You just have to ignore people like that,
even if it's hard.. be who you want to be for you,
not for anybody else. You can't make everyone
happy anyways :p
I truly needed this post. Around two weeks ago, I was harassed by a homeless guy. He shouted things like “get that gender fluid **** away from me” and “LGBT people are disgusting!” That whole situation made me upset, and it had less to do with the harassment and more to do with the fact that it is 2019 and people are still harassing minorities. Why do we live in a society where people have to be afraid to be themselves because they’re afraid of being harassed? This is ridiculous.

I’m so sorry that this happened to you :< sending so much love your way - you are beautiful and you are valid and if someone has an issue with who you are then that’s their problem and not yours. You are so loved <3