Support us in having the Goose Collectible (displayed in Vrisnem's lineup) as a permanent collectible, as opposed to it expiring in the next few days. Vrisnem should get rewarded for their hard work in organizing the fair!
It's already on the list of collectibles and the collectibles wiki, so if it's deleted off the site it's only gonna result in many users asking where it is
Let's prevent HQ clutter and keep Goose Plush alive
I totally support keeping the Goose Plush alive and I also wanted to mention, like in the Collectibles Hub Discord channel, that I think it would be cool if they made Goose obtainable to the community for a large amount of tickets (55-70 Tickets perhaps?)!
The goose collectible must stay! It has become a loved member of our forums and deserves to stay. I have a newfound appreciation of Goose the villager as well, I was very excited to find him on an island.
I support the goose collectible- We would be at a great loss If he left