Keeping A Notebook While Playing New Leaf?

I have some notes on my phone ready for when I play the game, like the answers to questions so I get the face I want and then the answers to the hair salon questions so I get the right hair. Then I've made notes on all the things I want on my town map so I select the best one out of the three. I might end up making more notes when I'm playing, like making sure I get the right presents at christmas for my neighbours or dates/times I've agreed to wi-fi. So yeah, stuff like that :)

What game was it that froze?
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Sounds like a good idea to keep a notebook I can write into for this game. Hopefully the prima guide will have a checklist for bugs and fish.
I'll definitely keep a small binder for these kind of notes but I'm thinking of doing it in a RP-style, where everything is in character. :0 I think that would be pretty fun, keeping a mayor's log sort-of-thing every now and then.
I'm going to find a notebook somewhere in my house and use it to keep track of things and write down my bells, planting schedules, funny villager quotes, and other miscellaneous Animal Crossing stuff. Including various room layouts and such.

I'll be keeping track of my town's progress on tumblr though. (I made my first tumblr just for this purpose!)
Just to record things I discover along the way like hybrid flower mixes, good fishing times etc. Nothing to big.
I used notebooks for the previous Animal Crossing games but this time around I think I'll just make an Animal Crossing notebook on my Evernote account so I can easily edit/view them on my phone as well as easily save guides I find online all in one place. :)