Keeping A Notebook While Playing New Leaf?

I bet I will use the notes thingy on the 3ds. Or, in a final effort, i'll mail notes to myself.
I have a Tumblr blog that I used to use for ACCF, but once I get ACNL it'll be dedicated to that, so I could always use my blog too.

You don't need to run back and fourth to the muesum anymore. The sign next to the mueseum tells you what you have donated already. :D

Really? Well that's convenient. :D
Wow! All these different reasons to take notes definitely sounds worthwhile! I think I'll head over to Barnes & Noble, and get a tiny notebook and dedicate it to AC:NL :D
I may even buy a second guide just to take notes in and keep the other guide pristine.
Oh wow so many people using/going to use a notebook. I don't see the point at all.

Me neither lol.
It's too time consuming, and it's not like there's going to be anything I need to remember for the next days. All the stats are displayed through the town tree too.
I want to do more of a journal/scrapbook-type thing than just a notebook of reminders. Something similar to a SMASH folio, for example.

I'd like to keep notes, pictures, and guides along with important reminders. Daily happenings, favorite villager quotes, my "adventures", memories with friends, favorite QR codes, town/house plans, random doodles, etc. I want to be creative with it and make it a keepsake. :)
I want to do more of a journal/scrapbook-type thing than just a notebook of reminders. Something similar to a SMASH folio, for example.

I'd like to keep notes, pictures, and guides along with important reminders. Daily happenings, favorite villager quotes, my "adventures", memories with friends, favorite QR codes, town/house plans, random doodles, etc. I want to be creative with it and make it a keepsake. :)

You should post the pictures of your scrap book on here, that sounds neat!
You should post the pictures of your scrap book on here, that sounds neat!

Maybe I will! :D
I really just want a way to keep track of things and record important events. Why not get a little crafty with it?

I'll probably keep a plain notebook to jot things down while playing and get fancy with it afterwards. I'll be doing screenshot "reminders", too. Probably the easiest way to take notes.
Maybe I will! :D
I really just want a way to keep track of things and record important events. Why not get a little crafty with it?

I'll probably keep a plain notebook to jot things down while playing and get fancy with it afterwards. I'll be doing screenshot "reminders", too. Probably the easiest way to take notes.

The only thing I am doing is taking pictures and then sharing a few online. A picture is worth 1000 words afterall.
I'm actually going to keep two notebooks! One is for before the game is released so I can write down the things I want to accomplish and stuff. I'm gonna draw pictures of the bridges, town hall, house ideas, characters face/ hair, and other stuff I want too! Then, the second one is going to be for during the game. I'll have a checklist of daily things I need to do (pluck weeds, breed hybrids, villagers to talk to, etc.), I'm gonna draw pictures of my villagers and make a list about them, clothes I want to make, hybrid list, bug, fish, fossil, and diving lists, Christmas list, fruits I need, and so much more! Now I'm kinda glad the game is a little whiles away so I can have to do all of this.

Wow, I wrote a lot!
I don't even need to use a notebook in order to enjoy the game. Outside of cosmetic concerns, planning ahead and using notebooks won't be useful for me. Small basic things like pulling weeds are easy to memorize, unless you happen to be insanely forgetful.
I'm just going to use a notebook because I love to write and any excuse for me to take notes and see my own handwriting is a good thing to me. xD

:3 I have very pretty handwriting.
I'm just going to use a notebook because I love to write and any excuse for me to take notes and see my own handwriting is a good thing to me. xD

:3 I have very pretty handwriting.

You're probably the only person that I've heard of that likes their own handwriting. I think mine is awful, but all my friends love mine and hate theirs. It's strange, haha.

For me, I've taken a few notes so far using the Evernote app. I like writing things down in an actual notebook, but if I'm on the go, I don't want to have to lug it around with everything. So having my notes on both my laptop & phone is easiest for me. :3
It's really hard to explain why I love my handwriting. xD Ever since I noticed how I write my capital N's when I was in middle school I've been obsessed with my handwriting. When i really try it looks wonderful. And I can write really, really small too. xD When I filled out the form for sending my hair to locks of love my mom stared at it and was like "You have the nicest handwriting I have ever seen." :3

I have no problem lugging around a notebook everywhere. I've practically done so my whole life! As a kid I'd doodle pictures in notebooks, as I've gotten older I'm almost always writing *something* so I like to have a notebook close at hand. Having a handy little notebook for me to keep animal crossing notes in will be handy!