Koopa's kave: a safe place where i can draw, write and more 📝🐢

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Here's some more doodles!

An unidentified object has been found in Regal Meadow! It seems to look like a star fragment, but it has more than one color? Who knows where this object is from and how it got on earth, and why does it remind me of a Space Whale?

(This might be my favorite drawing of Hope so far yay)
Anyways, here's Hope and her Andromeda Potion! It's said that if you drink this potion, it will transport you to another world! I'm probably not going to get enough mission tokens to buy one myself, but it still looks awesome! Plus, Hope seems to love it since it reminds her of the Prankster Comet she was riding on!

Edit: Also wanted to include an extra drawing! It's a remake of my "A whomp has fallen into the ocean in Cheep cheep lagoon" drawing I made for @xSuperMario64x last year!

Unfortunately, the Thowmp rescue "Helicopter" isn't as effective as the lego version, so lots of strength is required to help get this Whomp out of the water!

I of course was also listening to Cheep cheep lagoon while making this lol

And also, here's a comparison of last year's version, and this year if you're curious!
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Edit: Also wanted to include an extra drawing! It's a remake of my "A whomp has fallen into the ocean in Cheep cheep lagoon" drawing I made for @xSuperMario64x last year! View attachment 504445
Unfortunately, the Thowmp rescue "Helicopter" isn't as effective as the lego version, so lots of strength is required to help get this Whomp out of the water!

I of course was also listening to Cheep cheep lagoon while making this lol

And also, here's a comparison of last year's version, and this year if you're curious!
View attachment 504447
I still have the original drawing you made and it's still one of my favorite drawings anyone has done for me, seeing a newer version is unexpected but really awesome! especially since you can clearly see an improvement in art skill!! and I'm sure Mr. Whompo greatly appreciates his friends' help regardless hehehe. 💜
I still have the original drawing you made and it's still one of my favorite drawings anyone has done for me, seeing a newer version is unexpected but really awesome! especially since you can clearly see an improvement in art skill!! and I'm sure Mr. Whompo greatly appreciates his friends' help regardless hehehe. 💜
Oh my gosh really? 🥹 I'm glad you enjoy that piece so much! It's honestly one of my favorites too, even despite the poorish quality compared to my art now, it's always been one of my favorites that I enjoyed drawing, and I'm glad you feel the same too!

And don't worry, Mr Whompo definitely appreciates his friends' help, even though he is a bit clumsy, so things like this happen somewhat often lol
Here's some more art!

First, here's what I feel like is some long overdue art of both Sky and Swirls together! These two might be one of my favorite ocs simply because I love drawing them and I love writing about them too!

Also, speaking of writing, here's a little more about these guys!

Sky is the Pink Regal with the feathers on her head! She is best described as a big ball of energy, and she loves making new friends! She is also the leader of her pack, and while most leaders are more stern and serious and make a lot of rules, Sky's only rule is to make sure everyone is having fun! Despite her nice demeanor though, she can be serious when she needs to be, and is also very hyper-competitive. She's also very protective of those close to her, and can easily be thrown in a fit of rage if anything happens to any of them, especially Swirls.
Likes: Popsicles, watching movies, exploring, traveling, and being around Swirls
Dislikes: Confrontation, small talk, scary movies

Swirls is the one on the rights with the swirl pattern! Unlike Sky, he is very shy but likes making friends. He may appear a little stand-offish when you first meet him, but over time he'll open up! Swirls also believes common sense is important, but he tries not to ruin Sky's fun because of it. Unlike Sky, he's also not the best at fighting, but he still tries his best whenever they're in danger.

Likes: Ice cream, Sky keeping him company, small talk, scary movies
Dislikes: Traveling, loud people, lots of attention from others, loud noises
Here's some more art!
Queen bee vs kirby.png

Now this is something I've been meaning to do for a while, make some art of my favorite Kirby game, Kirby Triple Deluxe! I'm actually kinda surprised I haven't done this before as of yet! Anyways i decided to draw Kirby fighting Queen Sectonia, because I love her design! Unfortunately I suck at drawing insect wings and human hands, so combining those two things was definitely a challenge, but I'm still happy with how it turn out!

(Also, Queen Sectiona also has a pretty dark backstory, which is kind of expected for a Kirby game, but I think her backstory might take the cake on this one)
(Lol for some reason I decided to start working on this at 5am in the morning but at least it's done now)

Anyways, I decided I wanted to do some art of the Queen Regal! She's also quite big, being about 40 feet tall, so all the other Regals look like specs of dust compared to her. However, she doesn't mind it, and always makes sure her Regals are alright.
As a little bonus, here's he backstory as well!
Long ago, a small creature hatched out of a golden egg in a forest. It was certainly interesting, with the ears and body of a rabbit, and wings, beak, and talons of an eagle. Unfortunately, the little creature was found alone, with no parents or food in sight. However, the animals of the forest stumbled upon it and took it under their wing. They fed it, bathed it, told it stories, and the birds of the forest even helped teach it how to fly. The young creature grew up fast, after only what seemed like days, it already seemed to have reached its adult stage of life. Now that the creature was an adult, it decided it wanted to dedicate its life to helping the animals who helped it. Whenever an animal was wounded, the creature flew off to find some herbs to make medicine. Whenever there was a shortage of food or water, the creature went into the deepest part of the forest to get some berries and water. The animals were internally grateful for how much this strange creature had helped them, and the forest spirits watched with smiles on their faces at how nice that small creature was. The creature made a name for herself, now being called "The Queen of the Forest". Unfortunately, everything changed when the normal smells of the forest were replaced by the smell of fire. "Humans. " The animals said angrily. "What are humans?" The Queen of the Forest asked. The forest creatures quickly explained their dislike of humans, as they hated seeing so many perish to gun wounds, and hated seeing all those trees chopped down every year. "Humans are nothing but evil creatures. Think you can drive them out of our home for us?" The Queen hesitated but tried her best as she slowly approached them and let out a loud "CAW!" to get their attention. Unfortunately, nothing happened as the so-called "Humans" just took out a strange device that flashed a bright light in her face and made a shutter sound. Frightened by the noise and light, The Queen of the Forest then ran away. "What is that thing? After it!" One of the humans said to the other. Unfortunately, they forgot to put out their campfire, as it slowly engulfed the forest in flames. The Queen of the Forest ran all around the forest until she was forced to stop as she met the flames blocking her path. The animals were terrified as they didn't want to lose their Queen to the flames after all she had done for them. The Queen was overwhelmed by this decision. She didn't want to attack the humans, as that would be wrong. She also didn't want to fly away, as she didn't want her friends to perish in the flames. Finally, The Queen looked at her animal friends one last time. "Friends, unfortunately, this is the end for me. Thank you for taking care of me and all that you did for me, and I hope to see you all in the afterlife." With that, the creature accepted her fate, and stepped into the flames. To her surprise, she didn't die. Instead, she heard the voices of the forest spirits. "Your constant gratitude and kindness to the other animals have truly touched our hearts. Please have our gift of thanks, the powers of a Phoenix! This will allow you to save your friends!" All of a sudden, everything seemed to change. The Queen grew to an enormous height, easily towering over all the trees in the forest. She spread her wings and saw that all her feathers had turned into gold! She also noticed that she seems to be unaffected by the fire now. It seemed like she truly did have the powers of a Phoenix! The humans immediately ran after seeing that creature they were trying to gather information on had grown to the size of most buildings. The Queen then quickly had all the animals gather on her back, and flew to safety. After many more years of helping those animals, eventually, she notices that there seemed to be more creatures that looked like her, with the ears and body of a rabbit, and wings, beak, and talons of an eagle. The Queen was overjoyed, and started calling these creatures "Regals". While at first there were only a few of these creatures, their numbers seemed to skyrocket fast, and after only a decade, there was now an overabundance of them in the forest. The Queen then allowed them to travel anywhere they liked, as long as they were careful. Now, while she does tend to take decade-long naps now and then, she still emerges from her slumber to check on her Regals, and it's said that if you find one of her golden feathers, you too will be granted immortality.
Here comes an art dump! I have more stuff I'm working on, but I think I'll save that for another post, along with my camp stuff
Art I made for @xSuperMario64x, wishing him good luck on his search for an older Green feather!
Birthday art for @LittleMissPanda! This was honestly a lot of fun to draw the 3 cabbits bros!
A little doodle of Hee-Ho Jack frost from the SMT series! I'm actually kinda surprised I haven't done any SMT/Persona drawings digitally yet lol
A drawing I made of Hisuian Zorua! I've been meaning to do a drawing of it for a while now, and I finally did!
A random drawings I did of Kourage and Hope, celebrating me getting an Andromeda Potion!
(Oof I was gonna post this earlier but I passed out from a sugar crash, remind me to never eat ice cream at 11pm again lol)

So anyways, i decided to make myself as an Animal Crossing villager! Meet Sapphire!


Also, here's some more details about him!

💙 Name: Sapphire
💙 Species: Wolf
💙 Gender: Male
💙 Personality: Smug
💙 Catchphrase: M'kayy
💙 Photo quote: "You don't need a pack to be a leader!"
💙 Favorite song: K.K House
💙 Coffee: Mocha, regular amount of milk, 3 spoonfuls of sugar
💙 Birthday: 1/26
💙 Goal: To become a famous author!
💙 Fear: Bug mask (I'm also not very fond of bugs IRL minus ladybugs)

Sapphire might seem a little strange and off-putting at first glance because of his interests and appearance, but no need to be worried! While most would think a wolf like him would be scary and hard to talk to, Sapphire welcomes any new friend of his with open arms and an open heart! He's also very protective of people he's close to, and will always make sure that they're safe. And if you ever feel like he seems bored on uninterested in you, don't worry, he's just a little shy sometimes! Just like plants, friendship takes time to grow too, but once it's done growing, it's truly a sight to behold!

And now for the long part, how Sapphire represents me!

As you guys probably all know by now, blue is my favorite color, and for shades of blue, I love cyan the most, but I do like the color sapphire too! (Which is why some of Sapphire's fur is cyan) I also chose Sapphire to be a wolf because: 1. I love wolf villagers, and 2. I've always been classified as a "quiet kid" in school, and because of that, some people were afraid of me, like how some people are afraid of wolves. Because I am quiet IRL, I've always envied some people in school that had huge friend groups since while I love social interaction, I'm kinda bad at making friends lol. This is also where Sapphire's quote came from, as while wolves are known to hunt in packs, sometimes it's ok to be a lone wolf, and lead your very own pack! I also love listening to all kinds of music, but currently, I've been listening to a lot of house music, so I decided to choose K.K. House for that reason. I also don't drink coffee, (unless iced coffee counts) but if I did, I imagine my order would be something like Sapphire's. As for Sapphire's fear, while I'm not afraid of bugs, I do dislike quite a few of them, especially mosquitos.
Guys I think I might have outdone myself with this one 😵

Anyways, since camp is now over, I decided I wanted to make a sequel to my Obscure Observations story! (Which if you can read Here if you haven't read it already) This one was inspired by Rosalina's story from SMG, and I love how it turned out! So, without further ado, here it is!

Ione loved cruising through the sky on her special Star Boat. However, she also wondered what existed beyond the sky. So one day, on a clear night, she got on her Star Boat, and flew as high as she could! Her ship soared through Earth's atmosphere with ease, and soon enough, she was in space! Ione was in awe with the sights she saw. "Earth truly is as beautiful as they say on tv". Ione thought aloud, as she grabbed her trusty notebook that she always wrote in to record her space thoughts and observations, and wrote down her thoughts. While most would be satisfied with the view she had witnessed alone, Ione wanted to see more. Deep inside her quiet, shy, demeanor, was an adventurous soul who dreamed of nothing more of sailing through the stars. So, she grabbed the wheel and spun it as fast as she could. However, she may have done it a bit too fast, as the Star Boat started entering warp speed! Fearful for her life, Ione screamed as the Star Boat softly landed on a mysterious purple planet. Ione was surprised, she was sure she would have perished from the atmosphere of the planet. But surprisingly, this planet didn't seem to have any oxygen, yet she could still breathe.. odd. Anyways, eager to see if this strange planet had any locals, Ione hopped down from her ship and started exploring. It seemed like somebody or a whole crew of somebody had been here, as there were plenty of things left behind. Energy drinks, snacks, and even a Space Whale Plush! "It's so cute! I hope it doesn't belong to any locals, as I would love to take this home with me!" Ione continued exploring, Space Whale Plush in hand, when she spotted a small creature that resembled a rabbit, but it had a small crecent moon on its head. "Hiya, my name's Ione! Would you mind telling me where I am?" The rabbit creature smiled as it shook Ione's hand. "Welcome, Visitor! My name is Triton! This planet doesn't have a name, but I like to call it Paradise! Anyways, I just made a special Andromeda Potion out of stardust! Do you want it?" Ione gasped at how beautiful the potion was, despite her being obsessed with space as long as she could remember, she had never seen something so beautiful. "Of course, I would, thank you so much!" Ione said, continuing the study of the mesmerizing colors of the potion. Triton smiled at the fact Ione loved this potion, as this was the first one he ever made! Unfortunately, Triton's smile would fade when he heard a loud, deep voice. "HEY! HOW DARE YOU WASTE MORE STARDUST ON YET ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE STUPID POTIONS!" Triton turned around to see a Space Whale! "Stupid Potions? Why, how dare you insult our Potions! At least our Potions take real talent, and skill to make, unlike those stupid star fragments you always make!” "Stupid star fragments?! Why, little Moon Bunny, don't make me summon the Royal Whale Shark to swallow you for insulting our precious fragments!" The two creatures argued back and forth, much to Ione's confusion. "Excuse me! What's going on? Why are you two arguing?" "Oh, Ione! I forgot to tell you! Us Moon Bunnies are sort of rivals with the Space Whales because we both want Star Dust! Unfortunately, there is a limited amount of Star Dust on this planet, and we want to make more Andromeda Potions, but these whales keep on wasting them! I do miss how it was before those Aliens came to our planet." "Aliens?" "Yep, Aliens! They were scary, too! They had bright green skin, sharp teeth, and claws, dark, soulless eyes, and a mouth yearning for the taste of fresh blood. Fortunately, this brave explorer named "Gulliver" shrunk them down into a jar for us, and has since gotten rid of them for good! I just wish that guy came earlier, as those Aliens ate most of our Star Dust! So, ever since then, both us Moon Bunnies and Space Whales have been gathering as much Star Dust as we can! "And, those visitors who helped gather shoo away that annoying rabbit gave us enough Star Dust to make special star fragments for them!" "Hey, Ruby's not stupid! At least we don't live like bees, who have no free will and do whatever that Whale Shark asks of them. Geez, get a life!" "How dare you insult our culture! And we do have free will, it's just that we're loyal to our queen by nature! " Ione watched sadly as the two creatures continued to argue. "Guys, you know what I think? I think both these Potions and these Star Fragments are special and beautiful in their own different ways, and they certainly aren't a waste!" Both creatures gasped at Ione, then looked at each other. "Y'know, Ione's right. I'm sorry for insulting your people's Star Fragments. It's just not fair how we Moon Bunnies work so hard to make our beloved potions, and you Whales can do it so quickly!" ”I'm sorry too. And you're right, we can make our Star Fragments so quickly by swallowing Star Dust, and the special chemicals in our mouths mold the dust together, making these Fragments!" "Really, that's it? Wow! Do you mind helping us the next time we make another Andromeda Potion?" "Of course! Another thing about our culture is that we're always there to help! Thank you, Ione, for helping us see the error of our ways and the beauty of our creations!" With that, Triton hopped on the Space Whale's back, and flew off to make another Andromeda Potion. Meanwhile, Ione went back on the Star Boat and wrote for hours in her journal about her findings. She would eventually leave this planet and return to Earth, but she made sure to keep her Andromeda Potion, Space Whale Plush, and a Special Star Fragment created by the Royal Whale Shark herself, as souvenirs of her trip to that strange planet.
Well, my raffle art is done, and so is camp so you know what that means! IT'S DUMPIN' TIME!
(Also for some reason I always forget to post my submissions for events but at least this time I didn't forget lol)

Remining Camp stuff:

Pencil Passport entry
(Sorry for the terrible quality, my tablet camera is not that good and my phone's camera isn't much better tbh)

My entry for my team flag

Raffle winner art:
Kourage and Molly Koopa, @xSuperMario64x's Oc! They're Koopa buddies!


@LittleMissPanda's pokemon team of baby pokemon, who were strong enough to beat the game, and rematch all of the gym leaders!

Misc stuff:
Some artwork of a young Twilight with her Star Wand!

Some (long overdue) art of Wishy! I wanted to experiment with some different brushes than the ones I normally use, and I'm happy how it turned out!

Some artwork I did of one of Lapras' skins in pokemon unite! While I do dislike how most of the good skins cost money (which is sorta expected for a free to play game) I really like this skins design, so I decided to draw it!

Here's some more art!

First, here's @xSuperMario64x's oc Artemis! He requested I draw her on discord, and I did! Despite it being a little hard with all the color blending, she was still a lot of fun to draw!


(Excuse my chicken scratch handwriting oof)
Anyways, this doodle of Beef Boss is based on this moment during Poofesure's Wii Party U videos, where he was playing Recipe Recall with master CPU's. However, they kept getting the recipe wrong, so Poofesure started yelling at them to get out the kitchen 🤭


This last one is a little doodle I did of Sapphire holding a Swamp Potio, to celebrate me getting one! And now that I have 5 potions, I can do half lineup with them! (Though I probably won't for a while because I like my galaxy swirls lineup lol)
It's so amazing seeing another TBT user draw Beef Boss 😭 Your drawing is fantastic, I love it! I remember that scene very well, it's one of my favorites from Poofesure XD

Your other drawings are great as well, especially the one of Sapphire! 💜
Oof get ready for another big art dump!

First, here's some art I made of the camp reps as ac villagers on the camp creations thread! I did something similar with camp bell tree 2021, and I really wanted to do it again lol. This was really fun to draw, and I tried to incorporate different personalities for all the reps, kinda like the personalities for villagers!


Next, here is some ice Pikmin for @/Yanrima~ on the Draw The User Above You Thread! I've never drawn Pikmin before, but I really like the ice Pikmin's design, so I decided to go with it! It was fun to draw, especially while listening to some Pikmin music!

This one was random, after seeing the direct for Super Mario Wonder, I (for some reason) decided to draw Kourage and Hope as goombas! Hope seems to enjoy her new Goomba form, while Kourage is just hoping the effects of the Wonder flower wear off soon lol

Next is another random idea I had: What if the Purple Bat Potion was a drink? So here's my concept! Unfortunately, I don't think it's consumable, unless you want to turn into a bat! 🦇


Lastly, here's some long overdue art of all my main Mario oc's! From left to right, we have Kourage, Hope, Blossom, Slivester, and Mc bro! I also wrote a little bio about them as well!


Born and raised outside the Koopa Troop in a small village, Kourage is kind, adventurous, and well, courageous! (Hence his name lol) I've always thought the blue koopas from NSMB were cool, and I decided to make an OC out of one!

Hailing from an unknown galaxy, this green luma is ready for anything! Like Kourage, she's also pretty nice to an extent, but try to mess with her and you'll regret it once you get a taste of the power of a green luma! I love Super Mario Galaxy, and I wanted to make a green Luma OC because they're my favorite color of luma 💫 💚

While some may be afraid of her since she's taller than most flutters, Blossom is as most would describe her, an angel in flutter form! She's very kind and understanding, loves gardening, and has a very soft spot for plushies! However, while it's a rare sight, just remember not to anger her, unless you want to be chased for an hour or two! While they don't appear in many games, unfortunately, Flutters are among my favorite Mario enemies, so I made an OC of one!

Originally one of Bowser's best Charge n' Chucks, he eventually quit as he didn't like crashing into things trying to attack Mario, plus he disliked wearing his uniform all the time either. After he quit, he left the Koopa Troop behind, got his cloud riding license, and became a Lakitu! He's pretty laid-back and lax but knows when to be serious when the situation calls for it. He's also very found of space! Some of my other favorite Mario enemies are Charge n' Chucks and Lakitiu, and I wanted to make an OC that combines both of them and as such, Silvester was born!

Mc Bro:
Originally being a part of the elite Hammer Bro force, he was eventually kicked off due to him spray painting his name on Bowser's castle on more than one occasion, refusing to wear his helmet for safety precautions, and sometimes stealing things from others. However, he has some good qualities in there! He's just mischievous by nature, but he is kind to those who he's close to! Unlike the rest of these, I just thought of him as a character and decided to draw him lol
Random but I just attempted to draw a Dorado again since it's my favorite animal crossing fish, (and because I haven't drawn one since camp bell tree 2021 oof) and I really like how it turned out!

I also decided to give it teeth as Dorados are related to piranhas and pretty ferocious by nature! But yeah, I'm pretty proud of this one, and I decided to set it as my profile pic for a little while!
This one took way long than expected ajkshsjsk, but I think it's worth it!

Anyways, this one is actually a gift for my good friend @xara! I've been planning to do this one for a while, and now I finally drew it! I also was originally just gonna post this on your profile, but I figured this would go wayy over the character limit so I decided to just post it on this thread!


As a late congrats on your Rainbow Cresent Moon win, I decided to draw your rep on it holding a planet glow wand, along with a playful Moon Bunny, and a curious Axolotl! I also decided to throw in a little Galaxolotl buddy holding a heart because why not lol, I hope you like it!
This one took way long than expected ajkshsjsk, but I think it's worth it!

Anyways, this one is actually a gift for my good friend @xara! I've been planning to do this one for a while, and now I finally drew it! I also was originally just gonna post this on your profile, but I figured this would go wayy over the character limit so I decided to just post it on this thread!

View attachment 512741
As a late congrats on your Rainbow Cresent Moon win, I decided to draw your rep on it holding a planet glow wand, along with a playful Moon Bunny, and a curious Axolotl! I also decided to throw in a little Galaxolotl buddy holding a heart because why not lol, I hope you like it!
KOOPA oh my gosh 🥹🥹🥹🥹 i didn’t even check my notifications before coming in here because i was so excited to see what art you posted, and got the surprise of my life oml 🥹

i’m actually gonna cry this is so cute!!!!!! i love everything about this so so much— the adorable axolotls, the moon bunny, the planet wand and the rainbow moon!! i love the way you drew my rep too, you made her look so precious!!!! i love the little rainbow gleams coming off of the moon, they add such pretty lighting and depth!!

this has honestly made my day, thank you so so much my dear friend 🥹💜 i can’t express how much this means to me!! 💜
KOOPA oh my gosh 🥹🥹🥹🥹 i didn’t even check my notifications before coming in here because i was so excited to see what art you posted, and got the surprise of my life oml 🥹

i’m actually gonna cry this is so cute!!!!!! i love everything about this so so much— the adorable axolotls, the moon bunny, the planet wand and the rainbow moon!! i love the way you drew my rep too, you made her look so precious!!!! i love the little rainbow gleams coming off of the moon, they add such pretty lighting and depth!!

this has honestly made my day, thank you so so much my dear friend 🥹💜 i can’t express how much this means to me!! 💜
Late reply, but I'm so glad you love it! Honestly you've been such a great friend to not just me, but to so many people on this site, that I felt like you deserved some art!

(Also now I kinda wish we got a Galaxolotl plushy to go along with the space whale, idk why but I feel like they'd be good plush pals ✨🐳)
I was gonna comment here earlier but I was feeling really tired, I just want to say that when I saw the drawing you made for xara I literally said "oh my goodness" like 7 times ksjdfks it's so adorable!!! 😭💞✨
Here's some more art!


First, I decided to draw Gold King Bomb-omb from Mario Kart Tour again! I haven't drawn him since late 2021, so I decided to draw him again! Also here's both drawings side by side:


This next one is another gift, this time for @S.J.! This time, Agnes is on her Rainbow Cresent Moon just chilling, surrounded by some of her friends, a playful Space Whale, a generous Rainbow Jellyfish that offered her a glam feather, and even a giant Space Narwhal! I know I already said this, but we all appreciate your kindness and helpfulness on this site!
(Also maybe I should start a shop where I make people's reps/ocs on Rainbow Cresent Moons, these are fun to make, though they take a while lol)


Next, I decided to draw a Space Dorado! While they aren't golden like the ones on earth, they do still leave behind very valuable gold space dust wherever they go! I honestly really like the idea of galactic aquatic creatures, and I'll probably be making a lot more 🙂!


I also decided to draw a Space Oarfish and a Galaxoltol too! They may be of different species, but they're the best of buds!