Last questions about villagers I'm asking myself...

12-15 is good for me. Maybe if the island was like double the size 25 would be ok.
Because I don't know how to create my own map, I quickly modified yours a little bit to see what it should be with 20 houses (I haven't changed colors) ; 12 villagers and 8 humans. What do you think ? Here the link.
I'd like the option of at least 12/13 villagers. I do think space would be an issue if you go beyond that, because looking back, I realised I tend to design around each villagers appearance or personality...while keeping the general look of the town together ofc.
10 villagers is fine, 12 villagers is good, 15 is enough for me. That's what I think. I like being friends with all my villagers, and having more than 15 is a bit much.
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I still done see what's so bad about having 25 villagers...
They do talk to each other too ya know〜 ☆
I still done see what's so bad about having 25 villagers...
They do talk to each other too ya know〜 ☆

Most of us just find it overwhelming. Its over double the usual we've had for so long, especially when you consider you can have eight human players as well. It just seems... bizarre and foreign. Many of us have said 10-15 is a good amount.
I still done see what's so bad about having 25 villagers...
They do talk to each other too ya know〜 ☆

To add onto what Khaelis said, it is overwhelming. Part of what I've liked about Animal Crossing is making friendships with villagers. With 25 villagers in a town, this personal element is lost. At that point, people are going to the same bunch of pretty villager for each town. So, instead of having towns with less villagers and more creative space, you have more similar towns.

That, and it is unrealistic. 25 villagers + 8 human players = 32 houses and then there's the Museum, Airport, Nook's Cranny, Able Sisters, and possibly other stuff. It's extremely crowded and misses the whole direction of New Horizons, which is to give the player the ability to flex their creative muscles.

25 villagers seems interesting right now, but I bet once you actually play New Horizons, you'll come around to having more space to do other things and value the villagers you do have even more.
OH 25 villagers is absolutely terrifying to me, especially since i actively try to keep my neighbourhood as small as possible LOL 8 was wonderful for me in new leaf
That, and it is unrealistic. 25 villagers + 8 human players = 32 houses and then there's the Museum, Airport, Nook's Cranny, Able Sisters, and possibly other stuff. It's extremely crowded and misses the whole direction of New Horizons, which is to give the player the ability to flex their creative muscles.

This is probably my biggest problem with having such a large amount of villagers. I look at that map in the op and it looks incredibly crowded and claustrophobic. I see barely any room to develop the town beyond having a massive number of villagers.
I still done see what's so bad about having 25 villagers...
They do talk to each other too ya know〜 ☆

Don't forget they call your name now instead of pinging.

Say you've terraformed yourself between a rock and a hard place, then twenty five villagers call out to you. You try to pole vault your way across the island, and they've already called you thrice. :D
10, 11 or 12 would be my perfect number. More than that and it would feel like Hong Kong.
Don't forget they call your name now instead of pinging.

Say you've terraformed yourself between a rock and a hard place, then twenty five villagers call out to you. You try to pole vault your way across the island, and they've already called you thrice. :D

Haha that's true but I still wouldn't mind ₍ᐢ⸝⸝› ̫ ‹⸝⸝ᐢ₎

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Ok let me put it like this:

There are 25 villagers that you eventually build up to. No one ever starts out on the highest level of any game, it's a gradual process.
The cap would be there for people who want 25 villagers but you not have to have 25 villagers.
In NL I would start to get incredibly lonely because villagers were at the following places:

✦︎Main Street - Able Sisters, Nooks etc
✦︎Museum - various galleries!
✦︎In their house
✦︎Visiting another villagers house

So they're not all in the town at once. They don't hang around to bother you every second of the day.

It's so lonely when it's just me and there's no one around to talk to... So if the cap could go to 25 and it doesn't affect you, why is it so bad? Someone like me who gets incredibly lonely in my town could benefit by having a large town.
You don't have to have 25. It may be much to you but to me, it's a dream come true, plus the game would balance itself. It's not like Super Mario or Kingdom Hearts ( p′︵‵。)
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You know what, I think 25 villagers isn?t for everyone but let?s say you could have up to 25 villagers, I like what you?re saying that it?s a choice! If there?s a cap, then you don?t have to have that amount. You could probably have a low cap as well.

The more the merrier in my opinion 💃

If it?s overwhelming for ya, just don?t increase the amount of villagers. I?d probs like 20 so I?d set my cap at that amount and then I could increase if I wanted to. Ooo a girl can dream 🌟
Just throwing my thoughts in, as someone who has played most of the main games from Gamecube days and been quite happy with my 8-10 villagers. I believe they would not deviate much from this number and if anything judging by the demos it seems even likely/possible we can only accommodate the amount of villagers per islander to even it out?? so although nobody is quite certain yet I feel it could either be 1 islander+9 villagers or just like all the other titles 10 villagers haha, which would be more than ok with me anymore would overwhelm my sense of a close-knit community in the island : 'D I genuinely do hope they address this as it has definitely been rather confusing lol^^;;
You know what, I think 25 villagers isn’t for everyone but let’s say you could have up to 25 villagers, I like what you’re saying that it’s a choice! If there’s a cap, then you don’t have to have that amount. You could probably have a low cap as well.

The more the merrier in my opinion ��

If it’s overwhelming for ya, just don’t increase the amount of villagers. I’d probs like 20 so I’d set my cap at that amount and then I could increase if I wanted to. Ooo a girl can dream ��

YAAAY〜 someone who understands what I'm trying to say!!! o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡╮︎(* ༎ຶ ཀ ༎ຶ`)╭︎o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡
Thank you for actually reading what I posted... I don't think my feelings were reaching anyone...
Villagers are amazing and I believe 25 would work perfectly for me (◜︎౪◝︎ )
I hope your island gets big too ?٩(*? ꒳ `*)۶?

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Just throwing my thoughts in, as someone who has played most of the main games from Gamecube days and been quite happy with my 8-10 villagers. I believe they would not deviate much from this number and if anything judging by the demos it seems even likely/possible we can only accommodate the amount of villagers per islander to even it out?? so although nobody is quite certain yet I feel it could either be 1 islander+9 villagers or just like all the other titles 10 villagers haha, which would be more than ok with me anymore would overwhelm my sense of a close-knit community in the island : 'D I genuinely do hope they address this as it has definitely been rather confusing lol^^;;

I've played since WW in 2006. More would be welcome and of course optional for anyone else it would overwhelm.
I think it's nice that some people will enjoy a small island but I would love 25 villager cap that's optional
I guess some people may even enjoy just having 2 villagers? ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

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10, 11 or 12 would be my perfect number. More than that and it would feel like Hong Kong.

Lol it would have to be a lot more than that to feel crowded haha ꉂ (˃̶᷄‧̫ॢ ˂̶᷅๑ ) www
I like the idea of a bunch of villagers on your island, but 25 is definitely too much. It would be fun to have that as a hard limit, while havin 10 or 15 as a soft limit. No idea how they'd enforce it without forcing amiibo cards on it, but I think that could be a fun option for people. Especially kids who mainly care about the villagers and nothing else.
I like the idea of a bunch of villagers on your island, but 25 is definitely too much. It would be fun to have that as a hard limit, while havin 10 or 15 as a soft limit. No idea how they'd enforce it without forcing amiibo cards on it, but I think that could be a fun option for people. Especially kids who mainly care about the villagers and nothing else.

For me, it would be an amazing way to get to know loads of villagers! Haha I could see some kids liking this?
I enjoy having houses in rows and tucked nicely together probably since that's how I live irl
And that's also for my island, how I would like it to be〜 ☆
It's enjoyable ( ˘꒳˘)。o○︎(

Also I like the idea of the soft limit and hard limit but I think that it would be as if you could choose how many villagers live on your island 1 being the minimum and any number you like from there to the cap ◟︎(๑⃙⃘⸍௰⸌๑⃙⃘)◜︎
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Personally I'm hoping for something like 15 or 16 villagers. I think it's a good number that gives variety without being overwhelming.

I like the idea of having that many villagers because then I can separate them into three different neighborhoods, it doesn't work as well if it's just 10. I never feel like my community is "bustling" when it's just 9 or 10 villagers.

Something to keep in mind, is that since we have the ability to place villager homes...we're likely going to be in control of how many villagers are on our island. So even if we had the ability to have 25 villagers....people could still make the choice to only have 10-15 of them. (heck they could choose to go back to Wild World and have just 8 if they wanted)

I feel like the most important thing is having that choice to decide for yourself how many is enough (within reason). Nobody should be forced to have more villagers than they want (or can deal with), but I also think it would be great if we had more of a range of options for those who want a bigger community.
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25 is definitely too much and I doubt they'd ever go that high. I get that you're suggesting a cap of 25 but I still think that it'd get old really fast and stressful.

I like 12, but I'd go up to 15. I definitely want to utilize the other players though to make their houses into restaurants or spa's or something but I don't think I'd use all 8.
25 sounds terrible. Such a crowded map, and it'd take away the feeling of building friendships with the villagers. Takng care of so many would make the game a chore rather than an escape.

I hope for more than 10, but no more than 15.