Least favorite character in fiction


Gone until April 1st
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
From all of literature and media, who is your least favorite character or characters in fiction? I would also like to see some reasoning. This includes TV shows, movies, and video games.

In my opinion, Courtney from Total Drama is the worst character in fiction. She has serious social problems. She's hypocritical (Phobia Factor), she's useless but doesn't want people voting her off (Not so great outdoors), and she can get really violent (several episodes I could name of). Not only that, but she is a sue happy brat. She sued the show because Chris wouldn't let her join season two, and then, she tried to dominate the show as she got unfair advantages. She cares about winning over anything, including other people. She always whines when things don't go her way, and she refuses to learn lessons. You know, it's always good to have characters that are dramatic along with good characters when writing a story, otherwise it won't be a good story after all. But Courtney is too much, and her aggressive behavior and violent personality (both coming from the inside and not the outside) helped ruin Total Drama for me. Total Drama Island was fine (even her before her unfair elimination), but I stopped watching after Total Drama Action. Oh, and one last thing, she accepted her elimination in TDI the least out of the 22 contestants that attended TDI.

Another fictional character I hate is Bebe Stevens from South Park. Although she's fine most of the time (she hasn't done anything annoying in Season 18), she is a bad person in some of the episodes (like The List and the photoshopping episode). She's not bad as Courtney, but I regret being a fan of her.
When characters like Tom Buchanan and Simon Legree have been written, Courtney seems like an angel in comparison.

There's a lot I could say but the short version is this: he's just way too overpowered and that is just not interesting. I mean that in both how powerful he is as well as the actual amount of abilities he has (not even including the stupid amount he had from the 'Golden Age').
It's not even balanced out with him being weak to much, he lacks weaknesses. A decent amount of big weaknesses would probably make me favor him more but he doesn't have them, his weaknesses are very few and far between and even then, they're very specific weaknesses only a few characters can actually take advantage of. Any time that he is in danger it's a really stretched out scenario that even for a story about a flying man, it's hard to believe.

Inb4 Batman can beat him - Yes, he could, under very specific circumstances...Realistically? No, he really can't. The few times he has were solely fan service with Superman 'holding back' or some ****, or again, a stupidly convoluted plot that realistically would never happen.

I just fail to see the entertainment in a guy who's only true weakness is the writer pulling something stupid out his arse to attempt to install some urgency into the story.

Also, Goku.

Partially because the Dragonball/Goku fanbase is as a whole disgusting, which has made me grow a small hatred for him. Partially because Dragonball is pretty much now in the realms of 'Superman' at this point in terms of how OP it is...
It should go back to original Dragonball where the series still had plot outside of "urrrghhh, fight me!" and "urrggghhh, my power level is higher now! More training! Fight things! *pow pow pow*"
Petyr Baelish from GoT is the worst thing in life I couldn't even begin describing how much I dislike him
i'll prolly get some hate for this but Kida from Durarara!!

he is so useless
Chibi-usa. Like.. I get she is supposed to be a snotty brat and all that but tbh I hated her so much when I watched through Sailor Moon.
The blackface character as it was used beginning of the 1800s and more severely at the turn of the 19th to 20th century. That's my least favorite character in fiction.

And I also just dislike characters that enforce some sort of stereotype, such as Madea or the generic gay best friend. Fictional characters that have a negative impact on the non-fictional world are the worst.

- - - Post Merge - - -


There's a lot I could say but the short version is this: he's just way too overpowered and that is just not interesting. I mean that in both how powerful he is as well as the actual amount of abilities he has (not even including the stupid amount he had from the 'Golden Age').
It's not even balanced out with him being weak to much, he lacks weaknesses. A decent amount of big weaknesses would probably make me favor him more but he doesn't have them, his weaknesses are very few and far between and even then, they're very specific weaknesses only a few characters can actually take advantage of. Any time that he is in danger it's a really stretched out scenario that even for a story about a flying man, it's hard to believe.

I think Superman was a character that made more sense during the time when he was created (the fakeass nuclear 1950s). He was meant to be the perceived embodiment of physical perfection with all the socially accepted values at the time, but on purpose. And then putting Superman into action as he was in the comics, there were a lot of situations where this perfection couldn't help people or problems in society in general, which the comics acknowledged. He also has that dislikeable messiah complex but it does intentionally bite him in the ass at some points in the comics.

That being said, this character is poorly portrayed in recent times and should honestly retire as a character - he's not relevant like he used to be and that's the problem with trying to keep him relevant.
Tris, the main character of Divergent.
I hate Divergent.
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I'll just list some, ahem.

Nami from one piece, at first I really liked her because she was a treasure hunter, but now it just feels like she's only there for fan service and I find that repulsive.

Shinra from Durarara, another one I liked at first because he was super funny but I started disliking him majorly when I saw he was just playing his headless wife D:

Tea from Yu-Gi-Oh duel monsters, she's too mean! ;w; I want her to be nice to everyone but she's always just so mean and she even calls Joey a '******' like it's a joke and I just.. that is NOT okay to me..

Shiro and Kuro from Tokyo ghoul, I just highly dislike them, they serve no purpose to me and are just kind of there.. honestly, Ishida is amazing and I would never bash him because I highly respect his series and all of his characters, but these two just do not appeal to me, they're too.. bland. D: so I didn't feel any sympathy for them.

Winry from Fullmetal alchemist, as stated I am not a fan of 'rude' characters xwx; and she can be motherly, I understand that.. but hitting people with a wrench is a little too far in my book, I normally like strong female characters, but she displayed her strength in a way that was not appropriate and made me view her as the immature one in this series.

Rant done, goodness, sorry for the long paragraph. <3
Zil from Gone. The book series. Mostly in Hunger and Lies.

So you threaten your roomate (Hunter) to death because he apparently stole your beef jerky, and the state of food makes it slightly more serious, but you wouldn't starve without it. So you try to attack him with a poker, and he accidentally kills your other roomate with his magic microwave, which was your fault, so you want to kill him. So far now, he seems reasonable. A bit of a jerk, but I suppose it's a normal reacti-

So he decides to go create a group of people who attempt to torture and hate all the mutants, burying a little girl alive (If I remember correctly, they said they were going to rip her tongue out, and although it seems they didn't, but infront of her and her brother?), segregating mutants and normals, smash the windows of all the houses,
Light the town on fire
, and so much more...

All over some beef jerky.
Amy Rose. She's a spoiled brat. Her fan base annoys me as well(though to be honest Sonic shippers in general annoy me[shippers in general actually....obsessing over couples is weird]).
I'm not a fan of Shadow the Hedgehog. SEGA tried way too hard to make him as badass as possible and it turned out really cliche, poorly written and just.. bad.

And his new voice is horrible lmao
- asuka langley soryu from nge. i tried so hard to like asuka (seriously, i did), but even after relating to her on a personal level with the whole "you have to be perfect! you have be the best!" stuff, i still disliked her. she's manipulative, abusive, and a terrible person in general. people that refer to her as an "angel" and a "real tsundere" are obviously not paying attention. why is she so embarrassing? why does she constantly feed off of shinji's low self-esteem for her own sake? where's the "dere"?

- shinji ikari from nge. his apathy and cowardice (even if the latter is relatively realistic, given that he's piloting a big robot and fighting things that could kill him) are both extremely unlikable qualities. i seriously would have preferred asuka to have been the most gifted child of the three (rei, shinji, and asuka). she has twenty times more experience than him, after all, similar to rei. like?? "suddenly, the creator of the evangelion's son is here! now we can save the world! (not really) let's forget about rei and asuka completely. :^)" also, have i mentioned his carelessness, selfishness, and indecisiveness? it all makes him more human, yes, but jesus christ, he's one annoying human.

- naruto uzumaki from naruto. do i have to explain this one?

- dirk strider from homestuck. this one is a long one, so i'm not going to start, or else i'll end up writing an entire novel. to make this short, he's not the "dreamy sugoi anime brony!!1! x3" most people in the homestuck fandom seem to think he is. far from it.

man, i have so many more characters i want to talk about. i'll save them for another time.
All of them, every last character ever. I hate them all, especially main characters, like why can't they see that the world does not revolve around them? Like who cares that "BLANK" happened to you, the world is rotating, people are living and dying allover and all you can do is complain and do stupid things, well who the frickle frack even cares, you aren't even real bro. That's right, you're NOT. EVEN. REAL. Get over your damn selves.
Every character in Shifting by Bethany Wiggins. I was really disappointed when I read that book, because I loved the Stung Series, but man Shifting sucked butt.

Every last single character was superficial, boring and cliche. Non YA is too mature for me, YA is too cliche so finding books I love and even like is a chore sometimes. The main character didn't really have much of a personality to me and the moment she meets the cliched mysterious, emo, all black wearing love interest *swoon* she just knows he's gonna be the one, even though he ends up treating her like trash, calling her names and sometimes shows semi-aggressive physical behavior towards her.

This is a YA fiction book, the main character came from a series of bad homes and bad relationships, don't end it with her falling back into the same patterns, I mean I know often times people that come from that background get sucked into a world of terrible relationships, but for ****s sake the girl can shape shift, this isn't even close to reality.

All in all I though the book was trash, and I was really disappointed because I love Bethany Wiggins and she accpeted my friend request on Goodreads. *high pitched squealing, "yeeeeeeee"*