Least favorite character in fiction

Holden Caulfield! What a tool. I guess he's kind of meant to be a tool, though. I think being a tool is just part of growing up.

I read Catcher in the Rye when I was thirteen or fourteen, and I don't remember hating him so much, but I had to reread it for a class in college and he was just insufferable. You wanna talk about phonies? I can't even really put my finger on what made him so awful. It was just the way he thought and spoke, and how he was so far up his own behind about how great he was and how awful other people were. And all the lying, while ALSO hating other people who were fake. Like, come on.

I think he might even beat out Umbridge or Voldemort from Harry Potter for me: at least I know those characters were written to be feared and hated.
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Jar Jar Binks from the Star Wars prequels. A total, complete, utter waste of space. Also very racist if you think about it. :mad:
Jar Jar Binks from the Star Wars prequels. A total, complete, utter waste of space. Also very racist if you think about it. :mad:

Yeah, his voice is terrible. But I wouldn't hate an entire movie all because of one character. In fact, I thought the other two prequels worse than the Phantom Menace. Attack of the Clones is quite boring and hard to follow, and Revenge of the Sith is more depressing than the Lion King.

Jar Jar Binks, Scrappy Doo, and Navi will always be the most hated fictional characters of their types of media they come from.
i hated chibi-usa from sailor moon. Not just her personality, but how the plot became so focussed on her and took attention away from usagi, plus i hated how mamoru paid way more attention to chibi-usa instead of her haha.
From all of literature and media, who is your least favorite character or characters in fiction? I would also like to see some reasoning. This includes TV shows, movies, and video games.

In my opinion, Courtney from Total Drama is the worst character in fiction. She has serious social problems. She's hypocritical (Phobia Factor), she's useless but doesn't want people voting her off (Not so great outdoors), and she can get really violent (several episodes I could name of). Not only that, but she is a sue happy brat. She sued the show because Chris wouldn't let her join season two, and then, she tried to dominate the show as she got unfair advantages. She cares about winning over anything, including other people. She always whines when things don't go her way, and she refuses to learn lessons. You know, it's always good to have characters that are dramatic along with good characters when writing a story, otherwise it won't be a good story after all. But Courtney is too much, and her aggressive behavior and violent personality (both coming from the inside and not the outside) helped ruin Total Drama for me. Total Drama Island was fine (even her before her unfair elimination), but I stopped watching after Total Drama Action. Oh, and one last thing, she accepted her elimination in TDI the least out of the 22 contestants that attended TDI.

Watch Total Drama Revenge of the Island
I have a bias towards Courtney, but Mike is beyond terrible and is extremely problematic

his mental illness was literally cured with a press of a button
Watch Total Drama Revenge of the Island
I have a bias towards Courtney, but Mike is beyond terrible and is extremely problematic

his mental illness was literally cured with a press of a button

Okay, but what do you think of Bebe? You don't have to answer if you haven't watched South Park.
all of the male characters in SAO are perverted, at least on some level, and a good few of them are absolutely EVIL, so... yeah

Personally, I think that was the only thing I actually kind of liked about SAO. Of course, they're terrible people. But the thing is, at least one of them, was built up to be a standard, nerdy "nice" guy in the real world of the series, but then quickly showed his true colors. It was very disturbing, but... Sadly, somewhat realistic. This is what a real world "bad guy" is like. Not some shady figure, or some supervillain who proudly announces all of their plans to the world... No, they're people that appear to be normal, make themselves at home as your friends or lovers, and then... well, I'll stop there.

Sorry, I know it's a dark subject. >.< And if people are too disturbed by such a character appearing in a series, I fully understand.

I just kind of appreciated them doing that in the series. Because otherwise it's pretty much a stupid typical Shonen anime (note: I actually typically love Shonen anime) that has no direction, and has terrible stereotypical damsel-in-distress plots. Which is pretty sad considering Asuna was a very powerful character in the game.
Dolores Umbridge. That b***h should be doing a life stretch in Azkaban for child abuse and treason.
Dolores Umbridge. That b***h should be doing a life stretch in Azkaban for child abuse and treason.

Same! I don't think I've ever hated a character so much before oh my goodness >.< Her and Bella Swan because she is the most boring character I've ever had the misfortune of reading from the viewpoint of :/ Maybe that's why the series became so popular- because she was so undefinable that practically anyone could insert themselves in her shoes lol
Same! I don't think I've ever hated a character so much before oh my goodness >.< Her and Bella Swan because she is the most boring character I've ever had the misfortune of reading from the viewpoint of :/ Maybe that's why the series became so popular- because she was so undefinable that practically anyone could insert themselves in her shoes lol

Yeah, Umbridge is one of my most hated characters too... mostly because of how vile she was in terms of both appearance and personality. I literally can't see her name without being slightly nauseated at her.

Strangely, I didn't hate Bella. I suppose it's her lack of personality- it made her unhateable for me, but also unlikeable. I couldn't be anything but neutral in regards to her.
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Well, time to revive this thread.

Uh, at the moment, I really can't think of someone that I really dislike. I do have someone I think is an awful person, but I'll edit this later if I can think of someone.

Clay Puppington. Just… what an *******. Especially in Nature. He literally shoots his own son, Orel, for accidentally shooting one of his beer bottles out of fear, even if it's because Clay was drunk. Then, he taunts him in front of him instead of, I don't know, helping his son that he SHOT. At least Orel grows up to have a happy life as an adult and he grows up to be depressed.
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It’s still Courtney from Total Drama. I’m still ashamed of myself that I used to be a fan of her. Though my hatred towards Atomic Betty was because I was outgrowing it.

Though after reading TV Tropes a lot, I learned about a lot of bad characters deserving hate.
Pretty much the entire cast of a silent voice like all of them are massive idiotic jerks pretty much the biggest reason why i hated the movie.
Every single character from The Brady Bunch. I already don't like that show, and literally ALL of the characters are so boring, bland, one-dimensional, and they don't even have any personality whatsoever.

Even the actors sound so bored and emotionless when they all performed their characters...
As for book characters, I don’t really read books, but after reading TV Tropes about specific books, I already have a least favorite book character. And he came from a book I never read. I only know what happens.

Earl Turner. He’s the most evil character I ever heard of in a book, even more than Voldemort and Sauron combined. What’s even worse was that he was the main character, meaning that you’re supposed to support him.

When you have a book or a movie where the main character does something cruel and vile, and the narrative casts the main character as a good guy, then there is something wrong.
Ginny Weasley comes first in my mind. First, her romantic relationship with Harry Potter felt forced. I would prefer for him Cho Chang. I love her, and I don't know why haha. For Ginny, I don't like her character. I don't know how to explain, just, I don't like.