washing dishes is my least favourite!! loading the dishwasher is ok but scraping leftovers into the bin is gross and i hate dirty water in the sink and when the drain gets clogged. my favourite is laundry!
Ehhhh I don’t mind most household chores to be honest. I guess I don’t like wiping things down, but even that isn’t too difficult. Nothing is when you put your mind to it.
Dishes. I use gloves but it's still gross and it also just takes such a long time! (Although that's probably because nobody bothers to wash them until we are running out of things...)
I must be de-sensitized to dish washing since freshman year of high school. All four years of high school and at my job now I wash dishes. It really isn't that hard. Just scrape the dishes when you're done cooking or eating, if it's hard to scrape then let them soak \_ :/ _/
Out of the chores I do, prob cleaning the floors. For me I have to dust down all the surfaces and clean those off first, then I can vacuum and swift the floors. I don't like cleaning under stuff likes beds and crevices. Plus I still have to walk on the floors, so I can't just go and clean and swift all wild, I have to do certain rooms at a time before doing others.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, I kinda like doing household chores. I like washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the floor, wiping dusts off, etc. Maybe it's because my nature. I like getting things done in order bit by bit until it's all done. It gives me the feel things are in its right places.
I love cooking too. It's a work of affection and creativity, and makes you feel healthy - to me it helps me adjust myself and be calm pretty big time.
The only thing I loathe... is cleaning the toilet ugh. It's linked to something I experienced in there when I was a young girl, so I really cant't do it very unfortunately. So my girl helps doing it in my house, on behalf of me.
I'm fine with most household chores. Dusting, laundry, vacuuming, washing dishes, etc. It's mostly all good by me. The only one that's really a hassle to me is cleaning the sinks, toilets, bathtubs, etc. I just find it to be a bother compared to everything else.
Shampooing the carpets. Just feels the least rewarding and takes a lot of time to do, plus you have a wet floor for hours afterwards.
I like doing most chores because most things will stay clean for a while after I clean them.
Plus, it is kind of calming and things look nice while welcoming cleaned.
I hate cleaning, period.
I'll do it.
But I procrastinate on it.
Dishes are pretty annoying though.
And folding clothes. I'll wash laundry all day. But folding them, I can't stand. Especially when I'm responsible for 4 people's laundry and messes.
If it was just me, I wouldn't hate it all as much
Except dishes still.
I'll forever hate doing dishes till the day I die.
I hate the dishes. I had to do them for the longest time in my house (all the kids were assigned a particular chore) and I hated it. I hate getting wet and touching old food. Sometimes people don't throw out the food and just kinda plop it in the sink. eugh, I'll vom.
My least favorite household chores would have to either be cleaning the shower, bathtub, or toilet. They get cleaned, but I am often able to trade these chores with another family member!
Laundry lmao I hate having to do laundry bc I just gotta sit there for so long and be so nitpicky with scrubbing stains
I enjoy ironing clothes and washing the dishes the most, I’m just really lazy to do them sometimes
I don't mind doing dishes, since I have dishwashing gloves, unless the food is really stuck, but I've started to really dislike cooking. It takes up a lot of time for me. Second would be throwing away the trash. Sometimes the trash is heavy and has an awful odor to boot.
Despite the fact that i don't like doing the dishes and moping the floor, i gotta do it since no one but me and my elder sister helps my mom with those chores and since my maid quitted and then sadly passed away long time ago
At least i don't have to do the ironing which is my elder sister's job lol