Zelda Legend of Zelda General Discussion

I haven't touched Breath of the Wild in nearly three years not because I lost interest in the game, but because I keep holding it off trying to get back into it again. It's a really great game and I haven't even bought the DLC yet! By the way, I have the Wii U version so my ability to bringing it wherever I want is severely limited lol.

I had good memories with the game trying to sneak in a small play session whenever I got back home from high school while my parents pick up my sister. Another memory I had with the game was that I was confronted by a Yiga clan member in the middle of a storm and got struck by lightning.
Not a surprise to be honest. I've seen this coming by a longshot.
Love the pun 😂

I'm fully okay with this. 2022 is such a huge year already, and I don't think I would be able to keep up with everything coming out if BotW 2 was taking up all my time. Plus, the more time they spend on it, the better it will be.

I'm please to know that Nintendo still values putting time into making a game great compared to rushing it out for a quick buck.
I literally freaked when I saw this thread. 😭 And I will follow it with great interest. XD
It's a bit weird to think that TLoZ was the only "phase" that I actually managed to stick with. What I mean is that I get sort of obsessed with something, get into the fandom for a bit, then lose interest and never touch on it again. But TLoZ and AC are the only ones that haven't done that, and I don't think it will happen anytime soon.
TLoZ is really special and important to me, since it's one of my dad's favorite video games ever and he introuced me to the series. I'll spare the details, but even with my obsessive AC talk Zelda will never lose its special place in my metaphorical heart. <3
And fun fact, I'm wearing one of my Zelda sweaters right now. XD
We have Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, Xenoblade 3, Splatoon 3, Kirby, and many more games coming out. I'm sure we can all find something in the list to hold us over until Botw 2 comes out in 2023. I kind of said this would probably be the case and I am okay with waiting. It just means they want to make it the best it can be.
Can't believe that BotW2 is being delayed AGAIN. Ah well, I would prefer a late game than a rushed one, especially if it's about Zelda. And it gives me more time to beat other Zelda games! (Which I really should be doing...)
SO I'm fairly new to the Zelda universe. I briefly played adventure of link (nes) and minnish cap (gba) as a kid, and back in July I got BOTW, which is basically my first ever zelda game. Nintendo switch online has pretty much all the OG games so I picked up minnish cap again and I started ocarina of time 2 nights ago and am already obsessed with the entire zelda universe and my goal is to play all the games :) <3
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Breath of the Wild mechanic spoiler for those who are new to the game/haven't played yet. (❁´◡`❁)

I just learned that guardian scouts respawn after blood moons and I'm hyped. I need one of their fancy axes for a side quest and I was about to give up lmao.
I’ve been reading the Ocarina of Time manga and now I’m pissed that the movie is going to be live action and not an anime adaptation of the manga. That would have been PERFECT

I guess the general audience they’re going for might refuse to watch an anime adaptation that wasn’t made in America?
What do you mean I can't summon Wolf Link to help in Hyrule Castle? T . T
Ganon is scared of my puppy confirmed.