Wind Waker HD
The first one that I did, and I did it on Hero mode as well. This is the only one I've done on any other additional mode, the rest I played on their default difficulty. But ngl Wind Waker is still really easy. Or maybe I've just overplayed it to death, oops. ALTHOUGH, I did attempt to do all 50 floors of the Savage Labyrinth and I couldn't do it. I could do the 30 required just fine, but those last 20 floors are brutal.
Skyward Sword
My second 3 heart run! Well a 6 heart run since that's what you start with, but I still did it all the same. Again, it wasn't too bad probably because I've replayed this one a bunch as well. I also managed to do the entire boss rush on this file so that's cool! I do want to go back and do this over again on Hero mode someday.
Link Between Worlds
I think this was the third one I did? Well it didn't last long, I got to Hyrule Castle after doing the 3 Hyrule dungeons but I couldn't get through it. The enemy spam in there is really brutal, especially for still being fairly early on in the game? I didn't even get to Lorule, rip.
Breath of the Wild
Honestly it didn't feel all that different from a normal run. I even disabled ALL of the divine beast skills you get, but I still got through it mostly fine. This was the first time I attempted the DLC though! Champion's Ballad was pretty rough, but I did get through it. Not doing the trial of the sword though, I don't hate myself that much.
Although this wasn't
ENTIRELY a 3 heart run? I stockpiled enough spirit orbs so that when I had enough to pull out the Master Sword, I exchanged all of them in for hearts, grabbed the Master Sword, then went to the Hateno statue and sold all of the hearts back. I didn't do any battles in those 5 or so minutes so I allowed it.
Cadence of Hyrule
Yeah this was pretty tricky, but I got through it!

Although it's still pretty tame compared to playing Yves, I can't do that. Or compared to playing the original Necrodancer, that's also brutal.