Tangled Fangirl
ill take the lv 40 one because it costs less, my game name is bunnyI'll take 20 for the HG Lv.40 one, or 25 for the Lv.60 Event one?
ill take the lv 40 one because it costs less, my game name is bunnyI'll take 20 for the HG Lv.40 one, or 25 for the Lv.60 Event one?
ill take the lv 40 one because it costs less, my game name is bunny
Nice, I'll add your Friend Code. I assume you're using a Gen 7 game, like Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon? Let me know when you're available, I should be around for the next 6 hours or so![]()
yep! this is going to sun, ill add your fc now, just got done doing some acnl stuff
OH yeah, I forgot to ask, how much were you wanting for the event heatran and regigigas?
Hey there! I was wondering if I could buy a Tornadus and a Ho-oh both for generation 7? Whatever price you think is reasonable is fine! ^_^ Lmk what price you would like in TBT!
I could do 25 for Tornadus, and either 25 for the Colosseum Ho-oh or 20 for the ORAS one![]()
Sure! I'll just take the oras ho-oh if that's okay! So 45tbt in total,when would you be able to trade? I'm free now if you are able! (my fc is in the sidebar and my IGN is Alycia)
Sounds good to me! I'll just add your Friend Code and migrate Ho-oh through Pok?mon Bank, and I should be in Festival Plaza in about 10 minutes!
Does 25 each sound good?
Sorry for the late reply but yes I can do that much! I'd like to buy both please! ^w^
Ah I just noticed the shiny event tapukoko, would you by any chance take a shiny zygarde code for him?