Pokémon Legends Arceus General Discussion


🐍 My Year 🐍
Nov 29, 2019
Dreamy Party Popper
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Chinese Dragon Head
Chinese Dragon Body
Chinese Dragon Body
Chinese Dragon Body
Chinese Dragon Tail
It's sort of crazy thinking about it and I'm slightly concerned.
The game comes out this month and we've barely got any news. Just new mons and new characters. Barely any gameplay.

How worried are you about the state of the game?
Haven't played any Pokemon games since Ultra Sun and Moon because none of the Switch games have really appealed to me all that much, but Legends piqued my interest when it was announced. Haven't really been keeping up with any updates since then, so to hear that so little is still known about it is a bit off putting. Definitely gonna wait and see how it's received before I consider buying anyway.
I'm only worried that I've barely made any traction in my BD and SP game play before this comes out. 😬 I have it pre-ordered, so it's coming whether I'm ready or not!
I'm not worried about it. No news isn't a bad thing imo, I'm sure the game will be good and ready when it releases in 3 and a half weeks.
meh, i'm not that worried, although i admittedly haven't kept up with anything since the original trailer's release. i doubt it can be any 'worse' tan SWSH, and i enjoyed that game plenty enough despite its issues. i literally still play it lol. obviously i wish it looked better (similarly to breath of the wild, as most people say), but i personally think it's a bit late to expect them to... update it to that degree. if we want that, it'll have to be something to push for in the next game. even if they should've done it here following the backlash from SWSH. it looks fine to me as is, frankly, sans some of the frame dropping that i remember seeing with some overworld pokemon, but then NH can run like garbage sometimes if you have just a few furniture items in a single area, and one of that game's main selling points was outdoor decorating, so.

i'm as excited as i can be for it. above all, i hope there's better variety + more options with the customization, and i hope it's compatible with home so i can trade over my shiny eeveelution team lol. (unless they pull a limited pokedex move again, which... eat a diglett, actually.) i'm interested to see the new pokemon, if there are any, and the new national forms, and just how the new mechanics are going to work overall since they're the thing i think i'm going to struggle with most. i just need to remember to preorder it as we get closer to release lmao.
I'm excited; I'm pretty easily amused so I'm sure I'll enjoy it. It's nice to have something new to break up the standard game format.
Considered GF are back on it, it should be good, but since they basically sold out BDSP to ILCA and thought that was good, I'm not so sure tbh. I will probably wait a bit before I get it.
honestly, i'm kind of worried about the state of the open world -- from the trailer footage we've seen, it looks and feels kind of empty. i'm sure GF will add sidequests and hopefully little things to fill in the gaps so that the world isn't Just empty scenery and pokemon with nothing else to interact with, but i can't help but worry a bit so far. 😅
I'm only worried that I've barely made any traction in my BD and SP game play before this comes out. 😬 I have it pre-ordered, so it's coming whether I'm ready or not!
Same here! I might not even get to take advantage of the early purchase bonus in Legends because I'll still be on BD. I'm also notoriously slow at beating games in general, so I know I won't be through with it by the 28th. 😅
I'm not worried. I'm excited for it, ordering my copy sometime in February. I tend to enjoy most games, I'm not very critical of games, movies, music, books etc so I enjoy most things as long as it's something I'm interested in
I'm kinda neutral. I'm looking forward to it, if only because of the clip where an Ursaring attacks the trainer. However, the lack of news is interesting. I expected a bit more hype for it, to be honest?
I'm not worried! 😊 I don't usually watch gameplay trailers, and I sort of like going in with no information. Can't wait! 😍

(Also, I've been too preoccupied to finish SP, and at this rate, I'm just going to put it on indefinite hold and go straight for Arceus) 🌟
Not particularly worried. Since the National Dex situation in Sword & Shield threw my preferred style of playing the games out the window, for the past few years I've been kind of detached and on the fence over whether I'll want to keep following the series. I'm interested in seeing how Legends Arceus plays out but see no reason to fret about it, especially before it's even released. What I've already seen from what trailers we have been given has intrigued me, so now it's just a matter of seeing whether what the game offers will give me anything to still latch onto, whether there's anything about it that makes me acclimate and adapt to the new reality. If it doesn't and if I don't, oh well, still have the previous generations, as well as other games and game series I can play instead. Pretty at peace with the whole thing and accepting of either outcome.
Kinda want to play it but kinda don't. Not excited for it but I think i would rather to wait for it to go on sale this Christmas or 4th of July sale to buy it.
This game looks great! Even if the final product has some flaws, I will still be happy that GF is being a bit more ambitious with the franchise.
Not worried at all to be honest. I plan on getting it day one.

I plan on getting it day 1 too. My worries are more geared toward compatibility with the other games rather than with the game itself. I understand that PLA is an exploration based game rather than the usual Pokemon game. If there are no abilities, IVs or held items like the rumors say then it could affect what mons we would want to migrate to Home and vice versa. Could Basculegion be relevant in competitive play if there's no PvP or trading? There's just a lot more questions than answers and its making me slightly anxious about it.
Omg I didn't realize it was coming out this month! Wild. I'll be getting it as soon as it's available on the eShop.

I didnt like Sword & Shield and I haven't enjoyed Brilliant Diamond despite how much I've always wanted a Sinnoh remake. Kind of mad I spent the money on it tbh!! But PLA is a new attempt at some completely different gameplay so I'll definitely be getting it. Fingers crossed it's worth it!
I plan on getting it day 1 too. My worries are more geared toward compatibility with the other games rather than with the game itself. I understand that PLA is an exploration based game rather than the usual Pokemon game. If there are no abilities, IVs or held items like the rumors say then it could affect what mons we would want to migrate to Home and vice versa. Could Basculegion be relevant in competitive play if there's no PvP or trading? There's just a lot more questions than answers and its making me slightly anxious about it.

Oh yeah, for sure. That’s something I was wondering about as well. I’m 100% with you on this.