Chantelle • Quartzora
<(Welcome to Leif's Garden Shop! Please pick what you need and suggest how much you want and I will make a happy little delivery for you!)
Gold Roses - 3TBT each
Blue Roses - 3TBT each
Pink Carnations - 3TBT each
White Carnations - 3TBT each
Red Carnations - 3TBT each
Jacob's Ladders - 3TBT each
Lucky Clovers - 3TBT each
Cedars - 2TBT each
Golden Watering Can - 15TBT each
I have a plenty handful of these items and willing to take suggestions on what people want to see - I WILL BE ADDING MORE SOON, DON'T WORRY! If you would like to order, please write what you want, how much of that item and how much the total will come to. Please be aware that orders will take up to 24 hours as I am currently very busy //which is upsetting :c//. Thank you for your time and happy gardening!
nammie - 30 Clovers - IN THE PROCESS
Midori0 - 1 Blue Rose - COMPLETE
Tobia - 3 Blue Roses, 3 Pink Carnations, 3 Red Carnations, 3 White Carnations - IN THE PROCESS
Ekcriptia - 20 Clovers - IN THE PROCESS
If you see your order complete, please message me when you're avaliable!
**Please don't rush me! I'm very busy at the moment due to work. I get super tired when I get home but I still try my very best to dedicate all my free time to this game to help others get items. Thanks!
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