Let's talk about Lottie...


Senior Member
May 8, 2020
Tasty Cake
It was datamined in this latest version that Lottie is in the code, and it's making me really curious as to what role she will have in the game. She has always been the representative or equivalent of Happy Home Academy, so I wonder what this could mean for the game, what do you think it could mean for the game? Perhaps we could see a DLC coming that adds HHD functions which would make the ceiling items that we heard of make even more sense. If that was the case, I would be quite excited considering I loved the different buildings you could make back then and I would love to see the island have more of those, it would feel so alive. I don't know, between the ceiling items, villagers visiting your home and Lottie, I see a pattern. I would love to hear your theories!
Not thrilled about the idea of lottie coming back because I'm struggling to think of a way to make her actually fit into the game since we can do pretty much everything anyways.

If she came back as a short term guest it would work to sell us the extra options.
Would have to see it to understand it I think

I would certainly like to see villagers visit my house. I dont want them to schedule it like in new leaf as I always forgot to show up lol. It was cute
I would like to see Lottie return. Maybe she can bring more exterior house options. I have a hard time customizing the outside of my house. Maybe she could also let us change the outside of buildings like RS or villagers houses. I would like villagers visits come back.
I would like to see Lottie return. Maybe she can bring more exterior house options. I have a hard time customizing the outside of my house. Maybe she could also let us change the outside of buildings like RS or villagers houses. I would like villagers visits come back.
I like the idea of changing resident services.
Maybe they could let us change our airport too. (A man can dream)

Not huge on her selling more house exteriors as I paid off my house to do that for free XD
I like the idea of changing resident services.
Maybe they could let us change our airport too. (A man can dream)

Not huge on her selling more house exteriors as I paid off my house to do that for free XD
I would love to change my airport color but yea probably wouldn’t happen. I paid my house off for that as well. What if they were still free since you paid off the house. It would just be nice to have a few more options.
My guess is that Lottie will move in upstairs at Nook's Cranny and sell windows and ceiling items.

Another guess is that she will also sell stuff that Tom Nook sold in New Leaf, like home exterior options. I would imagine that Lottie would handle the design and you could go to Tom Nook to change the color. It would be a bit annoying having to go back and forth between them, but I guess that's the price we pay?
I hate Lottie. Please I hope she doesn't come back. She's like a discount Isabelle that hot donated to goodwill 😶🙄

This made me chuckle but I have to somewhat agree. I've never been a fan of Lotties design and I just feel like she brings very little to the table in terms of personality? Idk

If she comes back temporarily to introduce some new features I don't mind that but we definitely don't need her anywhere permanently on the island.
Some people thought she was going to be the next Isabelle after HHD and she doesn’t even make it into this game initially, lol.
Oh if that’s true i’m very excited to have her back !! I loved Lottie in HHD I thought it was cute she had a crush on Digby (whomst I also hope comes back). I bet you she will be coming in an update with the ceiling items,
I didn't even know that Lottie was found in the code. Honestly, she's not my favorite NPC (although I like her name), but if she would offer something like more customizing options as well as general changes for your house (like removing rooms you don't want for example), then I would welcome her with open arms. Otherwise, I have no idea what kind of role she could play in NH. I'm kinda surprised tbh that Lottie seems to come back but not Digby, who I actually liked back in NL and who would also fit better into the game imo.
not going to lie, i'd rather have lyle, but i'll take it.

ideally, i'd like to see her in RS. iirc, there's a door in the back and that could lead to a version of the office from HHD. (which would open up the possibility of lyle and/or digby returning too further down the line.) this just makes the most sense to me since RS is already where we go for everything house-related. you could move the exterior decorating from nook to lottie, and have her offer more options as well as premium ones (i.e. the options from NL) at an additional cost. great excuse to bring back the gimmicky exteriors from NL like the castle, options to customize RS (like you could with the town hall in NL) and your airport color, the themed HHA challenges, and the golden exterior awards. she could also allow you to modify the interiors of your villagers, but i'd prefer (in this scenario at least) if they used that as an excuse to bring back digby so he'd have a role.

TL;DR: ideal scenario is HHD's office in the back of RS. introduce the three HHA representatives one at a time. (maybe after upgrading the room/service ourselves? god knows i need a bell sink.) lottie for your exterior, digby for villager interiors, lyle for the HHA challenges.

of course, what's likelier is that she gets the second floor in nook's cranny and sells ceiling furniture. (and maybe even cliff decorations? let a girl dream.) it debuted with her in HHD (i think?) so it makes sense. not even close to what i'd like to see, but i'd take it nonetheless, and her getting a spot in NC would open the window for gracie to be the same way.
It was datamined in this latest version that Lottie is in the code, and it's making me really curious as to what role she will have in the game. She has always been the representative or equivalent of Happy Home Academy, so I wonder what this could mean for the game, what do you think it could mean for the game? Perhaps we could see a DLC coming that adds HHD functions which would make the ceiling items that we heard of make even more sense. If that was the case, I would be quite excited considering I loved the different buildings you could make back then and I would love to see the island have more of those, it would feel so alive. I don't know, between the ceiling items, villagers visiting your home and Lottie, I see a pattern. I would love to hear your theories!
I hope she can personally visit our home on certain days instead of the shadow visits from the HHA (happy home academy). I kinda miss her appearances, and that could introduce her to newer fans who never played the spinoff game. There's not really anything else to transfer over onto New Horizons, since we can already move furniture the HHA way and we got all the HHA bonus items.. I think.
Not seeing anywhere on the regular sources that talks about this, where did you see this?
I believe the acnh discord (the really big one, I think reddit started it) has a datamine channel. I was in the server myself for a bit but it was a bit too frantic/overwhelming for me so I quit 😅 only annoying thing is that any info there seems to stay there, you have to rely on others crossposting if you're not in it

Eta: I like Lottie, but I wouldn't be surprised if she were just back for a one off event, like Rover or Reese and Cyrus. Hopefully she gets a more substantial role, though!
If she ever did come back, it better be so we can decorate villager exteriors and interiors. More exteriors for our houses are good, but I don’t she her doing much else. I doubt she will be added and she won’t really do much in the game.