I got my text for my vaccine near the beginning of March, and my dad was in the room with me and as soon as I told him he said 'get it, get it', so I phoned my GP and got it the day after. I got the Astra Zeneca one, and boy did I have some rough side effects, felt like I had a mild dose of flu. I had the jab on Tuesday, and that night I was frozen, I had a heater on, a hoodie, and a fleece dressing gown. I left my room for like 5 mins to use the bathroom, and my hands were blue and I was shivering like an eskimo who'd forgotten his thermals. Then I ended up getting too hot :'D The next few days my arm I got the jab in ached when I moved it, and I had my general cold symptoms, achy joints, feeling tired, and I'm usually a lot more sensitive to pain when I have cold, so I had that too.
I have to say though, if the vaccine is supposed to give your body a little taste of what it's like to have COVID, and that was it, no thank you ma'am you can keep your COVID away from me.
My dad was so happy with me getting my jab because I work in retail, non essential retail, but I sell furniture for a charity, so we're in contact with customers, plus what people have donated. Granted we let what we get rest so any virus dies, but still, it's scary.
Just waiting on my 2nd jab now, and my dad should be due his before my 2nd, because he had his first so