Let's talk vaccines!

Have you gotten vaccinated yet?

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Forgot to update but I got my Pfizer booster! My work was giving them so I just went after my shift and got it right away. I got a little bit of typical arm soreness but I wasn't drowsy this time which was nice. It feels good to have three shots!
oh yeah i got my booster back in december, and holy hell it was a ride. the booster definitely gave me worse side effects than either of the other vaccines, legit took me out for an ENTIRE day. the fever it gave me was almost enough for me to go to the hospital since it was climbing so fast and it was like 103.9 or something before it started going down. it was insane and i was a mess.

but i feel a lot happier knowing that i have the booster.
Closed for review. It's 5am right now and I want to go back to sleep, so going through the reports relating to this thread will need to wait until a more socially acceptable hour.

Obligatory spiel here about being a scientist who has worked with SARS-CoV-2 in the lab and written several scientific papers on the virus, so rest assured that this thread will be reviewed by someone knowledgeable on the subject.
We would rather not prevent people from discussing their own vaccination experiences, so I have opted to remove the previous ~20 posts rather than lock the thread.

I'm not prepared to undermine someone grieving their partner's loss, so I won't provide a critique of the original source that ignited this argument. Plus, Jeremy doesn't pay me enough to do something that so closely resembles actual work. (Read: £0.00/hr). From now on let's try keep this thread focused on our own experiences rather than debating those of someone not part of our community.

The thread is now open.
Does anyone know if it's possible to have a COVID strain that cannot be detected with our current tests (like the at-home test I did that involves using my nostrils)?

I ask this because I'm still sick, it's been almost a week, but when I tested for COVID the result was negative. I know of at least several other people who have also tested negative, yet they still feel off like I do.

Not saying this to scare anyone or for misinformation, I'm just genuinely curious and I want an answer from anyone knowledgeable about it here please.

For reference, I have both doses of the vaccine and the booster, but not the second booster yet.

(Mods, feel free to move this if there's a better thread for it)
Does anyone know if it's possible to have a COVID strain that cannot be detected with our current tests (like the at-home test I did that involves using my nostrils)?

I ask this because I'm still sick, it's been almost a week, but when I tested for COVID the result was negative. I know of at least several other people who have also tested negative, yet they still feel off like I do.

Not saying this to scare anyone or for misinformation, I'm just genuinely curious and I want an answer from anyone knowledgeable about it here please.

For reference, I have both doses of the vaccine and the booster, but not the second booster yet.

(Mods, feel free to move this if there's a better thread for it)
From what I know, it could be a false negative or possibly and more likely just another sickness. If you have symptoms like loss of taste and smell or really any covid symptoms, that could be the common cold, bronchitis, the flu, or even an upper respiratory or sinus infection. Maybe check with a doctor or get tested again? I hope you can recover quickly :)
From what I know, it could be a false negative or possibly and more likely just another sickness. If you have symptoms like loss of taste and smell or really any covid symptoms, that could be the common cold, bronchitis, the flu, or even an upper respiratory or sinus infection. Maybe check with a doctor or get tested again? I hope you can recover quickly :)

Yeah, I'm going to the doctor's on Monday. I have an appointment. It's most likely strep throat, a cold, or a sinus infection. I'm interested to see what they say. I just thought I'd ask the above anyway.

Thank you.
I ask this because I'm still sick, it's been almost a week, but when I tested for COVID the result was negative. I know of at least several other people who have also tested negative, yet they still feel off like I do.

You know, my bro and his gf are fully vaccinated and boosted but were sick on and off recently for about 3 or so weeks coincidently. Flu like symptoms but nothing major at all. Both tested multiple times and came up negative. Could be that since they are starting to not wear a mask again, they may be catching something random but who knows.

This is why I'll continue to wear a mask in enclosed public spaces.
This is why I'll continue to wear a mask in enclosed public spaces.

Interestingly enough, I haven't even been in any enclosed public spaces or around other people recently, so it's a mystery to me how I got it in the first place. I'm feeling better today though. Haven't coughed once since getting up.

I'm willing to bet I got it from my stepmom, since she's been coughing a lot, but won't admit that she's sick.

And yeah, I'll probably do the same from now on.
Interestingly enough, I haven't even been in any enclosed public spaces or around other people recently, so it's a mystery to me how I got it in the first place. I'm feeling better today though. Haven't coughed once since getting up.

I'm willing to bet I got it from my stepmom, since she's been coughing a lot, but won't admit that she's sick.

And yeah, I'll probably do the same from now on.
Considering that the pandemic is still on going and we still keep getting news about new Covid Variants I will agree also to wear my mask in public even though I'm vaccinated and boosted. Its becoming way too complicated to even to know what to believe anymore. All I believe is survival.
Fully vaccinated and boosted.

All three of them made me feel kinda gross after getting them, but it was all worth it because I have still managed to avoid catching it. 👌
4th dose now. Still wearing my mask, but I was already wearing a mask before Covid because of pollen, dust etc. My lungs are kinda weak so I'm being careful.
I still wear my mask in stores because people are gross lol but something happened with the masks that really made me not want to stop wearing them in public. I work in a car manufacturing plant and masks are still to be worn while working. Yeah it's hot and uncomfortable but three of my coworkers ended up testing positive, two of which I was in close contact with. I got the test and was negative and felt fine but they all felt awful. If it weren't for the masks, I would've gotten it too. Yeah, I'm triple vaxxed but I can still get it, it just wouldn't kill me. Masks work 100%. Having the vaccine makes me feel better too and I couldn't imagine going out in public maskless and unvaxxed. Scary.
I ended up getting my 4th shot (2nd booster) last Friday, 9 months after my 1st booster, though this time I got the Moderna bivalent vaccine that had been approved recently. Basically the same side effects as the previous 3 times (just a sore arm), though it didn't feel as bad this time around. I'm definitely happy to have a vaccine targeting a strain of the Omicron variant within me, that + masking will help in the coming months.
Im trippled vaxed, I still wear my mask whenever I go out. I social distance...

But me and my mom came down with Covid for the previous two weeks. It was possibly the most miserable I have ever felt. It just kept getting worse.

These chills, where I just could not get warm. There were points that I couldnt sleep, and was up all night trying to sleep. Two weeks of not leaving the house, and barely any sleep... all I could really do was game, or watch stuff, I re-revovated my entire island lol. But it was still terrible. I actually even got bored of gaming. But animal crossing did keep me sane. Esspecially my villagers..

Hopefully it wont happen again.. 🤒
Fully vaccinated and boosted up till now. I have also had covid twice 🥺 i have had an invitation to get another booster but I just don’t know. Been so ill with vaccination side effects and Covid. For the first time I just don’t know if I can face it again (full disclosure I got it as I was a full time carer, I’m not now.)
Fully vaccinated as of today! Got my bivalent shot a few hours ago (4th shot). I also had COVID-19 twice like some others on here. First time was god awful, and I was very close to being hospitalized. Never felt sicker and more depressed in my life than during those four weeks. I missed four and a half weeks of work, and even then, took me another full month to feel back to "normal". Lost my sense of smell, couldn't stop coughing, had an extremely hard time breathing for the first week, could barely get up, couldn't do anything.

Second time was inconvenient, but got through it, and wasn't nearly as bad as the first time I had it. Honestly, a big part of the reason why I'm unemployed right now is because I'm 99.9% sure I got it both times from work. The first time I can confirm I did get it from work, second time, I'm pretty sure I did. They were just extremely lax with protocols and obviously didn't care about the health and safety of their employees.

Should also preface this by saying I was incredibly careful, social distanced, wore a mask literally everywhere, wore gloves most of the time, disinfected everything, and still got it. Be careful out there friends.
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I need to schedule my second booster (4th overall shot) sometime soon. Judging from the responses of you guys on this thread, it should be available for my age group.

Granted, I am at low risk because I'm home most of the time anyway, but I am going to be around more people soon, so it'll be a good thing to do.

I have not gotten COVID at all up to this point in time.