Forgot to update but I got my Pfizer booster! My work was giving them so I just went after my shift and got it right away. I got a little bit of typical arm soreness but I wasn't drowsy this time which was nice. It feels good to have three shots!
From what I know, it could be a false negative or possibly and more likely just another sickness. If you have symptoms like loss of taste and smell or really any covid symptoms, that could be the common cold, bronchitis, the flu, or even an upper respiratory or sinus infection. Maybe check with a doctor or get tested again? I hope you can recover quicklyDoes anyone know if it's possible to have a COVID strain that cannot be detected with our current tests (like the at-home test I did that involves using my nostrils)?
I ask this because I'm still sick, it's been almost a week, but when I tested for COVID the result was negative. I know of at least several other people who have also tested negative, yet they still feel off like I do.
Not saying this to scare anyone or for misinformation, I'm just genuinely curious and I want an answer from anyone knowledgeable about it here please.
For reference, I have both doses of the vaccine and the booster, but not the second booster yet.
(Mods, feel free to move this if there's a better thread for it)
From what I know, it could be a false negative or possibly and more likely just another sickness. If you have symptoms like loss of taste and smell or really any covid symptoms, that could be the common cold, bronchitis, the flu, or even an upper respiratory or sinus infection. Maybe check with a doctor or get tested again? I hope you can recover quickly![]()
I ask this because I'm still sick, it's been almost a week, but when I tested for COVID the result was negative. I know of at least several other people who have also tested negative, yet they still feel off like I do.
This is why I'll continue to wear a mask in enclosed public spaces.
Considering that the pandemic is still on going and we still keep getting news about new Covid Variants I will agree also to wear my mask in public even though I'm vaccinated and boosted. Its becoming way too complicated to even to know what to believe anymore. All I believe is survival.Interestingly enough, I haven't even been in any enclosed public spaces or around other people recently, so it's a mystery to me how I got it in the first place. I'm feeling better today though. Haven't coughed once since getting up.
I'm willing to bet I got it from my stepmom, since she's been coughing a lot, but won't admit that she's sick.
And yeah, I'll probably do the same from now on.