you're beautiful 💖
dear me
it's okay to accept help once in a while
it's not okay to go off the rails and stop taking your medication and to direct your anger onto your partner who is the most precious person in your life
it's not okay to shut the only friends you know out
it's okay to have fun, stop being so serious
but at the same time, you need to get off your ass and grip university by the neck and absolutely smash that degree - at the moment you can play hard but for your future you gotta work harder
you need to look after yourself. you've started on the right track after losing 5 and a half stone in weight you can do this
you can be better than those who look down on you, bullies won't succeed if you make it your goal succeed even more than them
your parents and living/passed grandparents are proud as sh-t of you no matter what you think
and you have a boyfriend and his family who love you to the moon and back - don't ever forget that
don't ever forget that you're not alone
thanks for letting me get that off my chest
mental illness can drag me down sometimes and I need to kick myself up the ass
I hope anyone else suffering right now knows they are amazing. they are not alone.
love from me.
it's okay to accept help once in a while
it's not okay to go off the rails and stop taking your medication and to direct your anger onto your partner who is the most precious person in your life
it's not okay to shut the only friends you know out
it's okay to have fun, stop being so serious
but at the same time, you need to get off your ass and grip university by the neck and absolutely smash that degree - at the moment you can play hard but for your future you gotta work harder
you need to look after yourself. you've started on the right track after losing 5 and a half stone in weight you can do this
you can be better than those who look down on you, bullies won't succeed if you make it your goal succeed even more than them
your parents and living/passed grandparents are proud as sh-t of you no matter what you think
and you have a boyfriend and his family who love you to the moon and back - don't ever forget that
don't ever forget that you're not alone
thanks for letting me get that off my chest
mental illness can drag me down sometimes and I need to kick myself up the ass
I hope anyone else suffering right now knows they are amazing. they are not alone.
love from me.