Selling Lexie's Poké Outlet! (All 6IVs, Shinies, Competitive, Nicknameable, Items, & More!)

Haha no need to feel embarrassed! I'm in college and I'm still watching Totally Spies, Kim Possible, and once in a while Pokemon xD I just loved the old gang (Ash + Brock + ___) so that's why I didn't want to touch the newer seasons :/ But I'll take up on your offer though and try watching the first episode of XY! Ever since they changed the English voice actors after season 8 it was chaos ahah!

I'll let you finish your work so you can start trading with people! xD Hahah!

It's fine, I'm just eating right now and preparing. x'D

I actually like these characters a lot. Especially Serena, the new female companion. She's such a great personality. There's something very real about this newer series. It's still the same old formula, because there's not too much different you can do with Pokemon, but at the same time, I was really pleasantly surprised. I don't remember when Serena shows up though, I think that's in episode three. I'm past college but I LOVE cartoons and games. I'll never grow up. >= )
It's fine, I'm just eating right now and preparing. x'D

I actually like these characters a lot. Especially Serena, the new female companion. She's such a great personality. There's something very real about this newer series. It's still the same old formula, because there's not too much different you can do with Pokemon, but at the same time, I was really pleasantly surprised. I don't remember when Serena shows up though, I think that's in episode three. I'm past college but I LOVE cartoons and games. I'll never grow up. >= )

Yayayay! :D Take your time eating! Oh really? :) Hmm! I'll check them out after I'm done with finals! Hahah!
This took longer than I anticipated, but here is the entire receipt for everyone waiting on an order, in relatively dated order except for the people asking for only promotional Pokemon.

Current Orders & Wait List:

MayorGrace: Shiny EV-trained Munna, Gastly, Chansey, Snorlax, and Promotional Deerling! - 160BTB!

Autem: Shiny EV-trained Charmander with Charizardite Y, Ralts, Azurill +egg moves, and Promotional Deerling! - 145BTB!

MadokaPie: Shiny Chikorita, Snivy, Charmander, and Noibat! -160BTB

Heartcore: Shiny Kirlia— Waiting for reply! -45BTB!

Littlemissmarzipanmermaid: Regular Munna, Miltank, Promotional Deerling, and Promotional Goomy! - 20BTB!

Amilee: Shiny Shinx and Promotional Deerling! - 45BTB!

katiegurl1223: Shiny Absol, Eevee, and Promotional Deerling! - 70BTB!

Chibi.Hoshi: Shiny Cyndaquil, Buneary, Litwick, Espurr, Vulpix, Ralts, Promotional Deerling, and Promotional Goomy! - 230BTB!

Gregriii: Shiny Froakie - 45BTB!

Karminny: Shiny Lapras, Ralts, Eevee, Promotional Deerling, and Promotional Goomy! - 185BTB!

Sucre: Regular Archen, Eevee, and Promotional Deerling with Focus Sash & Leftovers! - 120BTB!

Honeygator: Shiny Lv.20 Dratini - 55BTB!

Artystdream: Regular Competitive Crawdaunt, Cacturne, Goodra, and Promotional Goomy! - 100BTB!

Norski: Regular Competitive Kangaskan, Lucario, Shiny Venomoth, and Promotional Goomy! - 145BTB!

Chara: Shiny Dratini and Larvesta - 90BTB!

Ayaya: Shiny Dratini, Shiny Espurr, and Goomy - 80BTB!

jleej3rkgirl: Shiny Vulpix, Shiny Ralts, Shiny Dratini, Promotional Deerling and Goomy with Expert Belt, Galladite, Gardevorite, and Leftovers! - 215BTB!

Noopster: Shiny Ralts, Bagon, Promotional Deerling! - 80BTB!

Zenith: EV-trained Shiny Happiny with Oval Stone! - 65BTB

Bubble Pop: Shiny Buneary - 45BTB!

Holla: Promotional Deerling! - FREE

Greninja: Promotional Goomy! - FREE

Now onto Pokemon, let me gather some orders and I'll me messaging people shortly! Thank you so much everyone. If you see your order and you think that I made a mistake, please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP! Most orders are linked to the post, so I'll be nicknaming Pokemon accordingly as well!
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I think where it says Destiny for the third pokemon on my order it should say goodra, but otherwise yup! It's correct. :)
*starts getting excited*
Hold yer horses, hun! xD I'll be ready to trade in a few moments, so keep a lookout for my VM.

Sorry, I gotta go out for my Dad's birthday :(

Actually, I gotta leave right now. I'll be back in about an hour tho. We can trade tomorrow if we need to.
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Sorry, I gotta go out for my Dad's birthday :(

Actually, I gotta leave right now. I'll be back in about an hour tho. We can trade tomorrow if we need to.

Oh, I see. It's okay! I'll still be here in an hour, so don't fret about it. :)
Like, whenever Im online to bump this or like if I wanna see if my question was answered/I get a question from you about my order (Ik you'll sometimes vm me)), I like to see if you're online, and earlier, I was seeing if you were online when I was fixing the move set for Lapras and your dot wasn't filled so I thought you weren't online but the you responded to another person and I was all like *confused face and question marks all around*
Like, whenever Im online to bump this or like if I wanna see if my question was answered/I get a question from you about my order (Ik you'll sometimes vm me)), I like to see if you're online, and earlier, I was seeing if you were online when I was fixing the move set for Lapras and your dot wasn't filled so I thought you weren't online but the you responded to another person and I was all like *confused face and question marks all around*

Oh, I see! I'm sorry, I can take it off. ^^;
No, its fine! If that's what you prefer, than go for it! I can totally see why you would want it on, anyway ((with how popular your shop is, if that IS the reason its on))

I jst got used to tht dot being the first thing I check when clicking in the thread! ((And then I HAD to ask))

- - - Post Merge - - -

Im invisible, too ((if you couldn't tell))