✧ life on Lenù...

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2017
Throwback Tickets
Lily of the Valley
The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Patch
Froggy Easter Egg
Lost Book
Summer Shell

🍏 A little souvenir from our journeys! 🍎

Greetings from... Lenù.jpg
Greetings from... Lenù.2.jpg


Hey, you!

Welcome to my island journal, where you can find the long, winding ramblings of a nostalgic Animal Crossing player, constantly apologizing for not posting enough even though this thread has around 80 posts at this point. Also random screenshots of the same four locations in different times of day lol

Truth is, I love posting here, and I love reading other people's posts in here too, so I'm just really grateful for this space, and I do hope you enjoy the time you spend here... 💌 🧡 💕

For a better introduction of how this journey started, I'll leave you with the ramblings of a slightly younger River, from when I first created the thread:


First off… An introduction of sorts…

I’m River, and I’ve decided to try out this journal thing. Mostly because I only found out about this section a couple days ago and it really inspired me.

I’m currently in a kind of damage control mode in my game, after weeks of terraforming, re-terraforming, decorating, re-decorating and a LOT of time travelling it all became too stressful and I started feeling uncreative and ungrateful and I found myself constantly comparing my town to others on social media.

I suppose I thought that looking at towns here would give me those same awful feelings, but I was wrong.

I’ve always loved the community here on The Bell Tree, it’s always been warm and welcoming, in my experience, and the journal section is a true gem.

Seeing the way everybody writes about their towns with so much love and appreciation made me see that I should probably not be so hard on myself and made me want to find a play style that worked better against my tendencies to overthink and compare myself to strangers on the internet.

So I thought I would start my own journal to post experiences and some photos and try to find that care, patience and appreciation in me.

Now, I’m not as aesthetically conscious or as talented with words as most writers here, but I’ll do my best to make this cute lol

And I would love to receive any comments or feedback here! Really, tell me anything!

River, 05.22.2020​


So… Here we go!

1st Post: An Introduction…
2nd Post: About Lenù…
3rd Post: Meet the Residents…

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🍏 Some people don't enjoy getting lost, so here's a handy map of the island! 🍎

Welcome to Lenù.jpg


By “handy” I do mean messy of course.

Lenù is close to being “finished”, I feel it... But I'm also fearing that moment. I've never played Animal Crossing with a finished island before, and terraforming and decorating have been some of my favorite activities in game. I would love to feel like it's complete enough to have visitors though. So hopefully I'll be able to post a Dream Address here soon.

My inspirations for the island were mostly centered around that particular American myth of the mysterious, secluded, rural town just in the limits of a big forest... I love shows like Twin Peaks and Gravity Falls, and there are many details I spread around that are homages to the town of Possum Springs from the game Night in The Woods.

Basically, the aesthetic elements you're most likely to see around Lenù are cobblestone paths, brick walls and mismatched fences, lots of shrubs and orange flowers. Also lots of pansies because they are a beautiful, underrated flower (you can't change my mind 😌). As messy as it looks I like there to be enough space to walk around, cozy spots for sitting and fishing, and plenty of random plazas in the intersecting roads.

Most of all, part of the reason I started this journal in the first place was to experiment with the stuff I actually like without constantly comparing myself to others, so the whole island is just sprinkled with random stuff I find cute. I feel like that's the core of what this game is all about... Just grab the stuff you like and spread it around so you can look at it every now and then...

It's neat! 💘

early fall.1.jpeg


Scenes from an early fall morning...

early fall.2.jpg

early fall.3.jpg

early fall.4.jpg


The History...

Lenù was oficially named on the 28th of March, 2020. It's first habitants were Lila, our Island Representative, Reneigh, who's still with us, and Axel, who's a sweet baby I had the hardest time letting go of.

🍏 A little homage to the island that once was! 🍎
Lenù Old.jpg

It's strange looking back at how the map used to be... Crazy all the changes you can make through terraforming, it doesn't even look like the same place. Even looking back at old maps it's so interesting remembering the evolution of my taste and ideas. I hope I'll eventually get to the point where I won't get the itch to flatten every time I get close to finishing the general layout of the town... Won't be making any promises here!

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Truly a testament to my own weird obsession with moving around everything just so I can have a house or a building more or less aligned...


Anyways, heres a random list of other things I think are neat...

(You know... Just in case you wanna know lol 💓)

Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)
everything about David Bowie
Twin Peaks
Night in The Woods (gregg rulz ok)
Anna Karina
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
honestly, most things about Wes Anderson movies
Gravity Falls
City Folk had the best music in the Animal Crossing franchise (you CANNOT change my mind 😌)
Welcome to Night Vale

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🍏 Congratulations to our Class of 2020! 🍎
It was a dreadful year but y'all kept your chins up and we made it through! Together!

Class of 2020.jpg


As a lover of fictional old mining towns, Twin Peaks, Night Vale, Possum Springs, traditional communities with dark secrets and a strange History, I know that no cozy small rural town is complete without it's cast of colorful characters, and as a good old Animal Crossing player all of these virtual animals are very important to me and if anything comes between us I will cry.

I can't really write them complex and intriguing backstories, as so many amazing journals have done, but I like this little virtual community very much. They have a vibe I can't explain haha

The folk you can see here are our permanent residents, as in 'the ones who are absolutely FORBIDDEN :mad: to leave' ... You know... Because I love them so much 😊

To be honest, most of my favorites have some kind of nostalgic connection to me. Nostalgia seems like my driving force in a lot of things...

So they're mostly like old friends, from ancient pasts and outdated consoles... My 'comfort characters', if you will.

As you can see there's only 8 portraits for now, but that's because I'm still figuring out who else will join the permanent gang. One of my goals with New Horizons was to take the whole 'villager lineup' thing more lightly and not as seriously and so far it's been going pretty well! I've cycled though so many great villagers and they all still have a place in my heart 💘



Present Residents…



Past Residents…


Future Residents…?

Wart Jr....? Teddy...? Henry...? Beardo...? Only the future will tell...

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I'm new to island journals too. I'm enjoying myself immensely here though; it's quickly become my favorite part of the forums.

I can relate to what you said about seeing some of the amazing stuff out there and feeling like you don't measure up. I think it's pretty natural to do that sort of thing, even if we tell ourselves we shouldn't.

I liked the pics you posted! I have a lot of trouble taking pretty screenshots in this game. I take like 20 before I find one I kind of like. So I really appreciate finding journals with nice ones. I've found quite a few here so far, this is one of them:)

I'm looking forward to reading more about Lenù!

I'm new to island journals too. I'm enjoying myself immensely here though; it's quickly become my favorite part of the forums.

I can relate to what you said about seeing some of the amazing stuff out there and feeling like you don't measure up. I think it's pretty natural to do that sort of thing, even if we tell ourselves we shouldn't.

I liked the pics you posted! I have a lot of trouble taking pretty screenshots in this game. I take like 20 before I find one I kind of like. So I really appreciate finding journals with nice ones. I've found quite a few here so far, this is one of them:)

I'm looking forward to reading more about Lenù!

Thank you!
Your journal actually inspired me to start this thread, your town is lovely and it's a lot of fun reading about it!

And I agree with the screenshots thing, I have a hard time as well, but I also love your photos! Especially the villager houses and your villager rep. portraits, they're so beautiful and peaceful. :)

Your beach pictures give me actual nostalgia.

Just do what feels rigjt.

Thank you, kind and wise words :)
Thank you!
Your journal actually inspired me to start this thread, your town is lovely and it's a lot of fun reading about it!

And I agree with the screenshots thing, I have a hard time as well, but I also love your photos! Especially the villager houses and your villager rep. portraits, they're so beautiful and peaceful. :)

Your beach pictures give me actual nostalgia.

Thank you, kind and wise words :)
Wow, I am incredibly happy and flattered to read that. Seriously, thank you very much:)

I'm glad you like my photos, I always feel like it's tricky to get them pretty while also showing what's actually going on in them. I struggle a lot with that, so I take an insane number of pics before I find ones I feel ok posting lol.

First post, baby!

I wanted to share here what I’ve been working on the past couple of days.
Now, I’m not a Designer ™, but I do enjoy recreating looks from movies, other video games and real life stuff on the design tool every now and then...

I’ve been watching quite a lot of movies in quarantine, and my favorite comfort film of all time is the 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, starring Keira Knightley. It just makes me so calm and happy and I could watch it over and over and never get sick of it.

So, naturally, I tried recreating some of my favorite looks on AC… I thought I’d share some of them here, and if anyone is interested in the codes please comment below and I'll post them!
Some designs feature some skin showing so I can also adapt them to fit different skin tones :)

The reference photos will be under spoilers.

First number is this brown vest-dress thing. It's currently my go-to casual look.


The second one is my favorite, based on the different empire-waist, loose cotton dresses that the women wear throughout the movie. The wrinkles/draping I kinda just improvised, not a lot of actual technique involved… It looks better or worse depending on the lighting, honestly.

bennet dress.jpg

... But I like it so much I did it in two colors :)

The final look was based off a beautiful striped dress that Elizabeth wears near the end of the movie. It has some detailing on the back that I tried to recreate.

darcy dress.jpg

lizzie bennet dress r.jpg

darcy dress r.jpg

First post, baby!

I wanted to share here what I’ve been working on the past couple of days.
Now, I’m not a Designer ™, but I do enjoy recreating looks from movies, other video games and real life stuff on the design tool every now and then...

I’ve been watching quite a lot of movies in quarantine, and my favorite comfort film of all time is the 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, starring Keira Knightley. It just makes me so calm and happy and I could watch it over and over and never get sick of it.

So, naturally, I tried recreating some of my favorite looks on AC… I thought I’d share some of them here, and if anyone is interested in the codes please comment below and I'll post them!
Some designs feature some skin showing so I can also adapt them to fit different skin tones :)

The reference photos will be under spoilers.

First number is this brown vest-dress thing. It's currently my go-to casual look.

The second one is my favorite, based on the different empire-waist, loose cotton dresses that the women wear throughout the movie. The wrinkles/draping I kinda just improvised, not a lot of actual technique involved… It looks better or worse depending on the lighting, honestly.

... But I like it so much I did it in two colors :)

The final look was based off a beautiful striped dress that Elizabeth wears near the end of the movie. It has some detailing on the back that I tried to recreate.

I love them! If you don't mind sharing I would like the green dress code:)

I've been watching a lot of Agatha Christie's Marple during the quarantine. For a series that has at least one murder every episode it's strangely comforting as well:unsure: I think it's because everyone lives in such cute, idyllic little villages.
I put it under spoiler for you @An0nn :)

And seriously, if you want it in a different skin tone, I found this graph online that instructs you on how to match the different shades in the game, so it'll be probably pretty simple to do.

Also, I'm such a huge fan of murder mysteries so I'm definitely checking that show out! I've never liked most crime shows on TV but for some reason if it's set in the 1950s or earlier count me in!!

bennet dress green MO.jpeg

So, yesterday was a stressful one... I don't even know why, some days I just wake up and refuse to relax.

I've been having a hard time figuring out what to do with my rivers and I had all these ideas... I wanted to make a big island for my rock garden, a two tiered waterfall, a mining area near the campsite...
But, of course, I just couldn't make any of those ideas work. I suppose I should just come to terms with the fact that most things I do around the island I'll end up re-doing at least a few times until I'm satisfied.

And you know, that's okay. If you're not happy with something and you have the means to change it, do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams, right? And it does keep things interesting I suppose.

I ended up scrapping my idea to have the river with a big island on the middle and a zen bridge leading to it (I love that bridge so much and it cost me so many bells I refuse to tear it down) and made it all into a small park. The villagers seem to like it, I've seen Kiki, Hans and Pietro fishing and sitting around it, so I'm happy......... for now....... ¬_¬

west park.jpeg

In other news,

I tried to make me some eyebrows... They look pretty intense but I'm kinda into them? (Also added a heart-shaped beauty mark because why not?!)

brows 4.jpg

Also this morning I found out Lenù is having it's first meteor shower!!! ✧ ✧ ✧
Technically, Isabelle said ''shooting stars'', not meteor shower... But I don't know if there's a difference. We had some shooting stars already, but nothing consistent or really that impressive.

I'm considering hosting some people to celebrate but I'm not sure how it would work, I only had more than one visitor on my island once and it was kind of a mess lol

But we'll see I guess!
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I like your park and your eyebrows! I made some eyebrows for Lethe. They're like 4 pixels each lol. I'm always impressed when I see people manage anything more elaborate.

I do a lot of re-doing too. When I first started decorating I made my little market area and thought to myself: "yes, this will be the highlight of Elysium!" but recently every time I pass it I think: "isn't it actually a little plain?" I'm sure I'll make small changes over time to everything I finish:)
I do a lot of re-doing too. When I first started decorating I made my little market area and thought to myself: "yes, this will be the highlight of Elysium!" but recently every time I pass it I think: "isn't it actually a little plain?" I'm sure I'll make small changes over time to everything I finish:)

It's kinda nice actually, not having anything ever be totally finished... But yeah, even the picture I posted of the park already needs an update 'cause that was last night and the first thing I did this morning was moving stuff around there lol

Again with the terraforming shenanigans...

Do you ever look at something you did on the island and think
“I really like this but it would be better if it were... A little bit further to the right...” ?

I do. All the time lol

So today and yesterday I rearranged some areas in an effort to clear up some dead space I had. By dead space I mean space that is not only unused but that isn't wide or well located enough to do anything interesting with. I've been kinda running out of ideas for projects so I'm focusing on making sure that everything I have now feels cozy and with enough space to run around, sit, play. And I want to have enough space on the island to expand if I ever come up with new ideas.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing the villagers enjoying the new areas I put together, so here's a picture of Reneigh and Dotty enjoying the new shopping plaza, finally aligned with Resident Services.


It's my homage to City Folk, which is the AC I played the most as a child, so the lily record-players are always playing the City theme.

Also, on the 25th I had my first meteor shower! It was beautiful, but I couldn't enjoy it for too long 'cause I had class. But it's okay because I finally got enough fragments to build myself a moon... When I get the recipe of course lol


And finally, yesterday, I guess to counter with the beautiful clear skies of the day before, there was a huge thunderstorm. It was actually pretty scary... The sound of the wind, the leaves, the rain. It was so gorgeous and dramatic.


So yeah, the last couple of days have been pretty eventful... lol

I've been saving up on Miles to go hunting for Erik or Gigi for a while now, I have a little over 70.000 I think. But to be honest it's been hard deciding who to let go... So I think I'll try to not terraform for a bit until someone pings me to move, and I'll focus on island hopping 'cause it's been a while since I did and I kinda miss it.

Anyways, thanks for reading :)

Finally got a good picture of Chief wearing his pleather jacket, for any Night In The Woods fans that might see this...

chief x gregg.jpg
chief rulz ok
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wow I love that CF inspired area!! I played alot of CF as a kid too and I think u captured the vibe of the area super well : D

I love the thunderstorms in this game! Ive only had one but Id love to experience it again!
wow I love that CF inspired area!! I played alot of CF as a kid too and I think u captured the vibe of the area super well : D

I love the thunderstorms in this game! Ive only had one but Id love to experience it again!

Aw thank you so much!! CF is so nostalgic to me, I really miss the trips to the city.

(miss u Kapp'n :( )
Love your city folk area and your thunderstorm picture!

I had my first thunderstorm today. I wonder if they're going to be more common during the summer?

I ran into Erik once on a mystery island and seriously considered inviting him. I decided against it and instantly regretted it.
Love your city folk area and your thunderstorm picture!

I had my first thunderstorm today. I wonder if they're going to be more common during the summer?

I ran into Erik once on a mystery island and seriously considered inviting him. I decided against it and instantly regretted it.

Thanks <3 :)

I hope we have more thunderstorms, I don't care much for rainy days but the storms are so exciting.

And I hope you get a second chance with Erik someday! He's so worth it. He was my first camper in New Leaf and it was love at first sight, so he's the only villager that I'm refusing to buy or trade for, I want to find him myself

Today was really good :)

Paid off my newest bridge, moved Reneigh's house back close to my place, where it had been since the beginning. I placed her up on the mountains a while back but I missed having her near.

And... I got her picture! My first picture from my first villager... Pretty cute and fitting I think

Here's us when we first got to Lenù, and us this morning.


And here's another one on Harv's Island
(It was my first time going and I had no idea what was going on... I should probably work on expanding my catalogue too...)

reneigh love.jpeg

Ugh, I love her so much. I was so used to having multiple pics of my villagers in New Leaf I forgot how good it feels when you get one by surprise like this.


So, today was Pietro’s last day on Lenù. It was pretty sad to be honest.

I let him go because I want to island hop for Erik, but I really wanted to send him away with someone, the thought of leaving him to the void was so depressing...

Against my better judgement I decided to try and get a couple bells to work on my island out of the situation... Thing is, I forgot to renew my Nintendo Online Account (I had the month-long one just to test it out, since I’m not super comfortable with online subscriptions), so after I had actually sold him I had to cancel the trade because I couldn’t even give him away... Luckily the buyer was super sweet and understanding of my mistake.

Call me superstitious (I am 👀) but I’m taking this experience as a sign that I shouldn’t do this again. I gave away Diana and Beau before and it made feel so happy to see how grateful the other people were to finally get their overpriced dreamies... Selling Pietro just made me feel kinda guilty.

And I've sold villagers before too. I got an absurd amount of TBT for Marshall years ago. Maybe I just feel this way about Pietro because I had an actual connection with him... Or maybe it's because I don't have the bells to dry my tears on... The ethics of trading virtual animals is surprisingly complex...

How do you feel about selling villagers? Have you ever given away any villagers considered to be “valuable” or “popular”?

Anyway, he’s gone now and I’m still poor lol

pietro bye.jpeg

You will be missed baby :'(
... and so will Spring...​

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