Senior Member
I think Jacques should be on tier two, as I cycle and have had many pm about him
I agree. He has been very popular lately.
I think Jacques should be on tier two, as I cycle and have had many pm about him
I agree. He has been very popular lately.
Why is Fang in tier 1 and the rest of the male wolves are not. I think all just as popular as Fang (with the exception of Kyle).
No, they're not.. Wolfgang is the only other who comes close.. Chief is a solid tier two, and Kyle's a solid tier three.. Fang is most definitely the most popular
Also, what makes Fang more popular than the others?
Did I sound rude there? If I did I'm sorry.How on Earth am I supposed to know? People like who they like, I don't have control over popularity, I just track it
YOu're right, apologies for that.. I knew I'd missed some villagers when I made this list..
Graham has been added to Tier Five.
what would be a good price to pay for o'hare a tier 2 and for Katt a tier 5
i think katt should be tier 4. she's not my taste but i've seen a lot of love for her lately
Genji isn't in the list. 0.0