Here are my favorites - in no particular order:
Shadow Hearts Covenant: one of my all time favorites. The other day when I posted in the thread about our favorite songs, one of the songs I discussed was from this game. I now can’t get that song out of my head or stop thinking about the game. I was recommended this game by someone I used to talk to on the first messageboard I joined. He heard I liked history and thought I would like it (it is a sequel to another game, but fortunately it was still enjoyable and not confusing and i played the first one eventually

). The game is not so much focused on history but it takes place during World War I (1915) and puts some historical events in it as well as characters like Anastasia, Rasputin, Roger Bacon. There is something called the solomon’s key in the game which is l, according to the
wikia based off of
The Lesser Key of Solomon; very fascinating to know. The VOs and cutscenes were really top notch for the time (the VO is still top quality in my opinion). I would love the director’s cut be translated to English and brought back to the switch or ps4.
Final Fantasy X - original not remaster. I used to discuss this game on tumblr; I loved analyzing it and sharing my thoughts on pretty much every scene. The original soundtrack is so good, loved the characters and story. I will say I hated the balloon ”mini game” and had only managed to finish it (getting Tidus’s ultimate weapon) once out of the many playthroughs I did.
Dragon Age: Origins - the one game that a voiceless protagonist worked fine. Each playthrough I’d come up with little stories for my characters (never wrote them down; well most). It is funny; I was initially unimpressed with the graphics and game when my bf at the time was playing it but once he got me it for my birthday the ultimate edition i loved it so much i got it for the pc too just for screenshots. I love the VOs too.

This game/series and small fandom I interacted with also helped me come out of my shell about liking video game and anime characters

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - still has the best opener. Again, the cutscene graphics were so good at the time. I suck at being sneaky but still had a lot of fun and collecting camoflauges and the creatures.
Mario Party 1-4 - can’t wait for superstars even though not all my favorite mini games and boards are in it (i don’t remember 2-4 so much i know i loved them). Still upset these were among the games my sister sold of mine :/.
Paper Mario - I was never a big Mario fan but I seriously love Paper Mario and how the characters looked. The gameplay was really fun

Pokemon up to Diamond: I enjoyed the originals the most but they all had their own charm including Diamond. I miss playing Pokemon so much; just don’t miss the iv stuff.

And the gambling

; I really loved the slots.
World of Warcraft: I hoped to maybe come back to play one day (when I obviously have a job), but the relatively recent news about Blizzard made it unlikely. Regardless, I still think it deserves mention since I wasted so much time playing that game. I loved mount and pet collecting the best in the game but I really loved everything but the pvp. Raids were stressful at times and I felt like there were favoritism and cliques in some guilds and a lot of drama of course, but regardless, still miss the game (and my collection).
The Sims 1-3: I am so sad my computer can no longer handle any of my games (it never could tbh since it isn’t a gaming computer in spite what my mom said the guy said at the store). I loved cooking, making nectar, creating drama with the sims I made and more.

I miss the reaper family i made and fortunately saved before they patched the reaper being able to move in with you or have a baby with your female sim. Another game that I wasted so much time on but it brought me so much laughter and joy

Civilization III-IV and maybe V
Gettysburg: It’s a sid meier’s game

. so fun.
Oregon Trail I & II
Rollercoaster tycoon 1
American Girls game - it was a game you made scripts and put them on stage
Tony Hawk 1-3 & Underground 2
Golden Eye
There was this power rangers game i loved on the sega genesis.
Bubble Bobble
Duck Hunt
There may be more but those are all that I can think of atm.