Little known fact about me:
I like to read little known facts about strangers on an animal crossing forum.
Lmao okay that one's kind of boring. But you guys are interesting and fun to read about.
Um, I was in an honors society and got my Associates Degree when I was 19. I don't really talk about that stuff so most people don't know unless they knew me back then. Degrees really don't mean **** in our country anymore anyway.
I can fold my tongue into a three leaf clover shape! It’s fun to freak people out with it. I can also make this really high-pitched, tinnitus-esque, dog whistle-y noise from the back of my throat too, which is funny to show people, since they don’t believe it’s actually me at first.
I'm a lightning learner. I taught myself Arabic in late kindergarten, Russian at 16, Korean at 22 and passed the majority of my school subjects with little to no effort. I've been cruising university since the beginning and passed exams with an A in college. I'm also musical, I own 3 guitars, a piano, a drumkit, DJ board and a tambourine. I don't think i'm any smarter than the average nerd, just fast at learning probably because I read a lot and read a lot as a child.
I didn't mention this in my post here before, but I'm a really big fan of vintage Volkswagens, specifically the Type 2 (what most others will call a "hippie van") but I also like other ones such as the Beetle, the Karmann Ghia, and the "Thing" among others. I'm actually wearing a VW shirt right now lol.
When buying clothing or footwear I usually end up falling in love with a design within a brand that's not always overly common or popular especially when it comes to finding the best price online. There's something about a unique design or piece of clothing that tends to get overlooked by everyone else that I just end up loving more and then buying. The other weird thing about me is I always gravitate towards the more expensive items when it comes to shopping both on and offline. I think it goes hand in hand with loving something that's more unique as opposed to being a mass producing product.
I’m a maladaptive daydreamer! I’ve done it since I was extremely little. Thankfully, I have full control over them, though I’d like to kick the habit for good.
I've never studied for anything in my life except my mock GCSEs because my Chemistry teacher told me I couldn't continue doing triple sciences if I didn't get a B in my mocks (I did). I passed all my A-Levels by cramming a few hours before each exam. I've never gotten below a C grade in any serious exam.
I'm also an embarrassingly materialistic person despite dressing like a slob most of the time (mostly bc I threw out all my clothes so I could have a wardrobe revamp once my room is redecorated).
I don't really like rollercoasters. I'm too nervous to go on big ones, and all they do is make me feel sick. I don't mind mild rollercoasters or spinning ones, though. (not upside down spinning, spinning in a circle)
When someone tells me a hurtful thing. I feel pressured to do stuff to make them feel happy but then my mental well being suffers because I am not feeling happy about it. I feel like If I do what they tell me to do they will be happy but then I suffer on the inside.
☀i have a happy playlist on youtube that i save videos to. it's videos that make me laugh, happy, and/or are stim for me
☀ i have a love for older video game consoles, games, and the like. so far i've obtained a NES, nintendo 64, and a PS1 recently, that all work! i just need to get me some games, which are harder to come by and a tv to play them on...
☀i collect foreign coins and tokens! i keep them in a little ice cream piggy bank i have. my favorite one i own is a billy bob's pizza circus token my grandpa found in an old house he was working on
Linkin Park is one of my favorite bands (RIP), despite all the pink and cutesy business on my island rep and profile. Ready to make the next anime music video, lol.