Little known fact about you

I love to sing! I was in chorus in elementary and high school. I sing in the car, I sing in my dorm, I sing at my house, and I sing in the shower. I am a bit shy about who I sing in front of if there isn't at least one other person doing it as well, but I enjoy it all the same.
I bite my thumb nails 🙈 nerves but can keep rest longer so no one knows I’m a nervous wreck 🥺😊
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I drool in my sleep, sometimes before I'm fully asleep I become aware that it's about to happen and it will wake me up lmao.
I wish I didn't but there ain't much I can do about it. And sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles in this crazy biscuit barrel we call life.
Ah another one similar for me, I grind my teeth when sleeping 🙈
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I don't know why, but whenever I drink root beer (specifically from a glass bottle) it calms me down. It doesn't work with any other soda, just Root beer.
yes mostly! i can touch snow and tolerate cold air an cold things such for like 10ish minutes, before it reacts and i breakout in hives and rashes lol

i have had it since 5th grade, so its been affecting me for a while, but i'm all good!
that's not good. Do you live in more of a hot area? I know Texas is good because it's mostly warm and when its winter it wouldn't snow like crazy l believe.
that's not good. Do you live in more of a hot area? I know Texas is good because it's mostly warm and when its winter it wouldn't snow like crazy l believe.
unfortunately not lol i live in new england (maine to be specific) so it’s really not helpful 😭
My favorite cartoon isn't Spongebob, it's Phineas and Ferb. This is little-known because between friends and family i'm known for knowing everything about Spongebob and having a Spongebob collection. I was pretty much the Patchy the Pirate in my family.
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Alright. I’m going to keep this here this time. My mood has been wonky, so sorry ><.

I may have mentioned a few times that I love history. I haven’t been reading for years and I apparently had some facts wrong for something I thought I was fairly knowledgable on 😅. But, even so, I still highly value history. In high school, I always felt frustrated that I was the only one in my classes that was interested in the lessons and everyone else wanted to socialize and goof off. I was what you could say a goody two shoes 😅. I loved most of my teachers and if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have made it through high school.

I used to want to become an American Civil War Historian that worked on the battlefields— but I didn’t want to teach until for a short time in college (but was dissuaded by a college professor and myself). I found out at a museum when I asked them about working at battlefields that apparently you have to have a pretty good resume and be pretty famous to work on the battlefields. I wanted to avoid teaching and working anywhere that involved a lot of socializing so these all went out the window; also, i haven’t been able to concentrate or pass my last two classes including capstone.

I also used to want to reenact. I have some of the clothing already (not full set) but I gave up since there was a lot of things I would need to do that is outside my comfort zone not to mention it is an expensive hobby. I went to some reenactments with my dad — it was mindblowing. we started with small local ones and then went to Gettysburg. Visiting the battlefields also were an amazing experience - gave me eerie but incredible vibes.

Other topics I am interested in but that I cannot bring myself to read about (along with other political stuff because it makes me stressed out and mad that I can’t do anything) is the Arab-Israeli war (specifically things about Palestine) and Iran. I love learning about the Middle East. I still want to try learning the language one day as well as other languages (didn’t retain anything due to concentration issues, being too shy to participate in class, and students wanted to good off).
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goof off*
I used to be really into martial arts. I’m probably a bit rusty now, but I’ve earned my black belt in 2015. It was one of my biggest accomplishments and it helped my self-confidence more than anything. I started taking martial arts because I was being bullied in school, and I wanted to learn how to be more confident in myself. I felt that the vibes I was giving off made me an easy target for bullying. I would keep to myself and not talk to anybody. It’s not that I didn’t want to, but the people around me weren’t very nice. They were giving off bad vibes to me, and I stay away from that.
My autism was actually more intense when I was younger. As a child expressing myself verbally was painful. I could understand what others were saying, but I didn’t know how to turn my own thoughts into words. Instead of struggling to communicate I either kept my frustrations to myself or cried (usually the former). It was very isolating.
Despite how long i'd been around TBT betcha nobody could have guessed I have quiet borderline from childhood situations and i'm also a fraternal twin. Sadly my beloved sister passed in 2019 :' ) on another note I have also had a HUGE morbid fascination since I was young lol o/ maybe something positive? hmm as a 12-13 year old my aspiration was to become a web designer. I was always so envious when on Neopets I saw all these amazing graphics everywhere haha and to this day it's still my fave hobby when i've the energy <3 I do also like singing apparently I used to be good now not so sure hahaha, but I do it in secret anyways lol.
I'm sort of a horticulture enthusiast. I love taking care of plants, its almost like therapy for me. Another tidbit related to that is that I still don't have a garden of my own since I'm always travelling. Its a future goal of mine to get one.
I actually took karate lessons for 3+ years when I was younger. I got to my first degree black belt and then it sort of dropped off once school was getting more intense. It really helped with my confidence/attitude at the time. I had my own set of Kamas and everything. I kind of miss it; I need to get into another physical activity that's not the gym.
I like some Punk music. (people IRL at least associate me solely with classical music and are shocked by that fact lol)