Little known fact about you

I have 6 siblings and I am the middle child
I have never dated anyone
I love the color red
My real name is Christopher (Most people just call me Chris)
I listen to music often to clear my mind
I live in PA
That's all I can think of
^ I live in PA too!!!

I'm the least pickiest eater ever, seriously. I think everything is delicious. I tried durian for the first time a year ago and thought it even smelled delicious.

Before veganism I loved pickled herring, tripe, sardines, and all those yummy stinky salty fermented foods. Its deliciousssssssssh
@Nox prepare for me to call you Chris from now on :)

Some little known facts about me:
- I have perfect pitch
- Been playing piano for 14 years
- I a huuuge fan of kayaking and lakes in general!
- I'm extremely picky when it comes to food
- My favorite class that I'm taking besides piano lessons is my German language class
- The only animal I've consistently cared for myself is a cat. I'm getting a dog soon and I'm honestly terrified cause I've never had my own dog lol
i'm scared extremely easy. i'm afraid of everything and even a quick movement without any harm can make my scream out loud like what the heck :)
I'm too good at spotting spelling errors or, just errors in general. Like we have this letter cataloging/category/shelving system and I see at once if like a "Vla" book is in "Vp" or stuff no matter how similar letters lol.
I'm a professionally trained & certified florist. I worked as a florist for a time but needed health insurance so switched careers. I did a lot of work with both real and faux flowers. This was back before I became disabled.
I was recently diagnosed with anxiety. :/

But, a good little known fact is that I'm highly educated in music and I play 5 instruments! I plan on doing something in my future with it.
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I have a deviated septum and it makes breathing properly really difficult for me. It causes a lot of nasal congestion for me. When I blow my nose nothing will come out, but it still feels like I'm perpetually stuffed up. Apparently there is surgery to fix it but I'm not sure how accessible it is.
For example, I talk in my sleep. Like, really talk and almost hold conversation with people.

I do the same if Im lying on my back. I rarely do though because I often get sleep paralysis and it scares me
I have "classical" autism with which I've apparently been diagnosed at age three, but nobody somehow bothered to tell me until I got an "autism pass" at age 8. Since, I have the feeling that it's becoming worse every day or something.

Some advantages, however, are the facts that I'm quite creative with any kind of both traditional and digital art, words (I occasionally write a fanfic or two when my whacky imagination lets me :p), crafts (I can sew plushies with my bare hands bc idk how 2 use a sewing machine properly lol), and, of course, music, as every now and then, I make a piece of royalty-free music that ends up online here every other week, and I'm currently remixing some of my favourite VGM into genres like EDM and techno, and if you're interested, you could check out the ones that I already uploaded here. (Private videos in thay playlist mean that they're scheduled uploads btw.) :D