I have "classical" autism with which I've apparently been diagnosed at age three, but nobody somehow bothered to tell me until I got an "autism pass" at age 8. Since, I have the feeling that it's becoming worse every day or something.
Some advantages, however, are the facts that I'm quite creative with any kind of both traditional and digital art, words (I occasionally write a fanfic or two when my whacky imagination lets me
), crafts (I can sew plushies with my bare hands bc idk how 2 use a sewing machine properly lol), and, of course, music, as every now and then, I make a piece of royalty-free music that ends up online
here every other week, and I'm currently remixing some of my favourite VGM into genres like EDM and techno, and if you're interested, you could check out the ones that I already uploaded
here. (Private videos in thay playlist mean that they're scheduled uploads btw.)