Looking for some (non-spoilery) numbers (Cooking, Stamps)


Oct 21, 2013
I have some questions for people who have found out everything about the new content already. How many cooking recipes are there altogether? And how many of each thing do you need for the new stamps? For the sake of others avoiding spoilers who may not have found all of the new stamp slots, I'll put the ones I'd like to know the numbers for in a spoiler, numbered for you to answer without spoilers in your own post. (I enjoyed stumbling upon the stamps on my own, which is why I'm taking the precaution of the spoiler tag.)

1. Collecting cooking recipes
2. Cooking things
3. stretching
4. café visits
5. collecting gyroids
6. Kapp'n tours

Just looking for plain numbers, no other details, since I want to avoid spoilers, but I'm curious about these numbers. Thanks! :)
The board is very fast now, which isn't surprising. I'm still hoping someone who has this information will see this and post. :)
I know the final number for #2 is
which I love because I know it will take me forever but I’m a completionist so that alone is gonna keep the game alive for a while
collecting recipe achievements are: 10, 30, 50
cooking recipes are: 5, 30, ?, ?, ?
collecting gyroids are: 5, 15, ?
planting crops are: 5, 20, 50, 100, ?
harvesting crops are: 10, 50, 150, ?, ?
not sure at all for stretching or cafe visits BUT...

i believe the 4th achievement listed caps out at 50 consecutive days, and on the 51st day you get something special:
a brewstoid! source + image
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@nageki I was trying to keep the details in spoilers, I just wanted numbers. I specifically didn't want information like that last bit you put in the spoiler. I mean, yeah, my fault for clicking it, but I didn't expect it to be something I said I didn't want in this thread.
Here's the full numbers for these achievements:
Collecting Cooking DIY: 10, 30, 50
Cooking Dishes: 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000
Stretching: 3, 10, 20, 30, 50
Café Orders: 5, 10, 20, 30, 50
Collecting Gyroids: 5, 15, 20
Kapp'n Tours: 3, 10, 20, 30, 50
I got all of this info from AC World which funnily enough is the AC news website adjacent to this forum and can be directly visited from here via the sidebar/header lmao. But the link also contains other spoilers like the titles you unlock with each achievement jsyk. Hope this helps
1. Collecting cooking recipes
2. Cooking things
3. stretching
4. café visits
5. collecting gyroids
6. Kapp'n tours
Here's the numbers for each one:
  1. Unlocks at 10/30/50
  2. Unlocks at 5/30/100/300/500
  3. Unlocks at 3/10/20/30/50
  4. Unlocks at 3/10/20/30/50
  5. Unlocks at 5/15/20
  6. Unlocks at 5/10/20/30/50
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@~Kilza~ Thank you very much! That's exactly what I wanted to know!
Although regarding number 2, I got the first two stamps for 5 and 30, and the next one is 100. So I'm not sure if the final two numbers are accurate.

@Khaelis Great, thank you, too!
@~Kilza~ Thank you very much! That's exactly what I wanted to know!
Although regarding number 2, I got the first two stamps for 5 and 30, and the next one is 100. So I'm not sure if the final two numbers are accurate.
You're correct, it looks like where I got these numbers from shared the Miles you get instead of the # it takes for that one. Looking at the datamine sheet, it's 5/30/100/300/500, so I updated my post.
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I think so, but this includes the two wheat and two sugar type recipes as well.
Even so, I was expecting something in the low-mid double digits, so I'm super pleasantly surprised if that's true!

I know I'm loving finding the new DIYs and food recipes, it feels like how exciting it was when I first played the game, so I love the idea of having a bunch to find ☺