Lost It's Charm

@CuriousCharli You just responded to someone who posted that a year ago, just a fyi. Also people are allowed to want things in that were previously in other games. Doesn't mean they have to show up again or will, but they have every right to want them and be disappointed if they don't show up. Just the same way you have every right to enjoy everything the game has to offer.

In the same notion, if you can't respect that, then they (or anyone else who has a similar although maybe not as strongly felt sentiment) doesn't have to respect your opinion (or anyone else who may come on just as hot as you did)
@CuriousCharli You just responded to someone who posted that a year ago, just a fyi. Also people are allowed to want things in that were previously in other games. Doesn't mean they have to show up again or will, but they have every right to want them and be disappointed if they don't show up. Just the same way you have every right to enjoy everything the game has to offer.

In the same notion, if you can't respect that, then they (or anyone else who has a similar although maybe not as strongly felt sentiment) doesn't have to respect your opinion (or anyone else who may come on just as hot as you did)
I respect your view but I think you misread my comment and my intentions. Still in that respect, you're no wrong than me or the person I replied to (which I do know that). Sometimes you need a little bitter to notice the sweet however I think you saw all the bitter in my comment and not the fact that I did take their side and agree at times.

Nether the less I hope you have a beautiful day.
I'm not that familiar on previous entry's. But i read lots of posts they miss the old Animal Crossing core game mechanics. But i think what they did with New Horizons is pretty revolutionary. Maybe it was too soon too combine those 2 features of the game. Maybe, with future updates, it will be more like the AC game like it's predecessors. Maybe with a new AC game. But i hardly think they won't recover from it
The reason I say this is because new horizons added so many new creative options. Some of them are good. The paths and fences/walls I think were good additions. But everything else added is a little too much. The kind of features that you wanted when you were really really young. Since all these things are in the game, completely scrapping them would now just make a lot of New Horizons new comers mad and pretty much are a necessity now.
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Flattening your island is an option that the game gives you. If like you said, you value memorizing the routes of your town or keeping the appearance the way it is, then don’t flatten your town. You could even leave the island the way you arrived if you value the original game’s aesthetic. That’s the great thing about being given options. Still, I don’t see how being able to rebuild your town stops it from being a life sim. I look at it more as starting your life over. In real life, you get tired of living in your current town or your job, you start over someplace else. But, since this is a video game, I guess you can just flatten it.

Other than the original game, you have always been given the option to make your island look different from how it originally was. You decide where to plant trees, flowers, change the town flag and tune, place custom paths, even influence whether a villager stays or goes. So you were never just an equal. New Horizons just expanded on those ideas, which a player can choose to use or not.
Rebuilding shops doesn't stop it from being a life sim, everything else does. Being able to completely change the landscape sounds like a good feature, but should only have been added in a HHH type game and not a main series one. Sure you have the option to, but it just makes it feel un fun, like I know I can always just fix the annoying part of the island if I want to. All the new creative features don't build off the old ones at all. The old ones were very base level and unique from the rest of the game. The new ones just feel like they added the dev tools as a feature.
Rebuilding shops doesn't stop it from being a life sim, everything else does. Being able to completely change the landscape sounds like a good feature, but should only have been added in a HHH type game and not a main series one. Sure you have the option to, but it just makes it feel un fun, like I know I can always just fix the annoying part of the island if I want to. All the new creative features don't build off the old ones at all. The old ones were very base level and unique from the rest of the game. The new ones just feel like they added the dev tools as a feature.
Even the quintessential life-sim game, The Sims, lets you terraform so I don’t see how it disqualifes Animal Crossing from being such. Each game has increasingly built on your ability to modify your town so clearly this is the type of game that the developers envisioned Animal Crossing to be. They were probably just limited by hardware in the earlier games.
Rebuilding shops doesn't stop it from being a life sim, everything else does. Being able to completely change the landscape sounds like a good feature, but should only have been added in a HHH type game and not a main series one. Sure you have the option to, but it just makes it feel un fun, like I know I can always just fix the annoying part of the island if I want to. All the new creative features don't build off the old ones at all. The old ones were very base level and unique from the rest of the game. The new ones just feel like they added the dev tools as a feature.
As someone who has flatten their island like 2 times I can't tell you how annoying it is to do it. Just destroying cliffs, getting rid of waterfalls, and rivers is a lot more time consuming than I thought. Then of course you have to use time travel just to move every single building to the beach. This would not be so bothersome if there was like a more fleshed out island creator, that allowed you to destroy things on the island so that way it doesn't become like a "one person job"

It also sucks that you cannot have your "best friends" terraform for you so it makes the experience a lot more harder. I can understand why people restart their islands because they don't want to go through all that trouble doing that and it really take so long to even tear down your island to the point where its bare bones and you can start where you want to even plan out.
lol I ended up flattening my entire top of the island in the very beginning and kind of just left it like that for months on ends. Then I just referenced old pictures to mold it back to the way it was previously. In the end, flattening it just wasn't worth it for me.
Even the quintessential life-sim game, The Sims, lets you terraform so I don’t see how it disqualifes Animal Crossing from being such. Each game has increasingly built on your ability to modify your town so clearly this is the type of game that the developers envisioned Animal Crossing to be. They were probably just limited by hardware in the earlier games.
You realize in the sims you play as a ****ing God overseer and not as a sim. The Sims is supposed to be a world building type game. however, animal crossing was not. Making buildings in New Leaf is actually realistic because you're literally the mayor, and creating buildings is a lot more realistic than terraforming.
You realize in the sims you play as a ****ing God overseer and not as a sim. The Sims is supposed to be a world building type game. however, animal crossing was not. Making buildings in New Leaf is actually realistic because you're literally the mayor, and creating buildings is a lot more realistic than terraforming.
EA categorizes it as a life-sim on their website. You ask people to name you a life-simulation game, more often than not they’ll mention The Sims. So whether it has world-building elements or not shouldn’t be an issue as long as the life-sim aspects are there. The thing is you’re trying to pin games into very narrow categories when in reality video games can fall into many different categories.

Well, you may not have been given the title of mayor in this game but your character was still tasked with building up the town by “President Nook” as the island rep so it still makes sense in the context of the game.
Like others have probably said here, I don’t necessarily think New Horizons has lost its “charm”; it’s still a very charming and aesthetically pleasing game, and it has a lot of good things already going for it. However, the hype/popularity around it has definitely deteriorated since it’s first release. I think this is partly due to a bunch of the mainstream population hopping on the ACNH train during covid, then losing interest after six months to a year. I have many friends who did this exact thing, while I’m still playing regularly.

I completely agree about the lack of significant updates that ACNH could have had by now. I’ve been one of the more critical players even though I love the Animal Crossing franchise and still play NH specifically—it’s really the reason I finally bought a Switch after knowing another game was due at some point. The game itself is still great, and I find myself able to work on little parts of my island or collect furniture I still don’t have catalogued. But, let’s not lie to ourselves and say that improvements aren’t needed and what those improvements should look like, haha (not pointing at anyone specifically here—just stating it as there are so many fandoms that have these sided debates and discussions).

I’m honestly hoping for more important features (at least what I think are important) to be included sometime this year, like more furniture from ACNL, Amiibo RV cards that can scan in their respective item sets, and major buildings (Brewster’s, Police Station, Post Office, etc). All we can do is make our voices heard respectfully to official AC pages, because who knows when or if the team will incorporate all these specific things on their own. After all, they do work hard and I’ll give them that. My more optimistic side is already seeing so many possibilities that, if the AC team could do it before, then they can certainly push through and blow us away with amazing features in the coming months and years.

Much love. 💛🍁🍄
Wow, this thread is from one year ago and, if I'm not mistaken, only 4 things (5 if you count Leif's stand as a "shop") out of OP's message have been added: paintings, diving, museum upgrade(s), bushes and Leif's "shop". Just goes to show how little progression has been made. And no, I don't count adding existing holidays that were in the base game in the past as progression, nor do I think pumpkins constitute progression either. In fact, not a single thing out of those 5 is new.

This game has become a weekend filler game for me and even then it feels like a chore. At this point I'm afraid it'll get the Sims 4 treatment, where it doesn't matter how many things get added, it won't improve because the problem is at the core. Such a waste for a game that had the potential to be the "ultimate" Animal Crossing game, in my opinion.
Haven't been on this forum in a while but when I take a month or two off from the game and come back to it I feel very refreshed. My island is finally taking shape. Feel as if I'm making it as homely as possible which is nice. Inspired purely by ideas in my head. Just taking my time with things really. Still on the hunt for Lucky and two other villagers I decide on to replace Tipper and Piper.