Lost It's Charm

I can still be baffled by how people make claims that will add no more than 10 seconds of content per day will save the game for them.

Like I said, everyone plays for different reasons. My favorite thing was collecting furniture sets. It may baffle you, but we are indeed allowed to have different preferences than you. I'm sorry that you don't see things the same way.
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Like I said, everyone plays for different reasons. My favorite thing was collecting furniture sets. It may baffle you, but we are allowed to have different preferences. I'm sorry you don't see things the same way.
I'm not sorry i don't!
I have 1000 hours in the game and am very happy with it.
Best animal crossing by far and worth every penny.
I have to admit the game has a lot of shortcomings. However, it still didn't lose its charm for me. Otherwise, I can't justify the hours of my playing time. :ROFLMAO:
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Dang, I really feel like this issue should be a lot more nuanced than it's become around here of late. There are some really nasty stand-offs festering over whether the game is GOOD or BAD, like you have to fall squarely on one side or the other, and attack anybody on the opposing side. It's not helpful to be so overbearing with negativity that it spoils the experience for those that genuinely enjoy the game, and at the same time, it's not helpful to mindlessly defend the game and ignore all of its shortcomings. Surely this is something of a grey area for almost all of us? We all have things we like and dislike about the game, surely? It's nuts the way this community seems determined to split itself down the middle lately.
Dang, I really feel like this issue should be a lot more nuanced than it's become around here of late. There are some really nasty stand-offs festering over whether the game is GOOD or BAD, like you have to fall squarely on one side or the other, and attack anybody on the opposing side. It's not helpful to be so overbearing with negativity that it spoils the experience for those that genuinely enjoy the game, and at the same time, it's not helpful to mindlessly defend the game and ignore all of its shortcomings. Surely this is something of a grey area for almost all of us? We all have things we like and dislike about the game, surely? It's nuts the way this community seems determined to split itself down the middle lately.
We really need to slow down on the speculations, because a lot of times when Nintendo mentions something that is coming or if its a rumor started by someone, people tend to speculate "Oh what if this is there or what if this NPC makes a return this time"? Most times when that happens people get their hopes up too high and they got disappointed.

Sometimes people will speculate that whatever is in the datamine will come to game. However, that could me just be unused coding or features meaning to say that it was supposed to be added in the game but it was left out. Its this thing with most other games when it comes out complete there are people out there who look through the games files just to see what was left out and what it could've been if it was added in. That doesn't mean to say that it will be back though so I can see why some people thinking it would come back would be wrong.

Its impossible to predict whats going to happen in the future and I think by the end of the day we will get more updates with the game, since Nintendo made it clear that they were planning on supporting this game for 3 to 4 years so its not like they are going to abandon the game and move on to something else. All we can do is wait and see what happens. For now I think we just need to really slow down on the speculations, because I can see it being pretty tiring and it can pretty repetitive. We can only hope for so much and when it doesn't happened we just have to keep on waiting until it eventually happens. Its frustrating I know, but it is what it is.
Dang, I really feel like this issue should be a lot more nuanced than it's become around here of late. There are some really nasty stand-offs festering over whether the game is GOOD or BAD, like you have to fall squarely on one side or the other, and attack anybody on the opposing side. It's not helpful to be so overbearing with negativity that it spoils the experience for those that genuinely enjoy the game, and at the same time, it's not helpful to mindlessly defend the game and ignore all of its shortcomings. Surely this is something of a grey area for almost all of us? We all have things we like and dislike about the game, surely? It's nuts the way this community seems determined to split itself down the middle lately.
I admit I can get too heated at times.
But im tired off all the crying people do about the game. I ignore most of it.
If someone who does not have a history of moaning says something they dislike then cool.
But when it's the same people over and over again, it's like why are you even here if you seem to only want to be unhappy. Find another game to obsess over.

I have my own complaints about the game. Like why can't I curve 2 cliff tiles? It has to be 3. I think 2 would look nice. It's annoying and can ruin plans.

But at the same time you have people saying stuff like the game is awful because you can't get a coffee and that just sounds ridiculous.
But at the same time you have people saying stuff like the game is awful because you can't get a coffee and that just sounds ridiculous.

For the third time, people are allowed to have different preferences than you. :) This is just a quick reminder to please stop belittling people and invalidating their feelings because you have different preferences. Maybe getting coffee was their favorite thing to do in the game—just because it wasn’t your favorite thing does NOT give you the right to dictate how others should feel about it.

By your same “if you don’t like the game, don’t play it” logic, if you don’t like people complaining, then stop clicking on and lurking the complaint threads. Anytime someone posts a valid criticism on any of those threads, I always see you jumping to invalidate their opinion.
yup I agree, and I think its a result of Nintendo being so out of touch with its fan base. I just posted in another thread explaining that this game has so much potential yet the developers seem to be doing the bare minimum for each update. the game needs a serious make over with QOL changes and new game mechanics to compare to other farming/life sims and appease players; animal crossing is not the only farming/life sim anymore and needs to step up its game to keep fans interested.
For the third time, people are allowed to have different preferences than you. :) This is just a quick reminder to please stop belittling people and invalidating their feelings because you have different preferences. Maybe getting coffee was their favorite thing to do in the game—just because it wasn’t your favorite thing does NOT give you the right to dictate how others should feel about it.

By your same “if you don’t like the game, don’t play it” logic, if you don’t like people complaining, then stop clicking on the complaint threads.
I'm not dictating anything.
People can feel how they want.
If people want to feel these things are important then fine.

Just a quick reminder that I also get to feel how I want about those people. You don't have the right to dictate how others should feel about it.

I see you edited your post so I'll edit in this.

I tend to only reply to the people who are angry about the game and saying matter of factly that its bad.

If someone is calm and says it's their opinion, then generally I won't question them on it.

But if people are going to be ungrateful and yell about how their little thing isn't in the game, say the game lacks the bare minimum etc, then I'm going to question them on it because I strongly believe they are wrong and ruining a great community
I'm not dictating anything.
People can feel how they want.
If people want to feel these things are important then fine.

Just a quick reminder that I also get to feel how I want about those people. You don't have the right to dictate how others should feel about it.

Yes, you are entitled to feel however you want about those people. I never once said you couldn’t. What I DID ask is for you to stop invalidating and trying to silence those people with different opinions. Like I said, nobody forced you to click on the complaint threads. :)
Yes, you are entitled to feel however you want about those people. I never once said you couldn’t. What I DID ask is for you to stop invalidating and trying to silence those people with different opinions. Like I said, nobody forced you to click on the complaint threads. :)
Wanting stuff is valid.
Expecting and demanding is not valid.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one. If people want to say why they think the game is bad, I have the right to tell them why I think theyre wrong.
Wanting stuff is valid.
Expecting and demanding is not valid.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one. If people want to say why they think the game is bad, I have the right to tell them why I think theyre wrong.

I was going to leave it, but that last sentence didn’t sit right with me. “Bad” and “Good” are subjective—it’s a matter of opinion. What may be good game to you may be a bad game to another person. There’s no such thing as a wrong opinion, nor is it your job to tell them that their opinion can somehow be wrong and invalid.

That is all. I’m not going to engage with you any further.
OK, well I still enjoy doing it weather it's something you're 'supposed' to be able to in Animal Crossing or not.

Problem with most of this community is they nobody is ever happy with anything. Nintendo gave us all these awesome new features, and people are still turning their noses up at everything and being so nitpicky. New Horizons wasn't supposed to be like all the other games was it? Why would you make a new game if it was going to be exactly the same as the previous ones.

If there are things people aren't liking about the game or you're getting burnt out, don't play it.

I don't think any of the points I brought up were nitpicky. The fact that you can entirely change your island is a HUGE change parallel to games. And basically sets the animal crossing series on a path, that I guarantee, it will never recover from. New Horizons tried to be something different, but in the process removed almost everything animal crossing was built from.
The fact that you can entirely change your island is a HUGE change parallel to games. And basically sets the animal crossing series on a path, that I guarantee, it will never recover from. New Horizons tried to be something different, but in the process removed almost everything animal crossing was built from.

I'm not that familiar on previous entry's. But i read lots of posts they miss the old Animal Crossing core game mechanics. But i think what they did with New Horizons is pretty revolutionary. Maybe it was too soon too combine those 2 features of the game. Maybe, with future updates, it will be more like the AC game like it's predecessors. Maybe with a new AC game. But i hardly think they won't recover from it
You're older that's why. I personally think new horizons game is amazing apart from harvs island.

Animal Crossing is quite a nostalgic game for most people so they might be quite attached to older games, just a personal opinion
I'm probably older than most of you, and have been playing the series since the first game, and I can still enjoy something new.

I agree with @Vrisnem that this game captures a lot of the charm of earlier games, but it also updates it and gives it a unique twist.

I basically used amiibo to get my starter villagers into their default homes and I have done very little terraforming.

The game gives back what you put into it, and if you go in thinking, "It isn't NL/WW/CF!" then you're already setting yourself up to be disappointed.
I agree it's lost its charm. It's a good game but there's that itch that hasn't been scratched for me.
I also feel like the series lost its cosy feeling after City Folk. I'm not sure what it is...but even though NL is probably my favourite AC game, it just feels...different from there.

I think the series is evolving and the little features I've expected to be there being removed has made the game feel hollow to me, but I guess that's a me problem because I like the little details in things.
I do like the new details NH has introduced, but sacrificing so many others leaves me feeling unsatisfied.

Basically, I can enjoy NH a lot, but I will always feel that bit unsatisfied knowing that the charm and small details that always had care put into them throughout the series has been omitted.
I don't know if it is just me, but I feel like New Horizons doesn't have the same charm as other games. You can practically get any villager you want with amibo (i know you could in new leaf but not at the beginning of the game coming out.) and with crafting i get they wanted to try something new but golden tools should never break- i mean you work hard for them

@ForgottenT 's Words
Only 1 Nooks Cranny upgrade, no brewster cafe, no resetti "hideout", no police station, no kicks shop, no Leif shop, no museum upgrades, no Katrina shop, no Retail, no club lol, no diving, no paintings, no exotic fruits, no perfect fruit, no gyroids, no bushes, no club tortimer, no minigames, no Kapn shop, no Gracie shop, no town square, no room size upgrades
(Nintendo what am I gonna do with these overpriced closet size rooms)
No Katie, no post office, letters aren't physical anymore, more convinient but I dislike the change.
8 bridges, and incline limit wtf?!
Etc etc.

So what you're saying is the game has "Lost it's charm" because Nintendo hasn't released the updates people want? I'm sorry but that sounds entitled not only that but defies what Animal Crossing is supposed to be. It's supposed to be slow, relaxing and enjoyed like a nice hot cup of coffee and that isn't even me telling you how to play your game it was literally developed like that. Yeah, I'm not saying you don't have a point, I would personally like more activites with friends and everyone wants Brewster after finding out it could be an update yet everyone has already made a Cafe with their brains and made them all pretty and even useable but to go around and say "Ugh this game is boring because I wanted this, I wanted that and I think this should be in it by now" is pretty rude to the developers especially since they listened to our community about Bunny Day for a YEAR. YES It is still lacking but I like to think of it as slow. Nintendo have already said they will release things in the upcoming years and not everything will be brand new like everyone expects. It's all about patience and working with what you have. If you really can't respect any of that including the time and effort it goes into the game, this game isn't for you. Sorry not sorry.
I hear lots about New Horizons being the most incomplete game in the series. The fact that Nintendo decide to just update it regularly just to keep it alive is something i really don't like.

While still Animal Crossing (number 2 of my top 5 games) i gotta admit it feels... Different out of the past games.